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  • 2 weeks later...

Just finished Far Cry 3 the other day, would highly recommend. The single player campaign has a great story, the gameplay is fun and the graphics are awesome. There is a co-op mode also with different levels from the single player and even after you finish the game there is tons of additional side missions similar to GTA to keep you entertained. I have nothing bad to say about this game.

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I hated Far Cry 3.

Despite being an 'open world' game, the missions are highly scripted, and if you don't play the exact way the game wants you to do it, you fail the mission and the game reloads the last checkpoint (very, very slowly - there is a lot of staring at loading screens).

You can't just go anywhere you want to blow off steam, like in GTA. One time I started setting villagers on fire, which was mildly amusing, but then the game decided I was having too much fun so it killed me and reloaded the last checkpoint.

Every character - particularly the main one - is utterly hateful. I wanted them all to die. I think I chose the 'bad' ending, so at least I sort of got my wish there.

Probably didn't help that I was playing the Xbox version, which is technically appalling. The framerate is so bad, it's like a slideshow. There's a bit where you have to swim to a ship, which you can see a little way off shore, but if you zoom in to see how many men are guarding it, it just vanishes. I honestly don't know why people raved about this game - it's a big-budget turd.

Edited by M-K
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  • Backroom

Finally picked up the witcher 2 for Xbox, never played the first so have no idea what's going on but heard good stuff

Credit to the publisher for actually including a proper manual and a decent map with it!

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Far Cry was terribly slow without installing it. After installing it the game was tolerable, although I can see how the loading screens become annoying. I didn't like the main character at first but the more I progressed through the game the more I liked him - still not as cool as Drake from Uncharted.

Now to finish Arkham City finally.

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Red dead redemption is ace!

Haha, I was expecting someone to respond to that. ;)

I think I overhyped it expecting it to be some sort of gta on horseback but I found it to be really boring. Travelling around cities in cars is fun but travelling around barren landscapes on horses just wasn't for me.

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  • Backroom

I found red dead redemption far more fun than any GTA game (well I enjoy GTA games for messing around but can't never force myself through the story)

Rdr is still my game of this generation, really got sucked into the story and setting, it helped that the protagonist is an awesome character

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Treated myself to a few days R&R after a few tough weeks at work (which actually involved a lot of gaming, but most of it aimed at under 13s, with the notable exception of a certain triple A shooter) and bought myself Forza Horizon. It seemed to at first to be Forza's game engine but more open and fun like Burnout Paradise, which should have just about been the perfect combo .... and it was ... for a while. It proudly told me I'd driven for 17hrs after I'd just won the final "story line" race. 17hrs! In Gran Turismo 2 at 17hrs you'd still be trying for that C licence in a 1998 Vauxhall Nova!

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Anyone tried the new Sim City?

Loads of people have been having problems connecting to the servers, and there's been an internet keanstorm about how evil EA is for forcing people to play online and messing up the launch, but...

It's brilliant! It's digital crack. The idea of Sim City always appealed to me more than the reality, as in previous games I'd run out of money or get bored, but this is loads of fun and really easy to get into.

I've logged about 20 hours on it since Saturday. Last night it wouldn't load my save, which was a bit of a bugger, but that's the only thing that saved me from wasting another evening in front of the computer.

It was all up and running again this morning, and I've spent most of the day at work thinking about improvements to the four cities I've got on the go. If anyone's interested in this, there are lots of free slots in my region and I am currently exporting crude oil, computer chips and murderers.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Bioshock Infinite looks really good (IGN scored it 94%). Bioshock is one of my all time favourite FPS, Bioshock 2 was exactly the same as the first except it had a poor storyline.

I'm glad they decided to leave Rapture and the new setting of Columbia in the clouds looks really interesting. Was a bit skeptical about how creepy the atmosphere in an outdoors setting in broad daylight would be, but going off the first two games I'm sure they've managed to pull it off.

I've read that PC is the definitive platform to play this on for graphics but I guess it's the same with most games nowadays with the consoles getting a little dated.

Edited by Clitherover
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I loved the first one but wasn't so keen on Bioshock 2. Protecting the Little Sisters, you set up traps and stuff, then the first wave of enemies would set them all off and it would be a plain old gunfight. Plus, despite being supposedly the one thing in Rapture that nobody messes with, there's no feeling of power. You're basically as weak as the human character in Bioshock 1.

Bioshock 2 was made by a different developer though. Infinite should be better, I hope. It's preloaded on Steam now, just sitting there, taunting me.

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