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[Archived] Three Cheers For Andrew Cole

jim mk2

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That didn't stop Jim endlessly berating him during the thirty months he played for Rovers though.

My point exactly, and all the while calling for us to have signed Hartson.

Oooh wait a mo' Hartsons white and Cole is Bl.... Nah it couldn't be.

You're missing the point I'm trying (and obviously failing) to make.

Thanks to those two "fans" on Sunday, Rovers are now seen as a racist club with racist supporters and by supporting Andrew Cole the Fulham match gives us the chance to show the nation that we are not.

Or perhaps you think we should boo Cole because he is one of our former players ? In view of events at the Birmingham game, and with the press and TV cameras watching, I don't think that would be a good idea, do you ?

jim, we booed one of our greatest players ever, MERCILESSLY, it did not make even a small footnote. Thank god Alan Shearer was not Black. No I did not miss your point. Cole, although I think over the long term was disappointing there is no denying his goals in his first year kept us in the Premiership. Does he deserve a rousing reception, I don't think so. Are you saying we should give him one just because he's black. I don't even want to mention what overtones that carries

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Jim - does it really matter what the fans do against Fulham anyway?

Which is going to sell more papers?

"Blackburn is a dark hole on the edge of civilisation full of racist thugs?"


"Lovely Lancastrians show their civilised and benevolent nature cheering on old favourite Andy Cole?"

I would imagine that if we gave Andy Cole some stick, the journalists would have a field day and keep flogging the dead horse.

But if we all joined hands and sung songs of praise and racial harmony, you wouldn't read one sentence about it in the next day's paper.


I would rather nothing was said at all, than another story to further drag our beloved club through the mud.

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sorry Jim and others who agree with him.

Blackburn fans have not got to do anything to repair their reputation. We are renowned in the Premier League for having a marvellous set of away fans, we have the lowest number of arrests at all gounds over the past 14 seasons. We constantly receive commendations from various Police areas of how well behaved and good natured we are. Other clubs visiting Blackburn refer to it as a friendly place and that the organisation at Ewood is second to none.

I have nothing to prove to anyone as a Rovers fan.

If anyone thinks that the media watching scumbag reporters will just pile into Craven Cottage to watch Rovers fans at the game on saturday then they are mistaken. They will be at every football ground in the UK watching for similar incidents to sensationalise the current media interest in reporting such a trivial offence. Cuase after all is said and one it was 1 person who has openly admitted his criminal behaviour. The other lad as yet is NOT GUILTY until proven GUILTY in a court of law.

AndY Cole will be thanked whatever as during his time no matter what problems he had with Sounrness he always gave his lot.

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jim, we booed one of our greatest players ever, MERCILESSLY, it did not make even a small footnote. Thank god Alan Shearer was not Black. No I did not miss your point. Cole, although I think over the long term was disappointing there is no denying his goals in his first year kept us in the Premiership. Does he deserve a rousing reception, I don't think so. Are you saying we should give him one just because he's black. I don't even want to mention what overtones that carries

I do hope you're talking about Dunnie, and not Yorke?

IMO, Dunn was treated allright, he got a deserved standing ovation when he left the pitch..

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I do hope you're talking about Dunnie, and not Yorke?

Erm, I thnk you missed his second sentance - usa was talking about Shearer, not Dunn.

jim, we booed one of our greatest players ever, MERCILESSLY, it did not make even a small footnote.  Thank god Alan Shearer was not Black.

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Why thank god Alan Shearer wasn't black?

This is all getting a little out of hand now, who cares what reception Cole gets?

As has already been mentioned, if we hold a firework desplay and all hold banners saying how much we love him, were still all racist (or is that rapist) scum.

The longer we as fans actually dwell on it, the longer the story will linger.

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ive a saying.....IF THEY AINT IN BLUE AND WHITE...GIVE EM @#/?!!!

At the end of the day no matter what they have done in the past for us ,its the present that counts thats why i ended up in an argument after dunn had scored on sunday and when his name was announced as scorer people clapped .....what a load of boll...er i mean rubbish that was wakey wakey that goal COULD at the end the season send us down ,just like cole will be tryinglike f to score on saturday.

why people say be nice to andrew for the sake of dwight is beyond me.

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If anyone thinks that the media watching scumbag reporters will just pile into Craven Cottage to watch Rovers fans at the game on saturday then they are mistaken.

