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[Archived] 2005/6 Season Ticket Sales

Season Ticket Sales - Renewing or Not ?  

192 members have voted

  1. 1. Season Ticket Sales - Renewing or Not ?

    • Renewing my season ticket.
    • Renewing season ticket but moving to cheaper seats.
    • Not renewing my season ticket.
    • Buying my first season ticket.
    • Exiled Rover - wish I could attend games.

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I used to look forward to the arrival of my ST pack. Not anymore, it's just another bill.


I hate to say it Paul but I feel exactly the same - in fact there is so much clawing going on at the moment with my head/heart I don't know what I am going to do - basically on the fact - will it cost me more to sit in 'my' seat or will I have to move to the 'cheap seats' and can I really afford considering I have my wedding to save for.

I am trying to cut costs at every point (insurance/tv/phone etc) which is why I wnat info sooner rather than later.

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One of the reasons attendences are falling are:

Dyer, Bowyer, Ferdinand, Ashley Cole, Diouf, Bellamy etc etc etc. AKA spoilt brats mad.gif

People are fed up with working all the hours they can to pay for these 'superstars' to have them throw it back in our faces. People go without during the week to watch these players prance around for 90 minutes then decalre they love the club are happy and want to stay but only if their wage is increased from £80,000 a week to £120,000 a week. What a load of ****ohmy.gif

When the players start to show respect to the fans then people may return to football.

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One of the reasons attendences are falling are:

Dyer, Bowyer, Ferdinand, Ashley Cole, Diouf, Bellamy etc etc etc. AKA spoilt brats mad.gif

People are fed up with working all the hours they can to pay for these 'superstars' to have them throw it back in our faces. People go without during the week to watch these players prance around for 90 minutes then decalre they love the club are happy and want to stay but only if their wage is increased from £80,000 a week to £120,000 a week. What a load of  ****ohmy.gif

When the players start to show respect to the fans then people may return to football.


I'm sorry but all these posts about players wages being the reason are a nonsense. If they were true there would be a drop in attendance at Chelsea and Man Utd - clubs who pay the highest wages. And, I seem to remember, our attendances were much better when we paid some of the highest wages in the league. I think the point you are looking for when referring to Rovers is that you do not think the players we have are worth the money. In my heart, I probably agree with you. However, in my head I think you'd find that most, if not all, of our first team would get contracts at other premier league clubs. I agree though - I can't abide this brattish behaviour - and people wonder why there are young yobs in the news all the time.

I think the lower attendances are down to form and entertainment. I don't think you can fault the teams attitude under Hughesy.

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Can't agree about Chelsea and Man U. If a Man U or Chelsea fan took a stand and didn't renew their season ticket someone else would buy it just so they could say they have a ST for Old Trafford or Stamford Bridge. It's an image thing, unfortunatly Rovers and many other clubs are not fashionable and when people do not renew there is not a big queue of people wanting to take the place.

I guess my point was about football attendences in general rather than Rovers.

I'm not complaining about the wages players get, Duff, Shearer and Hendry were worth every penny they got, but when players spit it back in supporters faces (litteraly in Diouf's case) fans decide enough is enough.

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paul ...I know what you mean at the moment im forking out every day.....how much did this years direct d work a month and how much extar?


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When the players start to show respect to the fans then people may return to football.


Very important.

This is a bit off topic but it will help my decision. Seriously thinking about moving out of the Family stand into the JW or BBE. I fancy the JW for the better view, the lads want the BBE for the better atmosphere. Now I was going for the BBE until the Tony Parkes game, when an incident occured which put me off.

We had the pleasure of sitting in row 2 behind a young man called SHOTTI (that was on his shirt) and half a dozen of his mates. When Shearer scored Shotti rushed to the barrier, swung himself over the top and held on to barrier, so he was literally, hanging upside down on the pitch side. A young steward tried to help him up and ensure he got back on the seating side. Shotti then grabbed the steward by the throat and made three attempts to punch him. An older steward seperated the pair. We then had to listen to Shotti and his mates abuse the stewards for the rest of the match, which they didn't watch at all. Spoilt my evening to be honest, and I don't understand why Shotti wasn't ejected at the least.

I get very wound up at Rovers, especially if things go badly, and had this been a PL game and I was in a bad mood, I might well have pointed out to Shotti what a complete pillock he is. No doubt this would have caused a problem.

I haven't watched regularly from the BBE for more than 20 years. I'm not prepared to put up with this behaviour - am I going to find similar things are a frequent event? I know it's a minority and 99% of the fans are superb but if I happen to buy the seats behind a "Shotti" I'd probably end up in trouble.

I've purposefully delayed posting this to avoid it being a reaction to my feelings at the time.....and hopefully Shotti will learn how unacceptable his behaviour is to other Rovers fans.

We wonder why attendances are dropping?

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I've sat in the same place on the BBE since it went all seater Paul - in that time there's probably only been around three "bad" incidents. Generally they're a good bunch where I sit - and Capt Kayos sit's behind me as well.

