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[Archived] Blackburn End Drummers ?


Blackburn End Drummers, what do you think.  

294 members have voted

  1. 1. Blackburn End Drummers, what do you think.

    • They should be allowed to stay
    • They should be made to go
    • Not bothered either way
    • Its all Groobys Fault.. Get into em.

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sad.gif  just read 'drummer boy' standing up for his pal. i'm soooo moved!  laugh.gif

the masses have spoken and if the drummers dont like it tough.

they can always sit in the family stand with all the other children  wink.gif


Let's hope you're sufficiently soooo moved to emerge from smug apathy to actually doing something about the atmosphere at Ewood other than having a dig at somebody who's making an effort. Go on, you know you can and what's more you'll be helping to make the drummer obsolete!

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Let's hope you're sufficiently soooo moved to emerge from smug apathy to actually doing something about the atmosphere at Ewood other than having a dig at somebody who's making an effort. Go on, you know you can and what's more you'll be helping to make the drummer obsolete!


I frequently try, and often succeed. and then "your pal" interferes. Along with up to 3 muppets with as much timing between them as my little finger.

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Does anyone know whether the drummers know how to drum? Are they professionals? Are they learning?

Any drummer should be able to support any rhythm as simple as that generated by a football crowd. Mind you having said that, I remember a mind blowingly complex syncopated version of "singing the blues" emerging from the Blackburn End on a few occasions in the early '80s.

Incidentally, does Annie's Song get hummed any more? That used to create an ethereal atmosphere in the old Ewood.

An old boy stood near me in the Darwen End Enclosure did his nut one balmy October Saturday afternoon. Nearly still weather conditions except for a few leaves doing an American Beauty (before Sam Menzies thought of filming it) along the redshale, a soporifically boring game of two inadequate forward lines and most of the 5,000 humming Annie's Song and having realised all four stands had miraculous got into unison were on at least the fifth repeat when a raucous voice exploded: "If you want to go to Church, its next door- this is supposed to be a ###### football match with a ###### football crowd singing ###### football songs for the ###### Rovers who are supposed to be playing ###### football (rising to a high pitched screech), what's ###### wrong with you lot? You all going ###### rigor mortis?

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Would everyone please remember there is a rule about insults on this site, especially so when it's a felllow Rover and one who isn't here to defend himself.


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DONT TALK @#/?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



You're right of course Abster, I seem to recall Wigan outsilencing us easily at the JJB a few weeks back.

Thing is, even Old Turdfford is a morgue, except for the fact that there are so many of the Manc chavs rustling their bling.

The only thing that gets a crowd going these days is the team bringing home the bacon on a regular basis. And let's face it, until verrrry recently none of us were ever really sure which Rovers team was going to turn up, so passion and bacon have been sadly conditioned out of your average Roverite.

I'd say there was a few quid and a PHd out there for some bright spark willing to look into the science (i.e. knowledge) and dynamics of crowd verbosity and amplitude. If it was possible to identify critical factors for getting a crowd behind a team, regardless of their performance on the pitch, then no doubt you could make a fortune in marketing it...

Anyway, whenever I'm there (sadly not often enough these days) the volume goes up several percentage points and no, speaking to the bloke who always turns round to chide me, I will not shut the flop up... rover.gif

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I frequently try, and often succeed.  and then "your pal" interferes. Along with up to 3 muppets with as much timing between them as my little finger.


Don't misunderstand me - I believe they have served their purpose in their current form and feel both they and the crowd have got a bit lazy.

What I struggle with is the concept on here of, at the last count, 162 voters some of whom are not regular attendees (for many good reasons), assuming they represent a mass protest.

Also, this subject creates more depth of feeling (apart from the ongoing race/Islam/terrorism thread of the day) than any other yet there is little constructive dialogue about making the drummers in their current form obsolete. If we are happy for this MB to become nothing more than a hotbed of personal abuse, kicking anyone who stands out of line and entertaining each other with 2nd rate 6th form humour at the expense of these well-meaning (if misguided) individuals then it reflects as much on us as it does them.

Sitting there doing nothing to change what caused the problem in the first place and being perfect is pretty easy isn't it?

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Sitting there doing nothing to change what caused the problem in the first place and being perfect is pretty easy isn't it?


As I have repeatedly stated, I dont sit and do nothing. Nor do what can actually be quite a large number of us, but everytime we chant or sing anything, it gets drowned out either by badly out of time banging or a mindless version of "get into them".

I accept I could talk to the "drummers", but having done so in the past I am more than aware I might as well discuss my concerns with one of the pillars in the concourse.

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Would it be worth asking one of them to come along to a BRISA meeting to discuss how they could help create a more vaired yet intense atmosphere or would it turn into a barrage of abuse way beyond the importance it has in this crazy world of ours?

stuwilky - apologies if you thought I was referring to you individually. I was referring to the general impression of the thread not any individuals as I try not to judge people until I know them (not always successfully) - perhaps we could all try the same?

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Do the drummers have special dispension to bring the tools of their trade onto the concourse?

Would it be possible for me to bring my Klaxon to a game? It's only a bit bigger than the drum that the chap with glasses bangs away on. You don't really need any rhythmic ability in order to get a note out of it; anybody with sufficient muscle power to turn the handle could get it to make a sound. I think it could be used to build the tension in dead ball situations such as corners or direct free kicks as well as to herald the team's entry onto the field of play at the start of both halves, or just to warn the back of the BBE that Reidy is about to try and relive his JJB glory. When operated with some vigour it can be VERY VERY LOUD.

Failing that, I could bring my xylophone (great for melodic work) or even one of my guitars, my mini marshall busker's amp and my jimi hendrix fuzz wah.

What do you think? Any chance of a free season ticket or even the £25 I was promised for persuading somebody else to buy one and never got?

Edited by OnePost
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Nor do what can actually be quite a large number of us, but everytime we chant or sing anything, it gets drowned out  either by badly out of time banging or a mindless version of "get into them".


Happens every home.

The drummer has been here a while now, too long. There are more than just a few who are fed up with the drummer, the club should ask the fans what they think.

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The problem with the drums is that when a chant is started in another area (eg corner of BB end) the drummers join and it will sound in time from where they are sitting but it won't from where the song has started from... when the drummers start off the chant then to me it sounds in time, the problem is when he joins in with a chant elsewhere with them being louder!

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Let's hope you're sufficiently soooo moved to emerge from smug apathy to actually doing something about the atmosphere at Ewood other than having a dig at somebody who's making an effort. Go on, you know you can and what's more you'll be helping to make the drummer obsolete!


'drummerboy', you're clutching at straws mate!

i emerge from my smug apathy, week in and week out! i always sing and shout.

i'm not saying i'm better than anyone on here (when in say this):-

i'm 26 and had a season ticket for 21 years and hardly ever miss an away game.

(check my buying history an all if you want!).

anyone who spends their hard earned money has a right to express their opinions


cant your pal get behind rovers without banging his drum ??????????????? blink.gif

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Could the drums be locked up for one home match and then see what happens(or does not).

My guess is they would soon be brought back because they harmonise the chants.

And like many an Away Match(Lyon,Sofia,OT,Cardiff) would the chanters just concentrate on anti-Burnley chants completely un-supportive to the team.

This is a really cruel thread cos the Drummers believe they are helping to support the team...and they probably on balance are doing that.

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