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Got Far Cry 2 yesterday.

Went straight into the online game and played that for a couple of hours. I joined a quick game and then following that I set my own 'deathmatch' up, which was a cracking game of hide and seek between 8 of us.

I then built my own map, which I plan to publish tonight (as servers were playing up last night?), which will be very testing for anyone interested.

I started the story mode late last night and got about 30 mins into the game. Overall thoughts so far. Id say about 8/10. Its good, and the graphics are quite good, but not as good as I was expecting following reviews on here.

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Gears of War 2 ................ its the dogs gonads!!

Suggest all you guys rush out and get a 360 and get on line to help the COGs win the battle with the Horde.

Seriously, all new weapons and brilliant multiplayer modes - this will be in my drive for the next 12 months or so.

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Quite a few new games out tomorrow, including Football Manager 2009, Call of Duty (World at War), Mirrors Edge. Anyone getting any of them? Has Call of Duty been improved does anyone know or is it basically the same game, but with new levels & new weapons?

Also has anyone played that voice activation war game, end war?

Also there is 'SOCOM Confrontation' coming soon which looks like a good online game.

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I got Mirrors Edge today, very handy since I've been off work sick...but that's another story.

I'm enjoying it immensely. I love the art design of the game. It has this cold, totalitarian feel to it which really works well. And the design of the cut scenes is also very good. I saw a review being critical of the cut scenes in particular but to me the way they are done work very well. Anyway, this is a game that is seriously frustrating at times but conversely, the feeling of accomplishment when you fly through the environment nailing jumps, slides, wall runs and hurdles effortlessly is really quite something. It's very addictive. Being that this is a first person game, that might carry certain expectations with it. Thing is, this is not a game for combat. It encourages you to run away. Some times you have to take on the enemy and the combat is...unique and also very difficult. The only weapons you carry are your hands and feet. Using them to deadly effect is quite possible but hard to get the hang of. Expect to die frequently and having to try again. You can disarm your foe with ease but this is down to timing and is also hard to get the hang of. You can use the weapons you take of your enemy but only as far as the gun/rifle is loaded. Some weapons will have to be discarded anyway as movement is seriously hindered by it and you need to be quick on your feet to get to where you're going. Getting around is fairly straight forward once you get used to the controls - and this isn't that complicated. However, in many parts of the game you are being chased by police or SWAT on foot or by chopper shooting at you. The environments can be difficult to get an overview of and when you have a sense of urgency from being shot at constantly you will take wrong turns and jump of buildings, missing ledges and basically falling to your death frequently, having to replay that particular section until you get it right. This can be annoying but I expect it to be a much improved experience on the second play through. I say that because when you get things right it just feels so damn good, you really have to play it to see what I mean. It's fantastic. The story is fairly straight forward but interesting enough to make you want to find out what happens next.

So far this is a good purchase.

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I downloaded the Mirrors Edge demo but it's too hard for me. Did feel very unique though.

Little Big Planet on the other hand is rewarding and not very frustrating at all. Almost done with the story missions now so time to conjure up a custom map of sorts. Should be fun.

Tomorrow COD5 will arrive in the mail so good thing the wife is out all night. ;)

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So, I picked up Call of Duty World at War (PS3) this morning, my veiw so far:

When it was first announced that the series was going back to WW2 I was sceptical as to whether Treyarch could pull it off. The thought of going back to the M1 and Carbine sent a shiver down my spine along with fighting Nazi's et al all over again.

I've played around 2 hours (Multiplayer online) and to give a breif summary:

The maps I've played are Roundhouse, Castle, Clifftop, Dome? and one that appears to be set in Eastern Europe. The maps are very different to COD4 in the sense that they are much larger and contain a lot of rubble and buildings in which to seek cover. Treyarch have obviously spent a lot of time in getting the atmosphere correct. IMO, this is a massive plus point over the narrow feel of a lot of the COD4 maps, mainly the ones set in the Middle East. The size of the maps also seem to get rid of a lot of the 'camping' although I expect that in a few weeks this may prevail.

The game seems a lot grittier and true to life than COD4 and I would say that the visuals are very true to the previous COD.

The weapons so far are awesome and I love the 'mechanical feel' that Treyarch have brought to them. My only downside is the sound effect of the frag grenades are appaling. There is obviously no Red Dot Sight, however there are Scopes and Flash Supressors along with Boyonets etc.

I've played around 15 team death match levels and the online has been flawless, no lag or disconnections yet (touch wood). I have seen on a few COD related forums that this may not be the case on the XBOX360 which seems to be suffering a few hiccups. I have READ this, please do not turn this into a fan boy debate!

The online perks system and menu system continues in a very similar vein to COD4, however there are several new perks, mainly involving the vehicles that can be used online. Increased turret speed, tank spped etc are all in there.

The vehicles online are OK, I have so far been for a spin in a tank and whilst enjoyed the 10 kill streak that came with it, I much prefer to be a grunt in the battlefield.

Dogs. Jesus Christ! The reward for getting a 7 kill streak is that you get to unleash a pack of killer dogs on your enemy that will literally rip their throuts out. The dogs are a massive advantage and it seems quite common to get around 7 kills with them.

Overall so far 9/10 from me. A few graphical'bugs', similar to those in COD 4, are the only neagtive points that I have noticed so far.

I'm yet to play the campaign mode so can't really comment.

