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Pitch Inspection


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Maybe they should use what they used before undersoil heating in rugby

"attempts to protect the playing surface consisted of tent-like canopies with tall paraffin heaters within, being pitched over the playing area - supplemented by tons of straw!"

The reason for stopping this practice was the manpower required, it would however provide an avenue for the club to get the most out of Flitty, Gresko, Jansen and Amo.

I can see it now "Team Undersoil Filler Guys"

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I would not say there is anything wrong with constructive criticism if the club fouls up. No real proof they did here, seems like. Thing is you get the same people with the same negative posting. It seems some only post when they do have an axe to grind, one finds very little in the way of anything complimentary when the club does something right or is doing well that comes from these folks.

Rev, if you complain about everything you are sure to get some right, eh bud.

Match was off let's move on. Course I did not make my way to Ewood but it's not like it's never happened to me before. My main cincern is that by the time we play Sunderland their fortunes could be brighter and we lost the chance at a decent crowd.

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  RevidgeBlue said:
I remember in the old days getting to the bottom of Buncer Lane in the car and the game being called off over the radio at 2.15p.m. due to a sudden cloudburst. That's unavoidable.

In this case the condition of the pitch couldn't possiby have come about instantly.

Either the undersoil heating was working in which case the pitch would have been fine, or it (obviously) wasn't in which case the pitch would obviously have been unfit from early morning onwards (conditions were similar the previous night) and an earlier announcement could easily have been made.

Aside from that there was the PR disaster of neither the ticket office nor Radio Rovers being aware of the situation.l


Well stop bleating about it on here.

Prepare your case in readiness for the next Fans Forum.

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That's hardly the point , SAR . Most fans - and all floating fans - probably have never heard of the Fans Forum or BRISA , nor will be they still be interested in what happens at the next meeting . The damage has already been done ; those fans may never come back - especially if the weather stays a bit chilly and we're playing at night , and the club still hasn't given us a plausible explanation .

Speaking to punters in the pub on the night the universal reaction was that it was yet another cock up from the Rovers . Some people on this board are making it sound like we've just entered another ice age . It was at worst a couple of degrees below .

Personally all I want to hear is the truth - and that to me is either the heating system was not working properly , or that it wasn't switched on in time . So which is it ?

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  slater_scott said:
found out just before i was about to set off

the only way i was inconvenienced was the fact i had just put gel on the second before it was announced.


For some reason I pictured a scene from "There's Something About Mary" when I read that! biggrin.gif

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Not having been here since before the Sunderland game, I hadn`t really thought of it as a real problem for anyone, except long distance travelling supporters. Now I notice a thread nine pages long...jeez guys get a life. This used to happen all the time in the olden days before Sky. You expected games off most seasons.

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I've just heard Alex Ferguson on SSN having a pop at those clubs who called their games off the other day. He wants the Premier league to take action against them as, by playing a game less over this busy period, it gives the clubs in question an unfair advantage on the rest of the league.

I don't like saying this, but I think he's got a point in the case of Bolton and Newcastle. Call me cynical but I strongly suspect both clubs would have been delighted to have their games called off. However, I just can't see what Rovers get out of it. Ok, we'll be sharper and fitter for Wigan than we would otherwise have been, but surely it would be better to play Sunderland at home in front of a big crowd and hopefully get the points on the board.

So, while I wouldn't be at all surprised if Newcastle's and Bolton's games were "deliberately" called off, I don't believe our's would have been. Which means that there has to have been some of cock-up somewhere. Either the heating didn't work (whoever maintains it will have a lot of explaining to do), or it wasn't turned on early enough (whoever makes that decision must be worried now).

Others have said that there was no way that the pitch was playable at 5pm, and it certainly wasn't exceptionally cold, -3 or -4 at worst. The heating should have been able to cope. Therefore, there are two things that bother me about all this.

First of all, why haven't the club issued a definitive explanation about why the game was called off. So far all they've said is that they are going to investigate the heating system - they must know whether it worked or not or whether it was switched on early enough or not. Secondly, the communication was poor. If this was an isolated incident you could let it go but Rovers seem to specialise in poor communication.

Anyway, as EiT posted earlier, the main thing now is how they deal with those fans that have been messed around by all this. The club should do everything they can to ensure that all the fans who were going last Wednesday turn up for the rearranged game.

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  blue phil said:
Personally all I want to hear is the truth - and that to me is either the heating system was not working properly , or that it wasn't switched on in time . So which is it ?


Exactly! And the sooner the club give a clear explanation the better.

The mixed messages that came out on Wednesday night have led to all this speculation and discontent. A clear explanation, within 24 hours of the decission to cancel the match, would have saved the club a lot of damage.

