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I've got up to Esthar on Disc 3 at the moment. I imagine I'll have finished it in the next few days and that'll be £10 well spent!

(spoilers ahead)

A bit of a shower thought but I was thinking that FFVIII's ending actually makes starting a new game quite interesting. The general suggestion from the game is that the characters are caught in an endless time loop where the heroes defeat Ultimecia, which sets in motion events which cause Ultimecia's birth in the future and subsequent attempt to compress time.

So theoretically every time you start a game of FFVIII you're beginning another instance of the endless time loop. Small things can change like time spent on things, characters being in certain places at certain times, weapons, GFs, etc... but the overall plot and destination remains the same. It's kind of cool - whenever you start a new game of FFVIII you really are starting a new game, albeit as part of a time loop which can't be changed. 

Obviously it could just be the translation explaining the concept badly and there is no time loop though, rendering the above total nonsense.

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  • Backroom

My dad found our old Master System in the loft, with a cartridge (Sonic Chaos) still inserted. I brought it home and plugged it in... worked straight away. Probably the first time it's been turned on in at least 25 years. These old consoles really were built to last. 

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On 09/01/2020 at 20:42, DE. said:

My dad found our old Master System in the loft, with a cartridge (Sonic Chaos) still inserted. I brought it home and plugged it in... worked straight away. Probably the first time it's been turned on in at least 25 years. These old consoles really were built to last. 

My first console. I had an Amstrad cpc364 before that. The one with the cassettes. 

Had Shinobi on the master system. Loved it. You could rent the console out in a shop near where I lived. I think £10 it was back then. I think there were 2 versions, one had a kind of a buzzle game, very basic. In a maze. The other version had alex the kid,much better. I could be wrong about that though. 

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  • Backroom
15 minutes ago, Bigdoggsteel said:

Had Shinobi on the master system. Loved it. You could rent the console out in a shop near where I lived. I think £10 it was back then. I think there were 2 versions, one had a kind of a buzzle game, very basic. In a maze. The other version had alex the kid,much better. I could be wrong about that though. 

Nope you're right. The original Master System had "Snail Maze" as a built in game, then they had various games but mainly Hang On/Safari Hunt, Alex Kidd and later Sonic 1. I think Sonic was only on the Master System II though. 

From recollection my three OG Master System's have Snail Maze, Hang On/Safari Hunt and Hang On/Astro Warrior on them. My two master System II's have Alex Kidd and Sonic 1 built in.

It's kind of crazy to think that Master System consoles came with built in games tbh. We didn't see that again until the PS3/360 era. Way ahead of its time!

Edited by DE.
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3 hours ago, davulsukur said:

I can't stop play Assassins Creed Odyssey at the mo. 

Massive game, the map is huge and it just keeps giving more to do. 

Enjoying it a lot though. 

Never played any of the Assassin's Creed games tbh... knowing me I'll end up playing them in about 15 years when nobody's talking about them anymore.

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11 hours ago, DE. said:

Never played any of the Assassin's Creed games tbh... knowing me I'll end up playing them in about 15 years when nobody's talking about them anymore.

I started playing them late. There's quite a few of them now. I've not played them all but I think some are decent and others not so much.

I do really like Odyssey though, its going to take a staggering amount of hours to get through though.

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On 14/01/2020 at 06:03, Bigdoggsteel said:

My first console. I had an Amstrad cpc364 before that. The one with the cassettes. 

Had Shinobi on the master system. Loved it. You could rent the console out in a shop near where I lived. I think £10 it was back then. I think there were 2 versions, one had a kind of a buzzle game, very basic. In a maze. The other version had alex the kid,much better. I could be wrong about that though. 

Sure you dont mean the CPC 464? i had that one. Also had the BBC Micro, Commodore 64 and ZX Spectrum

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1 minute ago, Bigdoggsteel said:

That's exactly what I meant, couldn't think of the name. Tape deck with a green screen, cutting edge stuff.  Never heard of the BBC micro. The other 2 are legendary at this stage. 