If you think that they won't be piling in I think you're being extremely naive.

After this weeks lunacy, with the parallels of the ex players (Yorke and Cole), with the match being in London, with the KO time allowing freelancers to get some zoomed in snaps and then bugger off somewhere else for a 3pm game ...

... I think there will be more lenses pointed at the Putney End on Saturday than have ever been pointed at a Rovers crowd before.

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I simply disagree totally Tris although I respect your view.

The reporters that deal in the sublime headlines of our national media, in other words TW£TS, will look at every fan in the English football arenas around the country, it will NOT be simply about the supporters of BLACKBURN ROVERS FC.

As for labelling me a little niaive, well again thats your opinion but I can tell you about a similar story involving the finest supporters of racist behaviour in the land, the mighty Milwall. One of a number of similar incidents resulted in a high profile media coverage, the following week reporters were at every match in England and Wales to see if there was an underlying element of racism in amongst football supporters, they did not just concentrate on BRFC.

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I bet snap shots of rovers fans angrily bollocking rovers useless defenders will be used with captions suggesting that disgraceful rovers fans were abusing more players.

Expect a photo of me on the back page on Sundays Mirror with my mouth wide open and looking evil during a moment of panic in the rovers defence

Edited by greggyk
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I simply disagree totally Tris although I respect your view.

The reporters that deal in the sublime headlines of our national media, in other words TW£TS, will look at every fan in the English football arenas around the country, it will NOT be simply about the supporters of BLACKBURN ROVERS FC.

As for labelling me a little niaive, well again thats your opinion but I can tell you about a similar story involving the finest supporters of racist behaviour in the land, the mighty Milwall. One of a number of similar incidents resulted in a high profile media coverage, the following week reporters were at every match in England and Wales to see if there was an underlying element of racism in amongst football supporters, they did not just concentrate on BRFC.

But no other club has just had a fan plead guilty to racial abuse of a recent former player.

Days after the whole racism in football thing hit the news in the biggest possible fashion.

And therefore no other club with a fan found guilty of racism, fined a grand, splashed all over the media, from an area of the country which is choosing BNP representatives in elections, and which is in general the nasty north ...

... is involved in a 1245 TV KO against a London team in two days time with another coloured ex-player who left our same club at almost the same time as the other black player who was involved 3 days ago!!

So yes, you're being incredibly naive if you think the away fans on Saturday will not be under the brightest spotlight in our history !

EDIT - PS I don't like it, I'm just telling you how it's going to be ! It's hardly bloody rocket science - this whole thing has been blown way out of proportion by the media, if you really think they won't come back in force to get episode 2 live from the Cottage you're beyond being naive, you're just being daft

Edited by Tris
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And one more thing.

Who would care to bet that last weeks culprit HASN'T been offered money by some tabloid trash to attend the game on Saturday ?

It would be so easy and so cheap - here, have 2 grand, pays your fine and some pocket money.

Go in with a decent disguise, get pictured as a face in the crowd with a long range lens, and bingo, some freelance tosser has a full page exclusive on how the legal ruling means nothing, the 5 year ban can't be enforced, and right in the heat of the debate the freelance tosser makes a mint.

Don't think they aren't trying.

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That scenario Scotty is quite terrifying and I wish it hadn't been brought to my attention.

I think we can safely say that any initiative to bring in more ethnic minorities to boost attendances has been dealt a hefty blow.

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But if you feel that the press are "rotten" Col , why go to any length at all to influence what they are going to write ?

The fans should be HONEST . If they reckon Cole desrves cheering then fair enough . But FFS don't grovel to this corrupt bunch of clowns . Rise above it .


I completely agree with you.

The rotten press and media has blown this out of all proportion because they are simple-minded pillocks.

So, just one 15 second round of applause for Cole will put it right. You don't have to do it because you mean it or because you think it's right. It'll just put the good name of our club back on board.

It'll help distance us from those couple of pillocks.

And the media will lap it up like the fools that they are. They will love it. We will suddenly become the most friendly club in the country.

I know. Big fib.

Sad isn't it?

I just hope everyone at CC does the big cheer for Cole.

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So, If I'm getting this right.......

Cole gets a big ovation from the whole crowd when he enters the pitch.........


the Blackburn supporters round on the press that are there.

I can hear it now "two fingered winkers clap clap clap, two fingered winkers........"

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