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  Scotty said:
First of all, why haven't the club issued a definitive explanation about why the game was called off.  So far all they've said is that they are going to investigate the heating system - they must know whether it worked or not or whether it was switched on early enough or not.  Secondly, the communication was poor.  If this was an isolated incident you could let it go but Rovers seem to specialise in poor communication.

Anyway, as EiT posted earlier, the main thing now is how they deal with those fans that have been messed around by all this.  The club should do everything they can to ensure that all the fans who were going last Wednesday turn up for the rearranged game.


I disagree. How is the club making a statement of "we made a mistake" going to make someone change their decision of not coming back?

It's up to the club to balance the risks of being open an honest in the event that they did screw up, than to make a commercially slanted statement.

It is all still speculation of course, but if they did screw up, I would rather they covered it up with a token statement about technical difficulties. That is just as likely, if not more to change someones decision than making an open admission of incompetence.

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  Scotty said:
Anyway, as EiT posted earlier, the main thing now is how they deal with those fans that have been messed around by all this.  The club should do everything they can to ensure that all the fans who were going last Wednesday turn up for the rearranged game.


Does anyone have any ideas on what the club could do? I've racked my brains and can't think of anything that would satisfy everyone.

For some people, going to the re-arranged match simply won't be an option - i.e. those people visiting friends/relatives in Blackburn over the Christmas period. The re-arranged match is likely to be a weekday evening (unless we both end up out of the cup). Obviously the kids will be back at school by then, so that rules a few more out.

I also can't see how the club can do anything for its own supporters without offering the same for the Sunderland supporters (because in fairness Wednesday night cost most of them more than the local Rovers fans).

Any suggestions?

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  Shaddy said:

It is all still speculation of course, but if they did screw up, I would rather they covered it up with a token statement about technical difficulties. That is just as likely, if not more to change someones decision than making an open admission of incompetence.


You'd really prefer to be lied to........?

Personally if it was down to human error I'd like that particular human to be disciplined for incompetence . In any other workplace people are held accountable for cock ups......

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  mjs said:
I can't believe the massive overreaction to a game of football being called off.

Some of you need to find something better to do with your time.


Nor have I read as much garbage about conspiracy theories and sub plots.

For God's sake, the club said they're looking into why the heating system failed to work as it should have done.

Don't soddin' judge 'em 'til they've found the cause and reported back.

Mind you, some of you wont accept any credible reason. mad.gif

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  Kiwiwannabe said:
Does anyone have any ideas on what the club could do?  I've racked my brains and can't think of anything that would satisfy everyone.

For some people, going to the re-arranged match simply won't be an option - i.e. those people visiting friends/relatives in Blackburn over the Christmas period.  The re-arranged match is likely to be a weekday evening (unless we both end up out of the cup).  Obviously the kids will be back at school by then, so that rules a few more out.

I also can't see how the club can do anything for its own supporters without offering the same for the Sunderland supporters (because in fairness Wednesday night cost most of them more than the local Rovers fans).

Any suggestions?


Free pie's! biggrin.gif

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  mjs said:
I can't believe the massive overreaction to a game of football being called off.

Some of you need to find something better to do with your time.


About the only piece of common sense on here.

I've sent back my STSs, Utd tickets, shirts, old flags, scarves ( the shop needs them), wooly hat, baseball caps and Wigan tickets. We are now only getting half-price pies. I am absolutely disgusted, we have been lead up the garden path by an ex-Rovers player who promised us all FREE pies. It's appalling the only way I could afford to watch football and feed the kids is if we get free pies at Wigan.

Outrageous, next thing you know they'll be calling off games when the temperature drops rapidly and catches out the groundstaff and their preparations.

I feel every fan going to Wigan should take a flask and sandwiches and refuse the half-price pies.

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Surely the postponement is proof positive of Ewood Park's microclimate.

Well, here's a little twist- RFW as good as accusing Bolton of nobbling their own undersoil heating. Hope Big Sam sticks that on the training room door and the Trotters follow in the footsteps of their more illustrious neighbours and turn over the Mancs at OT.

Edited by philipl
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Postponements...ah those were the days!

Part and parcel of football and games in hand were NEVER any good in the run to the finishing line but we all thought that it would be different 'this time'. dry.gif

Anyone remember 'Ewood beach' end of '79/'80 season? Only the corners had grass!

And last game one season in the 80's at Ewood (Grimsby?) tee shirts and shorts in the Aqueduct at 2.30 and its spitting. 10 mins later and the match is off - waterlogged!

Some of these posters need to queue overnight in Nuttall St in a snowstorm for Jan Cup tickets, then they can moan. wink.gif


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  mjs said:
I can't believe the massive overreaction to a game of football being called off.

Some of you need to find something better to do with your time.


I reckon when the game's re-arranged quite a few thousand will find something better to do with their time . But never mind , these things happen ..... huh.gif

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