Thats the BBC Micro - Used to remember playing 'Elite' in its earliest format on that thing. 

Edited by JacknOry
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  • Backroom

I never had any of the proper old school microcomputers. I think my grandad had an Acorn. My dad had an Atari 2600, and the next computer I remember us owning was an Amiga 500. Might have gotten the Master System before the Amiga actually... hard to remember! I did love the Amiga though. So many games (mostly pirated from memory!), and the Mega Drive controller worked with it which was handy. I actually replaced the Amiga's floppy disk drive a few years ago due to the original one wearing out - works perfectly now although I haven't used it in some time. 


Beautiful machine B)

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1 hour ago, DE. said:

I never had any of the proper old school microcomputers. I think my grandad had an Acorn. My dad had an Atari 2600, and the next computer I remember us owning was an Amiga 500. Might have gotten the Master System before the Amiga actually... hard to remember! I did love the Amiga though. So many games (mostly pirated from memory!), and the Mega Drive controller worked with it which was handy. I actually replaced the Amiga's floppy disk drive a few years ago due to the original one wearing out - works perfectly now although I haven't used it in some time. 


Beautiful machine B)

Had that too with the external floppy drive which served no real purpose apart from reducing the constant 'changing of disks' when loading games. Also loved that machine, the games were great and so many (yes, mostly pirated). Is also where my love of Championship Manager (now called Football Manager) began. Sensible World of Soccer was another favourite. Shadow of the Beast, Wings, Speedball 2, Lemmings, Stunt Racer, Super Cars were some of my other faves. 

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  • Backroom
19 minutes ago, JacknOry said:

Had that too with the external floppy drive which served no real purpose apart from reducing the constant 'changing of disks' when loading games. Also loved that machine, the games were great and so many (yes, mostly pirated). Is also where my love of Championship Manager (now called Football Manager) began. Sensible World of Soccer was another favourite. Shadow of the Beast, Wings, Speedball 2, Lemmings, Stunt Racer, Super Cars were some of my other faves. 

We never had the second disk drive, although from memory my uncle had one for his. I can remember we used to be subscribed to an 'amiga club' which would send you a couple of games each month for a subscription fee (no idea what it was). My dad stopped paying it eventually but they still kept sending us games for some time afterwards! I never played Champ Manager on the Amiga but I do remember the Amiga Club sending a game called 'Tracksuit Manager 2'. I played it for about a week and really liked it, but then one night we had a powercut and the game never worked again. I guess the magentic strip in the floppy got damaged. I was proper gutted! I had the original Sensible Soccer but never had SWOS, unfortunately. The original was still fantastic though.

You could list the great games on the Amiga for hours... all of the ones you mentioned there were great, along with the likes of Worms, Soccer Kid, Zeewolf, Colonization (played this one for hours and hours when I was younger), Hired Guns, Cannon Fodder, Superfrog, Pinball Fantasies (another amazing game), Zool, Alien Breed, Body Blows, Monkey island, Flashback, F1 World Circuit, F1 Grand Prix, Gunship 2000, Stardust, Super Stardust, Jump 'n' Roll, Robocop, Lamborginhi American Challenge, Transplant, Jimmy White's Snooker, The Adventures of Robin Hood (amazing underrated classic game, I loved this one!), Micro Machines, Super Skidmarks, Crash 'n' Burn, Bump 'n' Burn... I really could just go on and on. It had something for everybody. Incredible system. 

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  • Backroom

Anyone played 'Return of the Obra Dinn'? Been recommended by a mate who played it on PC (top 10 games of 2018 by many accounts), but it now has a PS4 version.

Still on RDR2 currently! Only get to play a few hours a month (when my days off coincide with the Mrs being at work), and it's STILL amazing imo.

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10 hours ago, JacknOry said:

Sure you dont mean the CPC 464? i had that one. Also had the BBC Micro, Commodore 64 and ZX Spectrum

I was also in the Amstrsd CPC464 club. With green screen monitor to boot.

