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Not only that, the other thing that bothers me is the AI. It sounds like they are idiots. They can watch you kill someone but if you dont run off and stand there praying like a monk they think your just a bystander!!! The way they only attack you 1 by 1 is a bit lame too. They have spent about 3 years making this and should have been able to resolve these issues before release.

That's what it comes down to. There is always something that has to be messed up. The AI would be something relativelysimple to fix. Maybe a bit costly but if they fix it, it ill make more then it cost. Why can't ubisoft say, hey we've got this fantastic thing going, but we're lacking here, here, and here. Pushing back a release date and turning the game from a big step but lacking to an epic all time game is something they should be willing to do. That repetition is bound to get old. It's just disheartening.

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Well, if it's any consolation, I've rushed through it once and wouldn't mind doing it again when I get the retail version. There aren't many games I can say that about.

It must be worth it if you have played through the main bit and are now willing to shell out £40 for your own copy

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I'm fascinated that after all the hype and all the bloody time Ubisoft has had to make this that it appears to have fallen woefully short on the some of the most basic tenets of quality gaming - variation and intelligence. Bad, bad form.

However is it surprising? Ubisoft Montreal have failed to iron out the same annoying kinks that have plagued Splinter Cell since its debut, most recently with the backing of a next generation console.

Edited by Rovermatt
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Kane and Lynch Review - click

I was looking forward to playing the co op mode with a mate on this but I am shocked when they said in the above review that its only available OFFLINE :blink:

Having second thoughts about playing this now because that was the main selling point for me

I am one of the unlucky ones that doesn’t have xbox live yet so i guess it suits me well, nothing wrong with bringing back the good old days when your mate would have to physically come up and play it with you.

Tell you what my bank is gonna be empty in a week or so after all these releases.

Anyone fancy Mass Effect? as a sci-fi junkie like myself its a must.

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The big question is Mass Effect or Kane and Lynch?

I can only afford one really.

I dont know what but with all the hype with Mass Effect I cant see what all the fuss is about? It dosent look that good to me.

Kane and Lynch on the other hand interests me not only because of the 1 player story but also some interesting online modes (shame there is no co-op though) Kane and Lynches targeting system has been getting a rough ride though from the reviews I have seen.

To be fair though I havent actually played either so shouldnt be aloud to comment :P

FYI Check these out:-



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In reply to what i said earlier, i bought Mass Effect on friday as a friend of mine had not stopped going on about it for weeks.

It is horrible to say the least, maybe this just isnt my kind of game, but lets put it in perspective. There is a part in it where you have to actually call the lift and wait ages for it (just like in real life) then it takes ages while it stops on each floor. Forgive me for seeming impatient but i have other things to do with my time than this. Plus the actual game physics are really bad. There's blobs of white things which hover around that have no rendering at all and look blocky as hell. There is a number of other problems i found. Luckily i got my money back for this, Game must have felt sorry for me on this occasion as they dont take lightly to refund.

Edited by starscascade
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So, did anyone get Assassin's Creed? I'm stuck right at the end, my fighting skills have let me down and when I turn the console off in frustration it's at least half an hour to get back to that point.

I have it but not had it on yet. Planning on having a go this week so a little bit off where you are up to :rolleyes:

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It's completely brilliant, I've been making sure to do every objective and explore everywhere this time.

But that last part... I'll probably still be stuck on it by the time you get there, so I'll be tapping you up for hints.

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Played Assassin's Creed for the first time yesterday. Ended up playing for 4 hours straight. Incredibly good game.

I would like to pick some words out here:-

Assassin's Creed - Played - Incredibly good game

You see, this little fella has been getting a kicking from people BEFORE it even came out. Its very annoying when you read people on the gaming forums hammering a game that they haven't played or saying they love a game even though they haven't played it.

I like the look of Killzone 2 however, no one has played it so no one really knows if its any good however, there are people who say its the best game ever.

So annoying.

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Killzone 2 has got decent reviews on Amazon:

From what ive seen of this game it looks absolutly amazing and yea i know it isnt out yet but the graphics on it are stunning the gameplay (apparently) is amazing and the guy who wrote the first review killzone 1 was a really good game and you have to get used 2 it

and for you lot that dont know this game is going to be on the planet helghan which is the helghast home planet and you will be staging an attack on them instead of getting invaded

ps this is going to murder the 360 and halo and no im not a fanboy either

Five stars out of five. Sounds great!

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