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With Santa on his way Im after some advice.

Call of Duty World at War (360) Out of 10?

Tomb Raider (new one) (360) Out of 10?

GTA IV (360) Out of 10?

Madden 09 (360/Wii) Out of 10?

Best game on PC, Wii or 360?

Game of the year?

Bear in mind, I usually stick to sports games, and rarely play online. I did enjoy Call of Duty for the GC though.

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Better late than never but I've been playing Assassins Creed the last few days. What an amazing game. I've almost beaten it so I'm not sure how it all pans out but I never get tired of those views and leaps of faith from the tops of the viewpoints. Really great stuff.

Yeah I loved it too but the thing that really REALLY lets it down is the repetitive nature of each city that you have to goto. By the time I was on the last one I was nearly in tears that I had to pickpocket someone for the 500th time.

Its part of a trilogy so hopefully they will listen to the users and make it pretty much the same thing but with more variety in the missions next time.

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With Santa on his way Im after some advice.

Call of Duty World at War (360) Out of 10?

Tomb Raider (new one) (360) Out of 10?

GTA IV (360) Out of 10?

Madden 09 (360/Wii) Out of 10?

Best game on PC, Wii or 360?

Game of the year?

Bear in mind, I usually stick to sports games, and rarely play online. I did enjoy Call of Duty for the GC though.

People keep harping on about Call of Duty when the only war game you should be playing is Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway. Overlooked game this year.

I'd give Madden 09 a solid 8/10. Interesting Madden IQ system that adjusts the difficulty based on your performance, in theory. It doesn't work as well as it should but very promising. The weapons system is more balanced out this year as well. Plenty of tweaks as expected but the major thing is presentation. It looks much better than 08 and you get a pretty decent commentary this time. The guy doing the play by play is a little flat and boring but Chris Collingworth does a great job as color commentator. A good purchase.

Yeah I loved it too but the thing that really REALLY lets it down is the repetitive nature of each city that you have to goto. By the time I was on the last one I was nearly in tears that I had to pickpocket someone for the 500th time.

Its part of a trilogy so hopefully they will listen to the users and make it pretty much the same thing but with more variety in the missions next time.

Sooo, you want it the same but more varied?


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Don't worry about Street Fighter - it's really rough looking in HD. The sprites are sharper than in the original game but on a HD telly they look no better than you probably remember the originals. The animation is very, very poor. Wait for SF4 - it's not far away, it's basically the same game but with more moves, and it looks fantastic. Played the Xbox version and the arcade one, they're identical. PS3 version should be the same.

Is it just me or is the 360 trial version of Street Fighter the most useless demo ever? Just downloaded the 340mb trial to be presented with a main menu that allows multiplayer only, no single player option. Fine I think, get battered on line it is then. Select Multiplayer. The only option then is "Local Mode".

Basically, I can't try the demo to see if it's any good unless I have 2 controllers and someone who wants to bother playing against me.

Surely I've missed something?

As an alternative, I've been playing Mortal Kombat Vs DC Universe. Now that is quite a nice polished game. Nice to beat people up as superman as well.

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Sooo, you want it the same but more varied?


The same as in the game play of the climbing and the freedom of the place - that I liked. I even liked the combat in it. The variation needs to change in the repetitiveness of the missions - e.g. having to pickpoket in every city your in. Its like playing the first level of sonic the hedgehog over and over and then the credits come up.

If you have played the game through you must know where I am coming from?

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If you have played the game through you must know where I am coming from?

I do. I didn't get to finish it because it bored me to tears. Liked the graphics, story, combat, sense of freedom but the repetetive nature finished it for me.

Yet another massivley overhyped game that was dissapointment (I'm looking at you aswell GTA4 and Fallout!)

Edited by dopper69
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The same as in the game play of the climbing and the freedom of the place - that I liked. I even liked the combat in it. The variation needs to change in the repetitiveness of the missions - e.g. having to pickpoket in every city your in. Its like playing the first level of sonic the hedgehog over and over and then the credits come up.

If you have played the game through you must know where I am coming from?

Yes, I did finish the game and I loved it. I do understand where you are coming from, was just having a laugh with the "I want more of the same, but different!" statement ;)

The missions did get a bit repetitive, I agree. You didn't HAVE to get all the clues to get the kill though, has to be said. I personally found the traveling between the cities (before you could port there) to be more of a chore. I enjoyed the game play, the combat was fun, the mysterious storyline and the spiritual undertones.

And I did collect all the clues in every city before every kill. And I really didn't mind the repetitiveness of it at all.

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Woohoo :D

Just ordered Saints Row II and Farcry 2. Bioshock will have to wait

It really is incredible. I was in GAME yesterday. Far Cry brand new was £40. Second hand was £42. Same sort of thing was going on in HMV.

Glad I waited until today to pick it up.

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I am seriously tempted to buy Far Cry 2. To those of you who have it what is it like?

It's alright.

Bit tedious to be fair, there's waaaaay to much traveling between missions, during missions, after missions...It can get a bit boring.

Also, the map is so vast and there's no hud to speak of, so some dude can be standing miles away hidden in the bush shooting at you and you will have NO idea where it is coming from. It's annoying.

Haven't played it online yet though.

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Currently playing Mass Effect on the PC. Didn't play the 360 version, but this game is frikkin awesome! If you ever played and like the Star Wars KOTOR games on xbox, Bioware have taken all the good work from that, put it into an entirely new world, added some strong shooting action and elevated the RPG for the newt generation.

The main character is brilliant!

P.S.I had a quick look around and don't think it was mentioned earlier.

P.P.S. I was gonna edit 'newt generation" but it sounds too funny.

Edited by ultrablue
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