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[Archived] Drugs

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The whole article needs reading:

“That does not mean that general use in healthy people is beneficial,” said Memorial psychology professor William McKim"
Many drugs are beneficial to fight illness when used in a controlled and sensible way. This does not mean that you should sit in a darkened room inhaling the stuff ad infinitum. He also points out:

McKim warns that marijuana disrupts memory and cognition. “These effects can be long-lasting after heavy use,” he said. “This makes it difficult to succeed academically if you use it excessively.”

He also states that they

"have yet to research the more unpleasant side of the drug"

For most of the people I have known who indulged, it has definitely not been beneficial to them although it has provided work for the psychiatric industry.

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The whole article needs reading:

Many drugs are beneficial to fight illness when used in a controlled and sensible way. This does not mean that you should sit in a darkened room inhaling the stuff ad infinitum. He also points out:

He also states that they

For most of the people I have known who indulged, it has definitely not been beneficial to them although it has provided work for the psychiatric industry.

Are you part of a gangja posse mum? :unsure:


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Sounds like this person quoted has got to the bottom of how the system would work - ie , the taxpayer would fund the full monty of drugs provision , as well , presumably , as the clinics to try and wean the addicts off the drugs they have just given them .

Anyway , we seem to be going round in circles on this thread and I have a bad cold . Time for an aspirin....... :wacko:

still cheaper and better for society than banging them up in prison, however much this fails to satisfy your blood lust

Asprin's a stupid drug to try and sort a cold out - Paracetamol's the one you want - Id recommend Sainsbury's own brand Cold and flu max strengh pills. Had the best impact whne I was suffering over christmas

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You as well, I had a cracker over Christmas.

Started Christmas Eve, right up into the New Year.

Persopnally I think those Beecham's things are the best, a pack of 6 little tubes like energy gels, hit teh spot.

first christmas meal together as a married couple, first time alone, and neither of us had any sense of taste or appetite. It looked good, felt great, no idea about anything else

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Prostitutes and Drugs....


Ipswich Crown Court has been hearing today about the evil way that five prostitutes were murdered in Suffolk between November and mid-December 2006. Obviously it goes without saying that every sane individual in the country would totally condemn these wicked murders. But I'm interested in whether or not these women would still be alive today if they had not been taking drugs. Peter Wright QC - who is leading the prosecution case against Steve Wright (no relation) - suggested that drugs were indeed the main reason which led all five girls into prostitution.

Peter Wright, QC, told the court today: "At the time of their deaths the victims Tania Nicol, Gemma Adams, Anneli Alderton, Paula Clennell and Annette Nicholls each had a drug problem. Each of them had resorted to prostitution in order to fund their addiction. In each of their cases this decision was ultimately to prove fatal."

Wright continued: "All the girls were addicted to hard drugs, such as heroin and cocaine, and were reduced at the time of their deaths to working the streets of Ipswich as prostitutes in order to survive and to fund their habit. Each of them was accordingly vulnerable to the predatory conduct of a killer or killers."

Jurors were told there was evidence that the women were asphyxiated while under the influence of hard drugs.

Harry Shapiro, spokesman for the charity DrugsScope, said in December 2006 that he hoped the murders acted as a "wake-up call" for the government to deal with the drugs problem in Britain.

Mr Shapiro said: "Many of these women start taking drugs at a young age. They leave home and are very vulnerable at that stage. They often get involved with partners, who may or may not act as their pimp, who may also be on drugs. Being a street prostitute is about earning to feed that need. It is a vicious spiral that they get into."

Simon Aalders, coordinator of the Suffolk Drug Action team covering Ipswich, said that the effects of withdrawing from heroin is one of the reasons why women continue to put themselves at risk by selling their body. Mr Aalders says that "pretty much all" of the women working the streets in Ipswich would have "some kind of substance misuse problem".

The parents of Gemma Adams, one of the five victims in Suffolk, said that after Gemma "fell in with the wrong crowd" she turned from a piano-playing schoolgirl who liked pony rides and brownies into a drug addict.

"We are going through hell trying to come to terms with it. It has been shock after shock," her father said. 'One of her teachers described her as an "ordinary, intelligent girl from a nice family" and that's exactly what she was,' he added.

