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And if the debate on the Cisse chant isn't enough here are a few more to chew over!

Apparently this was the chant to Lord of the Dance tune at the Man United the other day:

Park, Park, Where ever you may be

You eat dogs in your home country

But it could be worse

You could be a scouse

Eating rats in your council house"

Or to the tune of the Addams Family if you were a Leeds fan down at Norwich:

Your sister is your mother

Your uncle is your brother

You all f--- one another

The Norwich family

der der der der clap clap etc"

Celtic fans to Andy Goram after it was revealed that the chubby keeper had been diagnosed with schizophrenia:

"Two Andy Gorams, there's only two Andy Gorams"

Toon fans to Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink. He even laughed, apparently!:

"Fat Eddie Murphy, you're just a fat Eddie Murphy"

To the tune of Craig David's rewind.........

"Van Per-sie, when a girl says no - molest her"

Sorry to say it but they made me laugh.

I think the Cisse chants fall within acceptable football banter. I wouldn't have found it funny if it had been sung to Cisse while he was sat in a stand with his career over as a result of the injury. After all Cisse had the last and loudest laugh so is it really worth all the fuss?.

Now maybe you can all focus your creative writing skills on a new song about the Burnley thugs!?!

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Really can't see what all the fuss is about. In light of recent discussions about falling attendances and losing atmosphere at matches we've now got the PC brigade implying that only certain chants are acceptable. It's a bloody football match, not a tea party.


Well said . The more I read threads like this the more I realise how totally unrepresentative this forum is of the average footy fan . Not a criticism , just an observation .

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Well said . The more I read threads like this the more I realise how totally unrepresentative this forum is of the average footy fan . Not a criticism , just an observation .


If it was a criticism it was a pretty poor one. If it was an observation than it was a pretty empty one. If you have something to say then say it and stop pretending you are some man of the masses. Is shouting about sombody breaking a leg anti-PC? Is it actually some inspired attempt at trashing the prevailing dogma rather than just some lairy lads giving it their all after a few jars?

You have to be pretty desperate to try and get a Political Correctness debate out of this one. Bloke breaks leg, almost has to have it amputated, opposition fans think it is game for a laugh. Tell me why that is unPC to object to it Phil. I'm pretty sure I have had a similar upbringing to yours in many respects but I don't find it funny. Why does that make my view, or those of others, on here "unrepresentative"?

Edited by FourLaneBlue
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This thread is taking the same sort of course as the one with Wez and the Invisible man after the Villa game.

If you find that sort of chant unpleasant or if you find idiotic behaviour from people who can't handle their drink a pain in the arse or if you don't actually want to sit behind someone stood up for the whole 90 minutes you're imaginatively labelled  a "boring old fart" by the more intellectually challenged.

By all means take the **** out of Cisse or indeed any other opposition player because he's crap, hasn't scored since 1829, his stupid appearance, he's "done a Flitcroft"  or is Lord Ponsonby Smythe of Lower Tittingmarsh etc.

But not because he suffered an injury which could have resulted in his leg being amputated. I'm amazed a lot of people obviously can't appreciate the distinction.

Funny thing is that a lot of people seem to think that this is ok but if there's the merest suggestion that anything was racially motivated the same people are absolutely horrified. "That type of offensive chant is ok but that type is definitely not"

A sign of the weird politically correct driven times we live in.


Good post Rev as usual. This has nothing to do with race.

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The fact of the matter is , FLB , that Cissy DIDN'T have his bloody leg amputated . He had it broken just as footballers do sometimes . It's an occupational hazard and it's not life threatening . If the soft bugger got a bit upset and similarly if the soft sods who post on here get self righteously upset about a bit of harmless mockery then they really should start thinking about taking up watching netball .

Nothing personal , FLB . I just think it's all much ado about nothing and definitely won't lead to a revival of Hitlerism .... smile.gif

Edited by blue phil
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I fear our own prawn butty brigade is much larger than I first thought sad.gif


Yes there are still a majority of decent human beings about; I just wish that if more of them had stood up and told the yobs exactly what they thought of them back in the 70's we would NEVER have arrived at the tragic situation we have today where thick ignorant yobs ( still in the minority by far ) can rule the roost because the decent citizens let them away with it. Is it fear? If so why? I have proved countless number of times that if you stand up to them either verbally or physically they always back down and melt away like the cowards they really are.

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Gee whizz, there are some strange people on here with not a lot to worry about in their lives.

Cisse is a very well paid international footballer operating at the top level of the game for the European champions. He is not a one legged asylum seeker from Bosnia, with post traumatic stress disorder.

I'm sure that a chant that he finds offensive at 4.30pm on a saturday was forgotten by moday morning, or maybe even by Sunday lunchtime.