Having said that there seems to be a much higher percentage of "dickheads" in the BBE and if you're stuck next to a SHITTO for an entire season - well you wouldn't be would you? You'd have to take "action" and that probably isn't the best thing to do. Whereas on the old terracing (here we go) if someone was acting out of order they'd probably get a smack - it policed itself to a certain extent. These days some people will no doubt get you into trouble.

Perhaps you could ask the ticket office to let you know where abouts you'd be sitting on the BBE? This may help. I'm sure if you asked "These people sat around us, are they dickheads?" that they'd have the information stored on their database. "Nah, it looks OK where your sat, You'll have SHITTO and his mates in front of you, Lofty and his mates behind you and a bloke called Vinjay sat next to you who last season spent a lot of the time crying - it's a much sought after location with fantastic views and lovely neighbours."

IMO it's a big risk. I wonder if the club could do something whereby you could purchase tickets for the first match of the season to see what the people were like sat around you? - and if you're happy you could then buy season tickets there. I supose a lot of it would depend on demand (in which case you shouldn't have a problem I suspect).

You could always try calling John Williams - although he probably has an extremely important meeting to attend this morning....

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I know how you feel Paul. I didnt get my usual seat for the TP Testimonial and had the missfortune to be sat next to a father and son from hell.

In years past, when I was more able bodied, I suspect I would have lost my self control and smacked both of them. The father started the evening by abusing a couple sat in front of him who had stated that they hadnt been to Ewood since the championship years, this continued to a point that the couple never returned to their seats at half time. Its no wonder that fans dont turn up when they get that treatment.

The son in his late teens was the most load foul mouth idiot you wouldnt wish to meet, who attempted to start chants throughout the game, although didnt know the correct words, then spent the last 10 or so minutes of the game abusing a bloke who'd asked him to shut up whilst TP was speaking to the fans over the tannoy.

As I said, years ago I suspect I would have confronted at least one of them, however now I have more restraint and its a case of the pen being mightier than the sword, hopefully. eg Seat numbers have been reported to the club.

To come back to the topic, this incident did have one conclusion that I shall be renewing my season ticket, for the simple reason of knowing who Im sitting next to. Although I do have to cope with bob fleming's flatulence.

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The son in his late teens was the most load foul mouth idiot you wouldnt wish to meet, who attempted to start chants throughout the game, although didnt know the correct words,


Sounds like "one simon gardener", who normally sites behind me (whom I noticed wasn't in his normal seat for the testamonial. Did they also have a small child with them who spent 90 mins kicking the back of the chair in front ?

I'm praying the club ends concessionsary child seats in the BBE lower, so the annoying rug rats that are slowly taking over the BBE move back upstairs (no disrespect to your own kids Paul, whom I'm sure have been brought up to show a little respect).

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I know what you mean paul, heres plenty of his type about. There was an incident at Norwich away last season which really wound me up, some absolute idiot rovers fan abusing proper rovers fans including one who was about 60 and had his young kid with him. Anyway, the next home game i saw the idiot on the next row to me in the BBE. The next day i was on the phone and i had my transfer completeed and my new Jack walker season ticket card 2 days later. Put me off the BBE for the near future anyway.

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Increase from £385 to £410 at 'Loyalty price' for my seat in the BBE lower....I will pay BUT I want to see an improvement on the pitch..... Shefki f'kin Kuqi????? unsure.gif

Matchday ticket prices.... A+ game £32 / A game £30 in BBE lower.....YOUR PUSHING IT TO THE LIMIT ROVERS!!!!

Edited by SIMON GARNERS 194
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An increase of £25, plus no mention of half price programmes which is another £28.50 to me, definitely pushing it, finding it hard to find this year, but no doubt will be spending the extra.

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£465 direct debit....well its looking like no season ticket for me for the 1st time in 35  years    sad.gif


Looks like I might eb in the same boat as you Unkle Abbey


But then again all is not lost ... looks like a move will be on the way back to where I first you to stand as a wee nipper

Riverside give us a song ... Riverside Riverside give us a song

Bye Bye BB End ... See ya BobF mi old mucka I will vouch for you in court

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But! But! But it's only gone up £2 a month more!! Don't do it Capt! Best thing to do is to wack it all on one of those credit card things, it's free then and you can forget all about it. We've loads of 'em at home.

It's steep and no mistake but was to be expected really I suppose after last years price freeze.

I'll be getting one again, saved most of it up over the last twelve months - I certainly couldn't bear the thought of shelling out £32 for a football match when it's on the flaming television. Best get it all out of the way in one fair kick to the testicles I suppose.

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Best get it all out of the way in one fair kick to the testicles I suppose.


Happened to me last night acuately at Football

mmm.. Credit cards - unfortunately these are catching up with me (ae mentioned before.. the wedding) other costs have to be looked priority wise - still cutting corners where I can - things may look different in about a month

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