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Quite a few new games out tomorrow, including Football Manager 2009, Call of Duty (World at War), Mirrors Edge. Anyone getting any of them? Has Call of Duty been improved does anyone know or is it basically the same game, but with new levels & new weapons?

Also has anyone played that voice activation war game, end war?

Also there is 'SOCOM Confrontation' coming soon which looks like a good online game.

Giant Bomb's review of world at war was pretty good. Also they got real into it on their podcast. I just woke up though can't remember all the details. ---Click.

Also, my roommate has Confrontation and he played it like crazy for a few weeks then just sorta stopped. When he did play it, it played real well and looked pretty good. I think other games being around to play made it lose it's value quickly. It looks, feels and plays like a SOCOM game too, so if you like that style, you'll probably like this.

Edited by American Rover12
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COD5 is basically COD4 in a different setting. Think that's a pretty fair assessment. That could be good or bad of course depending on whether you liked the last one or not. I've only played two chapters of the campaign mode, but I'm already enjoying this every bit at much as Modern Warfare. The weapons feel great (was a little worried..) and the story appears to be solid like the last one.

Finished Little Big Planet story maps tonight as well, so this will now take its place as the nightly entertainment (at least when the wife doesn't need the TV)

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So many games, so little time.

I bought Gears of War 2 today, the online co-op is very good on that also.

Left 4 Dead is also good (played the demo)

So still need to buy that and COD5!!

(ATM I am playing FM09 & fallout3 on PC and have GOW2 on Xbox)

So spoilt for choice atm (I haven't previously bought a game since GTA4)

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Ah yes you are correct. No idea when the third one is coming out but you might want to download the Tom Clancy: End War demo from the store - that should keep you going for a bit - not exactly a team based FPS like Ghost Recon I know but its worth a look.

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Been playing COD waw since Friday.

The single player mode is great and the zombies bonus round is great fun when you are in a group of 4.

Initially I wasn't too keen on the multiplayer side of things, but after a few games I began to love it. I've played COD 4 to death and so this game was easy to get back into the flow of things.

The maps are bigger but I feel that some of them aren't as well thought out as some of the COD4 maps. I also think that there is a lot more camping and that the spawns are terrible.

Also beware when playing roundhouse as there is a glitch that people are using to get under the map near the train tracks.

I'm loving the sub machine guns, especially the Thompson. The rifles are also really effective but take a bit of getting used to.

The dogs are good and give you a fighting chance of surviving against them. Also they flush out the enemy so follow behind them and take out the opposition as they are defending themselves against the dogs.

I'm rank 62 now so 3 more to go until 1st prestige. My KD ratio is 1.74 on my redgengis account and 5.92 on my Clan account.

There is also a stats page that you can link to your psn tag, its on COD.com. Its an interesting feature as you can look back at all your games to see how you did. I'll post mine on here tonight. Its an interesting feature and handy for me as I run a clan on consolegaming. I can check all my teams stats and choose the teams on how well they play on certain maps etc.

Edited by 4ever&ever
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Anyone read anything about NFS: Undercover, looks very disappointing going by what IGN have said, which i find just awful. What happened? Why couldnt they continue on with what a good platform they had? It seems Midnight Club LA seems a much better buy.

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Been playing COD waw since Friday.

The single player mode is great and the zombies bonus round is great fun when you are in a group of 4.

Initially I wasn't too keen on the multiplayer side of things, but after a few games I began to love it. I've played COD 4 to death and so this game was easy to get back into the flow of things.

The maps are bigger but I feel that some of them aren't as well thought out as some of the COD4 maps. I also think that there is a lot more camping and that the spawns are terrible.

Also beware when playing roundhouse as there is a glitch that people are using to get under the map near the train tracks.

I'm loving the sub machine guns, especially the Thompson. The rifles are also really effective but take a bit of getting used to.

The dogs are good and give you a fighting chance of surviving against them. Also they flush out the enemy so follow behind them and take out the opposition as they are defending themselves against the dogs.

I'm rank 62 now so 3 more to go until 1st prestige. My KD ratio is 1.74 on my redgengis account and 5.92 on my Clan account.

There is also a stats page that you can link to your psn tag, its on COD.com. Its an interesting feature as you can look back at all your games to see how you did. I'll post mine on here tonight. Its an interesting feature and handy for me as I run a clan on consolegaming. I can check all my teams stats and choose the teams on how well they play on certain maps etc.

I played COD4 multiplayer right up to the gold cross and then some. Awesome game and COD:W@W should consume just as many hours.

I don't see any more camping than there was in COD4 and good aggressive players will always win out in the end, but I agree the spawning is absolutely horrible, especially in headquarters.

Up until recently I was also enjoying the fact I was only getting onto Australia- and New Zealand-based games. They are lag free and were not easy to find on COD4, so there was a lot of going in and out of games, killing off my win-loss ratio (not that it mattered... it was the time wasted which I hated). With the recent update to the game, multiplayer access has expanded to the rest of the world like in COD4. Yesterday it took a good hour before I finally found an Australia-based game. Awful, just awful.

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Don't worry about Street Fighter - it's really rough looking in HD. The sprites are sharper than in the original game but on a HD telly they look no better than you probably remember the originals. The animation is very, very poor. Wait for SF4 - it's not far away, it's basically the same game but with more moves, and it looks fantastic. Played the Xbox version and the arcade one, they're identical. PS3 version should be the same.

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