Kevin Keegan long endured chants about his alleged homosexuality, as far as I am aware Arsene Wenger has never been convicted of sex crimes against children and David Beckhams positional interests with his wife Victoria are really not of our concern, yet these chants are heard regularly and indeed for part of the tribal nature of football.

In a perfect world, they should not occur, but let us not try to pretend that we are in a sporting utopia. It is part of the character of the game that nothing is beyond the realms of terrace humour.

At least we weren't swearing at him. That's all I heard from the Newcastle fans on saturday, and everybody raves about their support.

Don't we think we might be being a little precious over it all?

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So can we not sing songs about inbreds? Or songs about someone who may please themself sexually?? We were singing that Norwich song about Burnley in the Fox prior to the cup game last year, as well as many others that were far worse.

There IS a line between what is acceptable and not which has seen the disappearance of the "spurs are on their way to Aushwitz" and monkey chants etc that blighted our terraces not all that long ago, but because he broke his leg??? No I don't get it.

I got the train back from the Liverpool home game last season and listened to a group of 40 scousers who sang constantly about Shipman, Munich and far worse than about a player who broke his leg.

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So can we not sing songs about inbreds? Or songs about someone who may please themself sexually?? We were singing that Norwich song about Burnley in the Fox prior to the cup game last year, as well as many others that were far worse.

There IS a line between what is acceptable and not which has seen the disappearance of the "spurs are on their way to Aushwitz" and monkey chants etc that blighted our terraces not all that long ago, but because he broke his leg??? No I don't get it.

I got the train back from the Liverpool home game last season and listened to a group of 40 scousers who sang constantly about Shipman, Munich and far worse than about a player who broke his leg.


Cant you understand that ALL these songs/chants are stupid at best and grossly offensive in some cases. I can easily remember the days when no such chants existed on any football ground in the country; when it was a pleasure to go along in anticipation of a good sporting game, and watch a football match with good football played on the pitch (most of the time) and enjoy the atmosphere and support from BOTH sets of fans all mixed in together (segregation totally unnecessary in those days) and the only kind of abuse was perhaps a good natured enquiry to the ref about his eyesight. Those were also the days when attendances at virtually all football grounds were such that if you did not get there at least an hour before kick-off you would not be able to find a single place on the ground where you could see properly. No fighting ; very little arguing even with the opposition fans, and all walking out after the match discussing the match together. What a shame that all you who started watching football since the mid 60's have never known such pleasures. Oh and I nearly forgot to mention the noise levels which were such that my old aunt complained she knew exactly when the Rovers had scored a goal nearly two miles away in her house.

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I actually think there is some consensus in this thread believe it or not. Most people agree the taunts were unintelligent and not perpetrated by the masses. To my mind what is stimulating the debate is the question "is it such a big deal?"

I am of the opinion it isn't such a big deal others think differently, to be honest I respect that and doubt I can do anything to change their minds. What is worrying though and I get the feeling for many others where do you draw the line? most people don’t want to see a time when we cant all sing out in unison "I hate burnley ba*t*rds to my dying day" just cause it offends a minority of football fans.

But interestingly there is another topic on this board called "Sick" and for me it puts into perspective what sick really means and perhaps in terms of morality we have bigger battles to fight.


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What a sorry state this messageboard is in. This thread just serves to highlight the complete lack of intelligence and morality that seems to have infected the board over the last year or so.

Apparently, because I object to our fans singing songs about breaking players' legs I'm soft. Apparently, because other fans sing other moronic songs there's no problem if our fans do. And apparently, because you couldn't hear it on the commentary in America there's not a problem.

I regularly go to away games and I don't want to get associated with numpties who think it's cool to sing songs about broken legs, and then make monkey noises if the player in question has the cheek to score. Unfortunately though it seems I don't have a choice, as most of our fans can't even see the problem. Well, I guess I do have a choice - the choice is that I don't have to go, but why should I be put off by a bunch of d!ckheads who haven't got an ounce of common sense.

Sadly, we all get tarred with the same brush. Anyone who was at the game doesn't just think a few Rovers fans are sick @#/?s - they think we all are. And no doubt there'll be a different chant at the next away game, and the next one, because nobody seems that arsed. Eventually the whole country will start to think that Rovers fans are scum.

Saturday wasn't an isolated incident. It's the same bunch of arsewipes who turn up at every away game who cause these sort of problems. They probably revel in the attention the chants are getting and would like nothing better than for Rovers fans to gain a reputation. In the meantime, a lot of the decent fans will just stop going.

But of course I'm over-reacting. There isn't a problem.

Absolutely the way I'm feeling.


