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Example of the rip off - went to get a hoody for my character and the store wanted £1.69 to buy a virtual hoody for a virtual character - yeah ok!!

People will buy them though.

A lot of the features haven't been implemented yet. Sony know if they make too many bits premium then nobody will use it. It has some features to come but at the moment isn't good for much except messing around on arcade games/pool/bowling/chequers.

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So I got Fallout 3 in HMV's sale yesterday. I played it yesterday evening for 30 minutes and HATED it. I understand that it's an RPG so I wasn't surprised to see all the things one would associate with that genre, but what appalled me most was the animation. The character interaction and movement (especially in the third person - a style of play that I favour over the raft of lazy FPS title out there) was like something from an early PS2 title. Characters moon-walking on the spot is one example and an early scuffle with some bullies was laughable in its design and execution. I'm sorry but I can't see what the fuss was about. I managed to get my money back at HMV this morning. I know I played very little of it, but there is a feeling that every gamer gets when you know that something's not quite right with your new purchase. I've got the same feeling about Far Cry 2 which is far too vast, mediocre and boring between the confusingly assembled 'main' stories. I plan to trade it in on Monday. Perhaps for COD5.

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Had a bash on three new games:-

Prince of Persia - loving it so far. Looks really nice and the controls are very good indeed. My hope is that it dosnt become to repetative.

Little Big Planet - I just cant get into it at the moment although I am going to give it a really good go. I have done about three worlds and am yet to get excited about anything (although I did smile a little when Stephen Fry started chatting away)

Resistance 2 - This one is epic. Lots and lots going on all the time. It does seem very good so far. I am hating the preditor type enemy though because you hear a couple of footsteps and if your not facing the correct direction your dead in one hit.

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Got NHL 09 as a pre xmas present for myself and I'm having so much fun with it. The various gamer sites keep mentioning this as the best sports game this year and I totally understand why. The be a pro mode is just so well done and so much fun, you keep wanting to play one more game. I'm not even a hockey fan and I don't know much about the sport but even without any sort of knowledge about it you get so sucked in.

It looks great, plays great and is presented really well. Check it out!

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Guest Kamy100
Got NHL 09 as a pre xmas present for myself and I'm having so much fun with it. The various gamer sites keep mentioning this as the best sports game this year and I totally understand why. The be a pro mode is just so well done and so much fun, you keep wanting to play one more game. I'm not even a hockey fan and I don't know much about the sport but even without any sort of knowledge about it you get so sucked in.

It looks great, plays great and is presented really well. Check it out!

I agree NHL 09 is one of the best sport's games on the market, you should also try NBA2K9, it is another superb game.

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Got NHL 09 as a pre xmas present for myself and I'm having so much fun with it. The various gamer sites keep mentioning this as the best sports game this year and I totally understand why. The be a pro mode is just so well done and so much fun, you keep wanting to play one more game. I'm not even a hockey fan and I don't know much about the sport but even without any sort of knowledge about it you get so sucked in.

It looks great, plays great and is presented really well. Check it out!

Have '08 and I love it. Have done about 5 drafts so far in the GM mode.

Also just got Tiger Woods '09 for the PS2 and am a little disappointed. The last version I had was for the PC and had a much better character creator and MUCH better career mode. Still enjoying the season mode and have been playing the game non-stop for 2 days, but it just isn't as good as the PC version.

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Have '08 and I love it. Have done about 5 drafts so far in the GM mode.

Also just got Tiger Woods '09 for the PS2 and am a little disappointed. The last version I had was for the PC and had a much better character creator and MUCH better career mode. Still enjoying the season mode and have been playing the game non-stop for 2 days, but it just isn't as good as the PC version.

I haven't touched anything but the "be a pro" mode so far. So much fun!

I'd like to know more about hockey tactics and plays though, I could improve my game a lot if I knew more about it. The commentary team (which is fantastic btw) talks about the slot, the point...I have no idea what they are on about.

I'll see about getting a franchise mode going in a bit.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Resistance 2 - This one is epic. Lots and lots going on all the time. It does seem very good so far. I am hating the predator type enemy though because you hear a couple of footsteps and if your not facing the correct direction your dead in one hit.

Can I go back when I said this seems quite good because to be honest it isn't. I am now just about to complete the game (on the last boss now) and I am dying to finish him off so that I dont have to play this again because there are so many things wrong with it:-

The AI - You might as well have no one else with you because the other guys who are on your team are useless. A bad guy can be right in front of them and they wont be able to hit them once. On the other hand there will be by army in front of me and a bunch of bad guys will be able to walk right past the lot of them and straight up to me. I have also had times where I have had to kill myself because to carry on I need all my squad in a particular place. I stand there with nothing going on and find that one of my guys are missing. I go to find where he is to only see him running into a wall and you cant stop him - this has happened allot.

