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[Archived] Blackburn Rovers Independent Supporters Asscn


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So will there be people outside Ewood handing out leaflets of information before the b'ham game or will they be in stands concourse ie, bbe lower where i'll be located next sat, as id very much like to get involved.



Both are planned BRFC4EVA. Check out the ISA topic. thumbs-up.gif

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Point 2 is not the case at all Don. Being invited onto the forum is down to the Forum chairman not the club and really numbers are restricted only in as far as it is physically difficult to get more than about 20 people round a table.

I do agree that there is a certain conflict of interest in being an active member of both organisations but not for the reason you are hinting at. From time to time the fans forum is made privy to certain snippets of information the club don't wish to be made public and it would be difficult for a BRISA member not to take advantage of this knowledge in BRISA dealings with the club.


You're invited on its restricted to 20?

Who gets picked and what criteria have they got to meet?

Who elected the chairman?

Re the conflict of interest,how can you truly be representing fans when you are privvy to info the club doesn't want you to share?

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Will members/committee members resign their position on the Fans Forum thus avoiding a conflict of interest?

The Fans Forum seems to be an unelected body that the club controls.


I can't speak for the other two, but I have always maintained that if either group thinks my being involved with the other is detrimental to that group, I'd happily resign from one or the other.

Personally, I feel that as long as I honour my agreement to keep what is said and the FF priavate and what is said at BRISA public I don't see any problem.

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You're invited on its restricted to 20?

Who gets picked and what criteria have they got to meet?

Who elected the chairman?

Re the conflict of interest,how can you truly be representing fans when you are privvy to info the club doesn't want you to share?


1. I think it's common knowlegde he is

2. As far I am aware, the FF was originally made up mainly of people who headed existing supporters groups and people who had recently contacted the club with fan related issue (although this was before my time of the FF).

3. I believe a show of hands from the FF members elected the present chairman after the previous one stood down (again, before my time).

Re conflict. Fair enough, but as long as the FF members don't share that info with their fellow BRISA members I don't see much of a problem (however, if it does turn out to be a problem, then fine, I'll pick one or the other).

From memory SAR, weren't you a FF founder member ?

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One other point about the conflict of interests possible problem. BRISA will be democratic, so even if Glenn thought there was no conflict of interest, but other members did, he could be voted off the committee.

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One other point about the conflict of interests possible problem. BRISA will be democratic, so even if Glenn thought there was no conflict of interest, but other members did, he could be voted off the committee.


Now I'm not particularly bothered one way or the other about dual roles on brisa and the FF, and all are supposed to be pulling in the same direction for the greater good of the club. But even if membership decided for one reason or another that individuals were only allowed to be on one or the other the Fans Forum details, through a web of personal relationships could never be kept totally secret any more.....imo.

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Agree with Theno here,its clear where the conflict could arise.

At work any shop floor union meeting sees the exclusion of any supervisory staff who through their meetings with management could be seen as 'eavesdropping' by their very presence.

Sorry if the comparison appears harsh but there is a similar parallel with any member of the FF trying to attend a BRISA meeting imho.As Glenn has quite clearly stated FF members are instructed by the club to keep information they are privy to at their meetings private? from the rest of us!,this would merely cause suspicion within the ranks of BRISA members, are these people 'eavesdropping' on behalf of John Williams?who knows?.....duel membership would NOT be acceptable nor helpful in my personal view.

For BRISA to be totally INDEPENDENT of the club,FF members should be asked to make a straight choice between membership of only one of the organisations.I would personally ask the present committee to make quite clear their stance on this point.

Apologies if this post seems unhelpful to the cause but direct questions must be asked regarding an area that seems very clouded.

Edited by SIMON GARNERS 194
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As a member of the 'steering group' (and not on the Fans Forum) I personally don't see the conflict of interest. Both groups want the best for the club, I would rather have a FF with BRISA steering group members, as I know how dedicated they are and the hours they put in for the Rovers cause. Do we want a FF full of JW controlled stooges (though some say this is already the case!) or a forum with members we know we can trust?

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Firstly, the ff and BRISA will be pulling in the same direction, of that I'm in no doubt.

The potential problem of secrecy, is a problem for the ff. BRISA doesn't see a need for secrecy at any time. It has always been the intention that meetings will be minuted and open for anyone to read.

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What is going on here!! FFS, lets leave it a few months to see wheter there is a conflict of interest. I would rather that we focus on fans and making BRISA work rather than inward looking arguments.

Suck it and see how the relationship develops and put some trust in the likes of Glenn who I must thank for getting off his backside and being a doer rather than than moaning from the the sidelines.

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Personally I don't see a problem at all. I know at least four FF members and they never volunteer any information, all are very discreet. From the little I have heard the FF gets consulted on the new shirt and that's about it.