Said it all before- blame the jetlag

Edited by Jan
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Surely as fans we are not trying to spur the opposition.

The Cisse chants were bound to be counter-productive

whilst the Crouch activity was just funny.

And why are we chanting about Burnley at Anfield?

Brought back Lyons away in EUFA Cup and look where

they are now.

I was close to the cerfuffle when Cisse scored and I just

hope the Rovers Dad plus two very upset kids forgive

the fans in Rows 9 to 12.If the Stewards hadn't been so thick

you would have been sorted out.

And now we definitely know we were right and might have won

with all 11 on pitch.Too bleeding late.


what was the cerfuffle????

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I was there and the reason rovers sang at Cisse was to try and get some banter from the boring, silent, liverpool fans.

We also sang at crouch & Rafa but they didnt complain.

They are paid alot of money to play football - they have to accept banter from fans. As others have already mentioned, Liverpool chant about Munich and that involved deaths.

The cisse chant was merley to get a reaction from the liverpool fans

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The fact of the matter is , FLB , that Cissy DIDN'T have his bloody leg amputated . He had it broken just as footballers do sometimes . It's an occupational hazard and it's not life threatening . If the soft bugger got a bit upset and similarly if the soft sods who post on here get self righteously upset about a bit of harmless mockery then they really should start thinking about taking up watching netball .

  Nothing personal , FLB . I just think it's all much ado about nothing and definitely won't lead to a revival of Hitlerism .... smile.gif


Fair enough, you are right that it is only an chant and certainly not as bad some heard before. Still a bit nasty though even if I did make the same mention as yourself of it not being up there with appeasing Hitler.

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I actually think there is some consensus in this thread believe it or not. Most people agree the taunts were unintelligent and not perpetrated by the masses. To my mind what is stimulating the debate is the question "is it such a big deal?"

I am of the opinion it isn't such a big deal others think differently, to be honest I respect that and doubt I can do anything to change their minds. What is worrying though and I get the feeling for many others where do you draw the line?  most people don’t want to see a time when we cant all sing out in unison "I hate burnley ba*t*rds to my dying day" just cause it offends a minority of football fans.

But interestingly there is another topic on this board called "Sick" and for me it puts into perspective what sick really means and perhaps in terms of morality we have bigger battles to fight.



Once again O.R. I find myself in in general agreement with what you say above.

I agree that these days there is a great difficulty in defining what is, and what is not accceptable to the majority. My point is: THAT VERY FACT is a very sad state of affairs, and the reasons why we have arrived at this state are so many and so complex that the discussion of them could fill volumes and of course have no place on this board. I have been trying to point out to any that are still able to understand, the difference between a caring society and a selfish and confrontational society. It is obvious from the many posts on this topic that the majority do at least understand the difference, but very worringly there are a minority of people on this board that actually find enjoyment in trying to stir up confrontation and they consider this to be amusing. I know this situation has existed for many years and as already stated it is not going to change. I also know that it is the very reason why a large number of people who were once ardent football fans have stopped going to live matches and is therfore a major contributory reason to falling attendances along with all the other regularly discussed reasons on this and every other football forum.

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Once again O.R. I find myself in in general agreement with what you say above.

I agree that these days there is a great difficulty in defining what is, and what is not accceptable to the majority. My point is: THAT VERY FACT is a very sad state of affairs, and the reasons why we have arrived at this state are so many and so complex that the discussion of them could fill volumes and of course have no place on this board.  I have been trying to point out to any that are still able to understand,  the difference between a caring society and a selfish and confrontational society. It is obvious from the many posts on this topic that the majority do at least understand the difference, but very worringly there are a minority of people on this board that actually find enjoyment in trying to stir up confrontation and they consider this to be amusing. I know this situation has existed for many years and as already stated it is not going to change. I also know that it is the very reason why a large number of  people who were once ardent football fans have stopped going to live matches and is therfore a major contributory reason to falling attendances along with all the other regularly discussed reasons on this and every other football forum.


As far as attendance goes rubbish, I think the football ground in general is more sterile and pacifist and pure than ever before.

Caring society and confrontational society? Are there such things. People of those trends exist but not whole societies I am sure. It's a crack at a footy match, not in the best of taste but that is all it was. Let's get over it without trying to play junior psychologist. I really hope you don't feel that folks airing their opinions is stirring up confrontation.

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You're possibly rigth there USA, but how many fans reallyappreciate the skill of an opposition player.

My guess is they'd rather scream abuse at him.

I remember well the days we used to change ends, the jibes, etc.

I aso remember knives at throats (it happened to me); to be honest, I'd go along with FR, it was football then, it was just a sport rather than being some kind of confrontational contest that meant bragging rights were up 'road, until the next meeting (if that occurred).

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