You also feel like you are being hand held through the game at times too. You will be walking along and all of a sudden there is a major weapon just sitting there - when this happens you know that something big is coming. As soon as you have delt with it your great weapon is taken away again because you have run out of ammo even though you can see the same gun with loads of ammo all around you.

The maps are awful at times too. I spent about 10 minutes at one point last night wandering round the mother ship on my own trying to find out where to go only to finally see that I had to JUMP on a box to a then tiny walkway - it was pretty much the first time I had to jump in the whole game and nothing gave any clue that you had to or where you had to go.

The story just seems thrown together as well. Its as if they are just repeating the first one again and sticking some more levels in.

4 out of 10 - very disappointed.

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I ended up with more ammo and health packs than I could ever use. Try avoiding fights with tough enemies until you're a higher level. Do the wasteland survival guide missions. Invest XP in small guns to improve your accuracy and medicine to improve the effectiveness of health packs.

I've tried to play this game and like it but...it's no good.

When you say try to avoid fights with tough enemies, I have to try to avoid fights completely. Everything I come across can take tons and tons of damage, it's ridiculous. Half the time I play the game is spent running away or trying to get from one point on the map to another while completely avoiding anything that may need shooting. Exploring is a complete waste of time.

Shame, but this game turned out to be a waste of time. It's fine to make a game hard, but you should be able to at least make a dent in the enemy when fighting it. You don't get that chance here and when they limit the ammo and other stuff...I don't have the patience to keep at it.

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You are doing it wrong. I hardly died at all.

If the enemies are too hard then you haven't been following the story. The story keeps you away from the tougher enemies until you are ready. Have you been using the VATS combat system, that is the only way to do combat IMO. How far did you get? What was the last mission you did?

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Keeps me away from tougher enemies? If I follow the story I still have to cross the map to get to the point I need to be and the wasteland is packed with stuff that I have to run away from.

I think the VATS system is stupid. Yeah, I can aim at whatever I want but it doesn't deal damage anyway. Oh and while the game slows down to show the "cool" animation of you shooting at stuff, it lets the thing you're fighting come right up and knaw on your face while you wait to get control again.

Very lame.

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Fallout 3 is a class game...

U must use the VATS system as u'll go nowhere fast otherwise. U can also multi target parts of the body & more than 1 enemy at a time. Certain enemies are heavily armoured so use vats & target the head or other weak areas. The percentage value shows what chance u'll have hitting that area. Ammo will be plentiful & u can pick up there weapons after uve killed them!!!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have two games on order this month. Killzone 2 and Street Fighter 4. I am worried about Street Fighter 4. Let me explain. While getting bored waiting for street fighter hd to come out I saw street fighter alpha on the store for £5 so I though why not as I have a psp and ps3 to play it on. Now, I put it onto the psp and its pretty much unplayable due to the controls. Trying to make a dragon punch happen nearly made me break my wrist. Never mind I thought over to see on the ps3. To my horror it was the same. The pad just isnt made for playing street fighter. I ended up with a claw for a hand in the first 10 minutes of playing.

The thing is that you cant use the analogue sticks only the dpad and I think that it may be easier with the sticks. I think in Street Figher 4 you will be able to use the sticks but again the shape of the pad will give you a claw when you attempt to throw an Hadoken.

My recommendation is one of these for anyone getting it - Click

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Guest Kamy100

Having not played a Street Fighter game for at least 10 years would you recommend this for me Cocker?

I played the latest Soul Calibre and enjoyed it.

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I would recommend it yes which sounds strange as I haven't played it yet :-)

My reason for saying it is because its meant to be the same as the one you played 10 years ago - which is no bad thing. The reports are that you will pick up the pad and be throwing Hadookens round like it was yesterday.

The thing here is that I hate one on one beat em ups I really do. I get bored with them very quickly but not this one for some reason.

So the rule is with this - if you liked street fighter II buy this. If you didnt stay away (as said above though if you do buy it I think you need a new pad - also, I know you have the 360 and PS3 - get it on the PS3 because its got exclusive content and if you get the extra saturn type pad its wireless)

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Guest Kamy100

Thanks Cocker, have preordered it on the PS3 and ordered the pad. Hopefully play you online! Sony also going to have special areas in home forthis and Resi 5 where you can amongst other things launch directly into the game. AT LAST!!

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Thanks Cocker, have preordered it on the PS3 and ordered the pad. Hopefully play you online! Sony also going to have special areas in home forthis and Resi 5 where you can amongst other things launch directly into the game. AT LAST!!

Where did you order the pad from? It was out of order on play and shopto?

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Ive pre-ordered Street fighter & Killzone 2 on the ps3 as well...

Ive grown up with Street fighter & still remember playing the original version in the arcade's!!!

Killzone 2 is getting rave reviews so i felt i had 2 get it just 2 see if its as good as they say.

The game i cant wait for is Resident Evil 5... It looks awesome & ive thoroughly enjoyed playing other past versions of this game so this 1 is a must for me. The option of online co-op will give it a new dimension too.

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