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[Archived] Childhood Nightmares

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i had another dream last night from a nightmare that i have had since childhood. the dream that i am always having is that the "incredible hulk" is trying to get me :lol: but at the same time always gets close but never actually succeeds in getting to me. one dream i had a while back involved the hulk chasing me but as i turned a corner, KANE from wwe stood in his line and gave him a pummeling...very strange i know.

when i was a lad, i had constant nightmares about the hulk and even though i still dream about it, almost 25 years later, the dreams are not as bad as they once where.

so, anybody else got any childhood nightmares or dreams that they are still having....in one way or another!!

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I still sometimes dream that I am being chased by some kind of monster and my legs will only move very slowly. I never get caught though.

Apparently it's a fairly common dream. Never did find the significance.

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Still get that falling off the ceiling one. Very common I believe and has a reason I've forgotten.

Nightmares involving tarantulas in my childhood have left me with a dread of spiders. Those big hairy ones that lurk in the shower in the autumn mornings - shiver. I don't know how you Aussies manage to survive with the verocious things you have down there! :(

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Hardly ever see them, Paul.

I can recount the day my good lady was driving down Southern Cross drive in her car. This huge, well big, spider started crawling across the inside of the windscreen. She takes her foot of the accelerator, whacks on the brakes and turns into the kerb (that's kerb, Col, not curb).

Open window, spider crawls out, window up. I say gun it. So one mini minor doing 80mph down road. We get home confident rogue spider is left miles behind. Wrong! The critter is still there hanging onto the roof. Hot foot it inside, next day spider gone to new home.

The spider, by the way was non venemous, but very scary.

Al, you have to change the tenor of your dreams, change the monster into a nubile young lady. Hot for you, pant pant pant!

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Given the situation I'd have been out of that car faster than you can imagine. JHC that's horrific. You can't imagine how that makes me feel from 12,000 miles away.

When I was very young my dad was clearing out the shed, I was helping. Dad runs screaming out the shed, only to be sent back in by my mother with orders to tackle the huge rat he'd left me to play with!!

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Paul, I should have added, i was in the passenger seat. When she stopped, so was she :lol:

We've seen venomous spiders around the house, but they haven't found a way past a size 10 foot, or a litre and a half of insect spray.

Edited by dave birch
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Sometimes I've dreamt that I'm reading some meaningless drivel, which just endlessly repeats itself, going round and round in circles - I then realise that I've clicked on the latest transfer thread on the main board. It's a scary place!

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When I was younger I used to have a particularly frightful nightmare , the details of which escape me . The catch was that when I "woke" up I used to thank my lucky stars it was over ....but then the nightmare carried on , ie , I wasn't awake at all .

When I finally did awake I used to have to walk round the room for ages until I convinced myself it was really over :unsure:

Maybe our amateur psychologist Flopsy could interpret this haunting phenemonon ..... :ph34r:

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I had a bizarre one over and over when I was wee.

If I raised my eyebrows, an invisible tortoise would come down from the clouds that only my mum could see and end up in my tummy talking to me.

Screwed me up for years that did.

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There's two recurring nightmares I have, and when I mean recurring, they pop up maybe a couple of times a year.

First one is I dream that I've not done the homework due for the next day, or totally forgotten to revise for the exam the following morning. Please bear in mind I'm 37 and last proper exams I did were at University in 1990!

The other one is that I am looking after my parents house whilst they are away, and I totally forget to feed their cats for a week. Thankfully the cats always survive due to them being pretty independent animals, but the panic and worry that their non-feeding generates...

I guess both are variations on a theme that I am worried I'll forget to do something important, but when I have them I can't ever recall being particularly concerned about anything in the real world.

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Two nightmares, one of them is being lost in a railway station with so many platforms it's not true, all of the trains are steam engines.

The other one is being aboard a ship which is going to sink, I faff around trying to find the best strategy to survive then just stay on the top deck. The ship goes over and I keep on going down decks until I get to the bottom and enter an umbilical cord to an underwater world which I run around until I duel with someone I hated at school.

not had either nightmare for a while.

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Given the situation I'd have been out of that car faster than you can imagine. JHC that's horrific. You can't imagine how that makes me feel from 12,000 miles away.

When I was very young my dad was clearing out the shed, I was helping. Dad runs screaming out the shed, only to be sent back in by my mother with orders to tackle the huge rat he'd left me to play with!!

1. Are you now scared of rats too Paul? And if so are your children scared of them too?

2. Are your children scared of spiders?

Just wondering if many of our phobias are planted deep in our subconcious at a very early age by our parents? I'm not really 'scared' but rather 'not keen' on spiders too whilst my daughter is terrified of them.

As for nightmares at our age?........ I'm sure you'll agree that the most scary ones start as soon as the alarm goes off in the morning.

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1. Are you now scared of rats too Paul? And if so are your children scared of them too?

No, though I have the usual healthy respect for them!

2. Are your children scared of spiders?

The eldest delights in picking them up, mainly to show up his father. The middle one is scared of them and the youngest says he doesn't like them.

Now my wife is terrified, more so than I of spiders as I am capable of dealing with a spider (glass and post card job), of moths and daddy-long-legs. I have to catch them and throw them out the window. None of the kids are frightened by these, though they don't pull the legs off as I used to.

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I used to have a terrible nightmare that Rovers actually lost to their oldest & bitterest rivals in a serious competition , but i`ve not had it for over 27years now ;)

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For about 5 years now I have been getting a few recurring dreams. Sopme are actually quite disturbing.

1. The first I get is where I am on some mode of transport - usually a train, sometimes a boat - and I am being chased by a "terminator" type thing that cannot be killed. I usually go through the carriages and pick up weapons but they just don't work. Sometimes I try to shoot and there is no ammo. I get chased to the end of the train whree the dream ends. The majority of the time I am just about to be killed and then I wake up. Most times I am hiding underneath the train or behind a seat and then the train starts moving, crushing me, or the terminator thing sees me. However, sometimes, I actually get killed and then wake up. It can be a bit upsetting, but it's nowhere near as bad as my next dream.

2. This dream is slightly less frequent, but much more upsetting. It involves my family members being killed, or harm coming to them. Usually when I stay at my girlfriends I will have a dream where she is killed and I have to watch. I wake up in a cold swet and have to wake her up, hug her and bring her close to me. The dreams are really bad. I also dream about my mum and dad eitehr dying or being killed. A few times I have also dreamed that I have killed my mum or dad.

3. The third recurring dream I get reflects some of my insecurities. A common one will be getting into a fight with somebody I know that is much weaker than myself, but not being able to hit him hard - as if my arms are being weighed down. I get laughed at by whoever is in the dream.

Another type of dream i get it where my brother keeps on beating me at something. Maybe a race.

4. Another dream that I haven't had in a long while, but used to have a lot, is where my teeth either get broken or cracked or start to hurt. Often, during the dream, I will start to force one row of teeth over the other so that it really hurts and feel like they are bending, knowing consciously that I am doing it, but not being able to prevent it.

5. The last of the lot is where I somehow come into contact with a person I used to have feelings for and one of two things usually happens: in the first instance, the girl will completely ignore / repel me, in the second they will be really intimet with me and it will be really nice.

I'm sure there are more that I have but I just can't remember them right now.

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