BRISA will be public from the outset, anyone who is an FF and BRISA member will not be privy to any private BRISA info as there simply won't be any. BRISA will be meeting senior club management so they will be aware of our thoughts and ideas through direct communication.

While I'd be deligted to see a good working relationship between BRISA and the FF I don't see any reason for BRISA to be concerned by the FF's secrecy. I haven't spent the 3-4 years I've know Glenn and others thinking "Now what's he/she holding back." If there comes a time when BRISA has information it didn't want to get back to the club it would never occur to me to ask Glenn and others to leave the room! These people are trustworthy and have the club's best interest at heart.

We are here to back BRISA, one very strong reason for this is the FF tells the fans nothing. So lets get on with BRISA and let others worry about secrecy.

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What is going on here!!  FFS, lets leave it a few months to see wheter there is a conflict of interest.  I would rather that we focus on fans and making BRISA work rather than inward looking arguments.

Suck it and see how the relationship develops and put some trust in the likes of Glenn who I must thank for getting off his backside and being a doer rather than than moaning from the the sidelines.


Less of the FFS.

Is that the approach you'll take if someone comes up to you and enquires about BRISA and the varying aspects of it.

Get used to questions coming your way because they sure will be coming thick and fast when you launch.Work on your answers in the meantime smile.gif

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Less of the FFS.


You back modding again SAR? biggrin.gif First Theno on the other board, now Preston Blue.

People will have suspicions about BRISA, it's human nature. But, the men and women involved up to now, are totally honest with themselves and each other. For this to work, BRISA must be open and honest in every respect. It must never have anything to hide - and I hope and believe it wont.

I'd like to press home the point, that it isn't about a few people who will be BRISA and others that will be members. No-one wants a divide between the committee and the members, we will all be one. If someone can do a better job for BRISA than I can, then I'd happily stand aside.

It's a way of bringing rovers fans together and giving them a voice. Nothing like that exists at present. It can have a role to play beyond Ewood Park. There are ISA organisations that join together to lobby the footballing authorities on a variety of topics that concern the fans of all clubs. That might be something that the members want to do.

There is no limit to what an ISA can do, given the support of the fans.

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Less of the FFS.

Is that the approach you'll take if someone comes up to you and enquires about BRISA and the varying aspects of it.

Get used to questions coming your way because they sure will be coming thick and fast  when you launch.Work on your answers in the meantime smile.gif


My apols SAR. We want this to be as big as possible, including the overseas fans, you have as big a say as anyone else. wink.gif

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You back modding again SAR? biggrin.gif  First Theno on the other board, now Preston Blue.

People will have suspicions about BRISA, it's human nature. But, the men and women involved up to now, are totally honest with themselves and each other. For this to work, BRISA must be open and honest in every respect. It must never have anything to hide - and I  hope and believe it wont.

I'd like to press home the point, that it isn't about a few people who will be BRISA and others that will be members. No-one wants a divide between the committee and the members, we will all be one. If someone can do a better job for BRISA than I can, then I'd happily stand aside.

It's a way of bringing rovers fans together and giving them a voice. Nothing like that exists at present. It can have a role to play beyond Ewood Park. There are ISA organisations that join together to lobby the footballing authorities on a variety of topics that concern the fans of all clubs.  That might be something that the members want to do.

There is no limit to what an ISA can do, given the support of the fans.


IMO The days of the FF are numbered for all the reasons on this MB. BTW FFS is not chairman speak on any open forum - apology noted. smile.gif

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I've never really understood the poin of the Fans Forum. They are unelected so do not represent other fans and don't pass on information told them in confidence. So...what is the point of them? All the Rovers board has to do is read a couple of messageboards or randomly ring up some fans if they actually wanted the views of the fans. I've spoke to some who have been on the FF and they have whispered some things they heard and told me not to pass them on but I wondered what on earth was the point in it?

BRISA is a good idea solely because it will be above board and hopefully not include having secretive to the club and keeping things hidden from fellow fans. I've still to be convinced of the need for the club to say things to a small body of fans yet then implore not to let it be known to other fans.

I'll be signing up for BRISA and hopefully this will make the club more open in its dealings with the fans. Clubs like Charlton are known for being transparent, Rovers can learn from them as their fans always seem to be happy with the job that is done. Often on here fans blame the club for matters which may or may not have been its fault. No need for so much misunderstanding and mistrust...honesty should be the best way forward.

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The Fans Forum is getting a very hard press on here, it's really not some secret clandestine organisation with dubious motives as some on here seem to think.

No group of 20 or so people can by definition be truly representative of the support as a whole, but every effort is made to make the group as diverse as possible in terms of sections of the support - age, sex, disabled supporters etc.

Possibly the Club appreciate having a sounding board in the light of certain bits of sensitive information given. Perhaps some people would like to see the fans forum replaced and this information not given out at all. I can't really see any advantage in that.

