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Don't bother, biggest let down this year.

Get Fallout 3 instead

Got to disagree there mate ''Haze'' anyone.

I enjoyed Far Cry 2 and completed it. It does get a bit repetetive towards the end but the story line is a good and there is a twist at the end.

The travelling can get boring but all you need to do is get the buses everywere, its so much easier and quicker.

The multiplayer is fun but doesn't have much longetivity. I loved the map editor though and spent ages on my maps with some of the lads in my clan.

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Got to disagree there mate ''Haze'' anyone.

I enjoyed Far Cry 2 and completed it. It does get a bit repetetive towards the end but the story line is a good and there is a twist at the end.

The travelling can get boring but all you need to do is get the buses everywere, its so much easier and quicker.

The multiplayer is fun but doesn't have much longetivity. I loved the map editor though and spent ages on my maps with some of the lads in my clan.

Well since I was never interested in Haze anyway, this still ranks as MY biggest let down of the year since it was a game I was looking forward to greatly.

The voice acting is awful. It sounds like someone reading from a script with absolutely no feeling in the voice what so ever. It totally ruins the experience for me. That coupled with having to travel massive distances to get to a mission and then having to battle roadblocks and every single vehicle you see on the roads before you even get to thje mission, makes it a less than stellar experience. Good game, but could have been an Excellent game with a little bit more polish.

Adding to the FA3 recommendation, another game I rate and have just completed is Dead Space. Excellent game.

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I can see why fans of the RPG genre have positive things to say of Fallout 3, but I still think its terrible. I had it on the PS3 (don't know if it's any different on the XBox 360?) and I didn't like:

1 - The graphics - a major let down for me here - everything had very 'rough edges' I'm very into my home entertainment so I know that it is not my TV letting me down.

2 - The sound - I kept experiencing 'blips' in the sound quality throughout the three hours of it I played.

3 - The combat system was very weak IMO (TBH from what I saw I was expecting more of a FPS style combat stystem).

4 - The 'interaction/acting' with other inhabitants was extremley scripted.

5 - Everytime a freind signed into PSN the game would 'crash' for around 20 seconds. This was very annoying.

If you're into RPG's then it is probably a very good game for you. I should have learnt my lesson from Oblivion as I hated that.

Just my two pence worth, but whilst we are on the subjects of games letting you down, in no particular order here are mine:

Fallout 3


Unreal Tournament

Little Big Planet (loved it at first, haven't played on it for weeks)

Pro Evo 08+09

GT5 Prologue


Mercenaries 2

Far Cry 2

Assasins Creed



It souns like I hate my PS3, but I don't honest!


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Dopper what do you like? A lot of those games would be considered class by many gamers.


I see what you mean. The current (PS3) games I liked/play on:




Metal Gear Solid 4

Colin Mcrae Dirt

Wipeout HD

Tiger Woods

Soul Calibur

I'm looking forward to:

Killzone 2

Tom Clancy's HAWX



The new Gran Turismo (just hope it improves on Prologue)

Resident Evil 5

Uncharted 2

A football management game, like LMA

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I completely missed this announcement for Fallout 3 the other week:

Three downloadable content packs will be coming to Xbox 360 and Games for Windows Live starting in January that will add new quests, items, and content to Fallout 3.

• Operation: Anchorage. Enter a military simulation and fight in one of the greatest battles of the Fallout universe – the liberation of Anchorage, Alaska from its Chinese Communist invaders. An action-packed battle scheduled for release in January.

• The Pitt. Journey to the industrial raider town called The Pitt, located in the remains of Pittsburgh. Choose your side. Scheduled for release in February.

• Broken Steel. Join the ranks of the Brotherhood of Steel and rid the Capital Wasteland of the Enclave remnants once and for all. Continues the adventure past the main quest. Scheduled for release in March.

Great news, as I was considering starting the game again with a new character now that I finished it. I'll buy all of those. Doesn't say anything about PS3, though - maybe for the best if the comments earlier about that version are accurate.

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Missed that too - Fallout 3 is one of the unsung heroes of 2008.

It has sold around five million copies - more than Gears 2 and practically everything else bar GTA4 and maybe Madden, so not quite unsung!

I think it was the game of the year for me. I was gutted when I finished it.

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I know we have talked about shopto before but Little Big Planet for £20 is a bargain which I must snap up.

Some other good ones too.


EDIT: Actually scrub that. I have just tried to get Little Big Planet and Resisitance 2 from them but they have stopped taking orders on Resistance and Little Big Planet has stock due in with price subject to change.

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Managed to manipulate a little error in Play.coms system this week. Added Far Cry 2 for the PS3 to my shopping cart and then added teh xbox 360 version, it knocked £10 off the PS3 price.

This meant I got the Xbox version for £17.99 and the PS3 version for £7.99.

Just have to see if the games any good now. Going to trade in the Xbox version as the good lady wants Buzz for us to play over Xmas.

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I am not loving Far Cry 2 at the moment and think I might trade it in and with me only buying it for £17.99 I should get my money back.

I dont like:-

The treasure hunt

The map

When you get shot it can be hard to tell who is shooting at you

The mundane tasks

The always getting sick

Think it will be getting swapped for Resistance 2

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I'm finding Fallout extremely tedious. Only played a few hours and maybe I'm doing something wrong but its impossible to kill things. The guns are either weak and do no damage or its impossible to hit. All the while whatever thing you are fighting always hits, always does major damage and always attack in numbers.

Means you waste tons of ammo and health pack for no good.

Might trade this in soon.

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I'm finding Fallout extremely tedious. Only played a few hours and maybe I'm doing something wrong but its impossible to kill things. The guns are either weak and do no damage or its impossible to hit. All the while whatever thing you are fighting always hits, always does major damage and always attack in numbers.

Means you waste tons of ammo and health pack for no good.


I ended up with more ammo and health packs than I could ever use. Try avoiding fights with tough enemies until you're a higher level. Do the wasteland survival guide missions. Invest XP in small guns to improve your accuracy and medicine to improve the effectiveness of health packs.

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Playstation home - anyone been on this yet? What do people think??

I cant believe they are charging people to buy clothes/ things for appartments - is that going to change?

It is just a money making exercise. I went on for 5 mins, and decided I wouldn't be going on again. Can't believe they spent so long making it. Something like that would have taken Microsoft 10 mins to make.

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