It's so sad how girls like this from respectable loving backgrounds nevertheless get caught up in the spiral of drugs. I'd suggest that as a society we are not tough enough with the type of "wrong crowd" who lured Gemma into drugs - the type of lowlife scum who think that it's okay to give drugs to young schoolgirls. Ultimately, and very tragically, it was to lead to Gemma's death. Clearly the liberal society we have at the moment has been a failure in this respect.

17-year-old girl tells the BBC: "I started selling my body at 15 to pay for heroin."

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The parents of Gemma Adams, one of the five victims in Suffolk, said that after Gemma "fell in with the wrong crowd" she turned from a piano-playing schoolgirl who liked pony rides and brownies into a drug addict.

"We are going through hell trying to come to terms with it. It has been shock after shock," her father said. 'One of her teachers described her as an "ordinary, intelligent girl from a nice family" and that's exactly what she was,' he added.

Now I'd bet a pound to a penny that this girl's life started spiralling out of control before she reached the age of consent to even drink .

Perhaps our perpetual-link posting friend from Malta could tell us all if he favours the government prescribing hard (or even soft) drugs to kids who are obviously addicts when they are barely in their teens and still at school . Or would they have to kick their heels at the local Brownie or pony club until they're 18 ?

Make no mistake ; if the legalisation of all drugs were to take place then this measure would have to be taken if the scheme were to be in any way effective in reducing crime and prostitution . Otherwise the dealers would NOT go away - they would just concentrate on ever younger victims in order to keep in business .

What is needed is a real deterrent for suppliers and a disciplined educational programme in the schools . For addicts who break the law then a suitable stretch in solitary confinement would co them greater good in the long run than providing them with easier access to the substances that buggered up their lives in the first place .

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What is needed is a real deterrent for suppliers and a disciplined educational programme in the schools .

Did you watch the BBC report Phil?

If not, I think you'd be very surprised about what they'd be taught based on most recent evidence and research.

Edited by LeChuck
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I don't know if anyone saw the programme about Liz Dawn on Monday. The poor woman can hardly walk, her lung functioning is shot (emphysema) due to her long history of smoking. A friend of mine has this disease and she is only in her 40s. She was a very very heavy smoker.

I have seen friends die with lung cancer caused through smoking and it isn't pretty.

If you smoke, please try to give up, and encourage youngsters not to start.

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Perhaps our perpetual-link posting friend from Malta could tell us all if he favours the government prescribing hard (or even soft) drugs to kids who are obviously addicts when they are barely in their teens and still at school.

If you legalise them you take the glamour out of them and so addicts be seen for what they are - people with problems, like alcoholics. That'd turn the kids away from them. Anyway, what's wrong with someone having a spliff in their own home? They could purchase them from some regulated place, only the more medicinal stuff like heroin would be on prescription, not stuff like grass.

Or would they have to kick their heels at the local Brownie or pony club until they're 18? Make no mistake; if the legalisation of all drugs were to take place then this measure would have to be taken if the scheme were to be in any way effective in reducing crime and prostitution.

I agree. if there is a legal market for the stuff, there would be regulations on who can buy them and when, a la booze and fags, which is a lot more effective way of dealing with them, than the current way which is to have a black market under the control of criminals.

Otherwise the dealers would NOT go away - they would just concentrate on ever younger victims in order to keep in business .

In the way that people who make moonshine specifically try to get the kiddies addicted? :unsure:

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Repulsive vile killer "high on cocaine" as he attacked teenage model


Pub chef Mark Dixie, jailed for life today, took large quantities of cocaine and smoked marijuana on the night he viciously murdered and raped the teenage model Sally Anne Bowman in south London in 2005.

The court heard that Dixie had spent a drug and drink-filled day celebrating his 35th birthday with two friends. The three of them returned to their flat on the night of his birthday, but Dixie later decided to visit a local drug dealer in an effort to buy more cocaine. At about 04.30 GMT, Dixie stabbed Sally Ann repeatedly before having sex with her body.