My uncle gave us a ZX spectrum, the one with the rubber keys and one of my brothers got hold of a Commadore 64 at some point. That took cartridges as well. I remember he got Terminator 2 and there was a level where you were Sarah Connor escaping the mental institution, basically just running forward and clubbing guards with a night stick.

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For me FF6/7/8/9 are the peak of the series and the ones most people are most fond of. The ones after that have been hit and miss, and whilst the ones before those games have their fans they aren't in the same sphere in terms of popularity. I think I have every FF excluding 11 and 14, but none of them come close to the FF6-9 era. 

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On 16/01/2020 at 02:12, DE. said:

We never had the second disk drive, although from memory my uncle had one for his. I can remember we used to be subscribed to an 'amiga club' which would send you a couple of games each month for a subscription fee (no idea what it was). My dad stopped paying it eventually but they still kept sending us games for some time afterwards! I never played Champ Manager on the Amiga but I do remember the Amiga Club sending a game called 'Tracksuit Manager 2'. I played it for about a week and really liked it, but then one night we had a powercut and the game never worked again. I guess the magentic strip in the floppy got damaged. I was proper gutted! I had the original Sensible Soccer but never had SWOS, unfortunately. The original was still fantastic though.

You could list the great games on the Amiga for hours... all of the ones you mentioned there were great, along with the likes of Worms, Soccer Kid, Zeewolf, Colonization (played this one for hours and hours when I was younger), Hired Guns, Cannon Fodder, Superfrog, Pinball Fantasies (another amazing game), Zool, Alien Breed, Body Blows, Monkey island, Flashback, F1 World Circuit, F1 Grand Prix, Gunship 2000, Stardust, Super Stardust, Jump 'n' Roll, Robocop, Lamborginhi American Challenge, Transplant, Jimmy White's Snooker, The Adventures of Robin Hood (amazing underrated classic game, I loved this one!), Micro Machines, Super Skidmarks, Crash 'n' Burn, Bump 'n' Burn... I really could just go on and on. It had something for everybody. Incredible system. 

OMG i forgot that one. Another of my faves - yes very underrated. Yep know most of those other games. Fantastic list. Just goes to show how many great games there were when I can then reel off some of the next ones too. 

Paperboy, Lotus Turbo Challenge 1 and 2, Syndicate, Quake, R-Type, It Came From the Dessert, Kick Off 1 and 2, Another World, Prince of Persia, Rainbow Islands, The Chaos Engine, James Pond 1 and 2, Turrican 1 and 2, Citadel, The Settlers, Populous (loved this), Leisure Suit Larry, Battle Chess, Mego-Lo-Mania. 

Oh, how can I forget North and South - had huge fun with that game. 

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  • Backroom
31 minutes ago, davulsukur said:

FF7 Remake.

PlayStation exclusive though. Shame.

Whilst I am looking forward to the FF7 remake I don't think it'll be a patch on the original game. They seem to have gotten whatever affliction George Lucas had and are unnecessarily messing around with the source material when all anyone ever really wanted was a graphically enhanced version of the same game. 

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1 hour ago, Amo said:

Meh. They've already censored Tifa and retconned the Bombing Mission.

Square aren't what they used to be. 

How have they censored her?

What's this about the bombing mission?

I have tried not to read too many spoilers. FF7 is my favourite game. I was 99% sure I would be disappointed with the remake,but what I saw looked promising. 

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2 hours ago, Bigdoggsteel said:

How have they censored her?

What's this about the bombing mission?

I have tried not to read too many spoilers. FF7 is my favourite game. I was 99% sure I would be disappointed with the remake,but what I saw looked promising. 

They put a black oversized sports bra under her top and covered up her legs with thigh-high leggings. 

In the remake, Avalanche's bomb is too weak to blow up the reactor, so Shinra secretly destroy it all to frame them. Not only does this whitewash Avalanche and rob the story of its moral ambiguity, it's a redundant plot twist because Shinra already do an inside job on the Sector 7 plate. 

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