Finally just to clarify the contents of fans forum meetings aren't top secret at all just maybe a couple of things mentioned per meeting which might be commercially sensitive etc.

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The Fans Forum is getting a very hard press on here, it's really not some secret clandestine organisation with dubious motives as some on here seem to think.

No group of 20 or so people can by definition be truly representative of the support as a whole, but every effort is made to make the group as diverse as possible in terms of sections of the support - age, sex, disabled supporters etc.

Possibly the Club appreciate having a sounding board in the light of certain bits of sensitive information given. Perhaps some people would like to see the fans forum replaced and this information not given out at all. I can't really see any advantage in that. 

Finally just to clarify the contents of fans forum meetings aren't top secret at all just maybe a couple of things mentioned per meeting which might be commercially sensitive etc.


I've no problem with the Fans Forum as such, in fact it's a good idea but only really dislike this 'secretive' stuff. What things are brought up which can be described as "commercially senistive"? No need for specific examples but can you say what kind of things this could entail? Do all clubs keep these kind of details in the dark? Why can't the club be more open?

Correct me if I'm wrong Revidge but you are one of the most outspoken members on here about the club being more honest and open with the fans? So...surely there are ways that things can be improved as regards that.

Edited by FourLaneBlue
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Blackburn Rovers Independent Supporters Assocciation

All Rovers fans are invited to the public launch of The Blackburn Rovers Independent Supporters Association (BRISA)

Venue: Blues Bar

Date: 27th October 2005

Time: 7.30pm

BRISA is the idea of a group of people, who want to bring all Blackburn Rovers fans together, with the aim of giving supporters a voice on all Blackburn Rovers matters.

BRISA will be a democratic organisation and has been recognised by the club. There will be regular, minuted meetings with the club. We will maintain our independence from the club and while we aim to work for the benefit of the club, we will not be afraid to constructively criticise and challenge. BRISA will be totally open and frank with the club and with all Rovers fans.

The launch meeting will be the ideal opportunity to shape our campaigning agenda and to focus our efforts on 2 or 3 achievable goals......that is why we want YOU to be part of BRISA. We encourage anyone who has something to offer to become a member and stand for committee.

Issues may include: ticket prices, getting the support back to Ewood Park, standing areas, pre match entertainment, in fact ANY issue that you would like us to focus on.

If you can't attend we still need your views, please contact BRISA on:



Download a Membership Application Form

Make a donation at Roversisa.co.uk or direct to the BRISA bank account:

Account Name: Blackburn Rovers Independent Supporters Association

Account Number: 32791501

Sort Code: 40 37 25

Bank: HSBC


Just a reminder of what this thread was supposed to be about.

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I've no problem with the Fans Forum as such, in fact it's a good idea but only really dislike this 'secretive' stuff. What things are brought up which can be described as "commercially senistive"? No need for specific examples but can you say what kind of things this could entail? Do all clubs keep these kind of details in the dark? Why can't the club be more open?

Correct me if I'm wrong Revidge but you are one of the most outspoken members on here about the club being more honest and open with the fans? So...surely there are ways that things can be improved as regards that.


Off the top of my head things like new kit details, new sponsor details, the Sports World deal, proposed price increases prior to official announcements being made.

The fans forum have actually wanted the minutes of the meetings to be published for some time but as yet this hasn't happened probably because the minutes have to be approved by the club and they simply haven't got round to it.

For the record I think BRISA is a great idea

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The Fans Forum is getting a very hard press on here, it's really not some secret clandestine organisation with dubious motives as some on here seem to think.

Possibly the Club appreciate having a sounding board in the light of certain bits of sensitive information given.

Finally just to clarify the contents of fans forum meetings aren't top secret at all just maybe a couple of things mentioned per meeting which might be commercially sensitive etc.


Tend to disagree here Rev - I have spoke about the FF with Glenn and SteB previously some time back - personally I think its overdue due to the fact this is what people are led to believe.

Probably the best description of it I have heard - just feel it is inappropiately named ( its not really a fans forum)

May not be top secret, but what there would appear to be is lack of feedback to those that know about it which makes peole think so - What benefit has it been?

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The fans forum have actually wanted the minutes of the meetings to be published for some time but as yet this hasn't happened probably because the minutes have to be approved by the club and they simply haven't got round to it.


They were saying that 6 and half years ago.

Come payday I'll be working out how to join.

Can a cheque be sent to a member of the organisation who can then bank it?

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They were saying that 6 and half years ago.

Come payday I'll be working out how to join.

Can a cheque be sent to a member of the organisation who can then bank it?


SAR, details of how to join can be seen on the website.


There is a printable form on there and an address to post it to.

There's also a link on the Welcome page, if you want to use paypal.

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