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Anyone figured out how to get a fast serve in. Ive tried with Nadal and Roddick but I can't serve more than 90mph. If i do it's always a fault!!!

I have Topspin 3 on Wii and I'm still trying to to put an ace past someone, I have started to get the hang of playing it now and I am getting better at shot direction.

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  • 2 weeks later...

For those with either a 360 or PS3 you can download the Star Wars Force Unleashed Demo today.

I haven't had chance to play it yet but early reports are that what looked a very promising game with a good story could be spoilt by a very dodgy camera.

Will hopefully get chance to have a bash tomorrow.

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I played the demo.

Lots of fun!

I'll buy it. Didn't particularly notice any camera issues. I'll have to play through it again I guess.

I have played through the demo a couple of times now and I am not impressed. 'The Force' power doesn't feel right. Half the time you throw something and it doesn't go where you want (someone will say it must be me now). The lightsaber doesn't feel like I am wielding a lightsaber and the euphoria engine (the bit the splinters wood/smashes glass into a million pieces) just feels tacked on.

Over rated on the hype machine me thinks. Till something better comes I will carry on playing god of war for this type of game.

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  • 2 weeks later...

FFXII is a top game! I spent about 120 hours completing it and enjoyed every minute, definately one of the most impresive games I have played, it's massive and the graphic's etc are very impressive for the PS2. I am pretty certain it is the latest console version out with FFXIII (PS3 & 360) & FFXIII Versus (PS3) out next year, there are new releases on the handheld's though but most are basically remakes of the first games in the series and games such as FFVII Crisis Core etc. I have just completed FFI & II and will have a blast at III & IV pretty soon on my task to complete the lot!

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Just 50 days to go until Gear 2 is released. THE game release of 2008!

Read it and weep you PS3 suckahs!

I am a PS3 owner and I have said it before that this is the only game that I would want from the 360 to grace the PS3.

Very Jealous that its an exclusive - enjoy though :rolleyes:

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Anyone got "Force Unleashed" yet? First impressions? It has had mixed reviews but I still want to get it...

I was actually gonna start a new thread for that but saw this comment and replied instead. I picked it up yesturday and so far im well hooked. Its pretty gold-skool but it truely is the best game i've played since GtaIV, after the dissapointment that was Too Human and Mercenaries, this is well up my street.

Dunno why the reviews are so harsh on it. I was very close to not buying this game due to the terrible reviews but i had £40 game credit for an issue i had with them a while back, so i thought what the heck, nothing to loose. I've found the force grip really easy to use and targeting enemies easy too. Obviously people judged an un-finished demo too early. Basically i think its improved 100% since the demo release.

I think the strong parts of the game is definatly the story and the graphics, top-notch and more enjoyable than Episodes I-III ( even though i quite like them). For people saying this is 'Not Next-Gen', well it bloody is and what do you expect?

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Anyone got "Force Unleashed" yet? First impressions? It has had mixed reviews but I still want to get it...

Yeah I got it despite the reviews and I'm really enjoying it. I'd say some of the reviews are pretty accurate though. The game does have some camera issues, mainly in closed in environments and it can be quite annoying during some boss battles. But it also has moments that make you giggle with pure geekish glee. If you're a star wars fan, the story is interesting and promising (I'm only through two levels at the moment). Also, the force powers really make you feel very powerful and playing it makes you stronger as more powers are unlocked. I can't tell you just how amusing it is to find new ways to kill your enemies...fling em off ledges, fry em with force lightning, choke em, skewer them with your lightsaber...or a combination of them all. It's also quite funny to see enemies cling on to the environment or each other as you pick them up with force grip and toy with them before you finish em as the the evil sith you are :P

And there are moments where you come across huge gates and just bend them open using the force. Or bend huge metal walls over to protect you from a shower of sparks. It makes the player feel very powerful. It's not perfect and it has some issues but so far for me, the fun outweighs the problems.

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On the subject of mercs 2 - the demo is up to try - just downloading now.

I was well annoyed at the lack of quality of Mercs 2. Its the first game i've played on the 360 that sent the console back 2 generations its not even ps2 standard, it really is very bad and craftily they release the demo AFTER the game comes out. Smart move developers, good business head on you havent you?

Incidenatly i managed to get a FULL refund for this title as really none should be charged for a game that bugged. As long as you know what your talking about it shouldnt be an issue anyone who has bought it? get your money back!

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