Dixie admitted in court that he had sex with Sally Ann's corpse while high on drugs. He was asked in court: "Did you bite her?" and replied "Yes, I did." Dixie was asked: "Did you in fact realise that she was dead?" and he replied "After a while, yes."

Jailing Dixie for life, Judge Gerald Gordon told him that his conduct was unspeakable. "What you did that night was so awful and repulsive that I do not propose to repeat it," he said.

Clearly Mark Dixie is a vile and evil man. He might well have raped and murdered Sally Ann even if he hadn't been high on drugs and drink that night, but I suspect that the drugs didn't help the situation.

Cocaine - a stimulant that can cause a feeling of euphoria and exhilaration, together with a feeling of extra strength and indifference to pain, might possibly have acted as the additional trigger or "high" which led him to carry out such a sickening rape and murder.

I hope that this evil scumbag is never released from prison, but unfortunately he is likely to be freed before he dies. These days so-called "life" sentences can mean little - and evil rapists and murderers can be released after ten years or so inside. Indeed Dixie might become eligible for a fat dollop of cash in compensation, courtesy of the taxpayer, if he stops taking drugs by going "cold turkey" in prison.

The precedent has recently been set that hundreds of prisoners and former inmates who stopped taking drugs by going "cold turkey" have received lucrative payments thanks to the 1998 European "Human Rights" laws which New Labour signed up to.

How sickening it would be if a man like Dixie received thousands of pounds from British taxpayers because of his drug habits.

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In the way that people who make moonshine specifically try to get the kiddies addicted? :unsure:

They don't need to in our society ....kids get the stuff easily enough via their older mates or even themselves - difficult to tell who's 18 or not these days .

So how will legalising drugs stop the flow to the underage brigade ?

Can you really see the kind of people who supplied the Ipswich pro's with heroin at the age of 15 and 16 suddenly going out of business due to some fancy-dan "regulation" of drugs ?

Sorry , Gareth ....I can see your argument with the soft cannabis stuff , but there'll always be money to be made out of the hard stuff - and it'll always be in someone's interest to get kids hooked on them . The hard stuff is pure evil , it destroys lives of addicts and their families - and appeasing evil never works .

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Repulsive vile killer "high on cocaine" as he attacked teenage model


Pub chef Mark Dixie, jailed for life today, took large quantities of cocaine and smoked marijuana on the night he viciously murdered and raped the teenage model Sally Anne Bowman in south London in 2005.

The court heard that Dixie had spent a drug and drink-filled day celebrating his 35th birthday with two friends. The three of them returned to their flat on the night of his birthday, but Dixie later decided to visit a local drug dealer in an effort to buy more cocaine. At about 04.30 GMT, Dixie stabbed Sally Ann repeatedly before having sex with her body.

Dixie admitted in court that he had sex with Sally Ann's corpse while high on drugs. He was asked in court: "Did you bite her?" and replied "Yes, I did." Dixie was asked: "Did you in fact realise that she was dead?" and he replied "After a while, yes."

Jailing Dixie for life, Judge Gerald Gordon told him that his conduct was unspeakable. "What you did that night was so awful and repulsive that I do not propose to repeat it," he said.

Clearly Mark Dixie is a vile and evil man. He might well have raped and murdered Sally Ann even if he hadn't been high on drugs and drink that night, but I suspect that the drugs didn't help the situation.

Cocaine - a stimulant that can cause a feeling of euphoria and exhilaration, together with a feeling of extra strength and indifference to pain, might possibly have acted as the additional trigger or "high" which led him to carry out such a sickening rape and murder.

I hope that this evil scumbag is never released from prison, but unfortunately he is likely to be freed before he dies. These days so-called "life" sentences can mean little - and evil rapists and murderers can be released after ten years or so inside. Indeed Dixie might become eligible for a fat dollop of cash in compensation, courtesy of the taxpayer, if he stops taking drugs by going "cold turkey" in prison.

The precedent has recently been set that hundreds of prisoners and former inmates who stopped taking drugs by going "cold turkey" have received lucrative payments thanks to the 1998 European "Human Rights" laws which New Labour signed up to.

How sickening it would be if a man like Dixie received thousands of pounds from British taxpayers because of his drug habits.


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