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This could have been a momentous week for the PS3:

Resident Evil 5 - Looks decent (cut scenes are a bit ropey) but for me the new inventory system and healing partners etc just lets it down. It doesnt feel like a Resident Evil game to be honest.

Killzone - How Ive yearned for this game to blast the XBOX 360. Dont believe the hype. The demo has left an empty feeling in my soul and has seriously made me question (for the first time) if buying a PS3 was worth it. Graphics are decent but not eye poppingly brilliant (MGS 4's were better), gameplay seems rather sluggish and one dimensional. Just hope that a decent multiplayer can make up for an average campaign FPS. Perhaps I just expected more? Both of the next generation Call of Duty titles are better IMO. Its decent but it is not going to be the pinnacle of any gamers life :( 8/10

Bring on Street Fighter 4.

Edited by dopper69
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It was in the ps3 store on monday so is ready for you to download and play.

Cheers Cocker...

Downloaded the demo last night along with Killzone 2!!!

Res 5 - I thought the level with the chain saw guy was decent enough & the other level was rather manic. I'm happy with the controls as its how resident evil works!!!

Killzone 2 - Once i set the controls 2 call of duty settings i was up & running. It does feel slighty sluggish but not enough 2 damage the game play.

After playing both demo's i wont be cancelling either pre order :) Lets see how the real thing plays!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Thanks Cocker, have preordered it on the PS3 and ordered the pad.

Sounds like the pads have been selling out all over the place. I havent been able to get one as you couldnt even pre order anywhere. Last night I by chance and saw that you could order them again on play so I did. I then see that all of a sudden the orders have gone again. I have just phoned them and they confirmed that I got my order in time but the rest are sold.

Madcatz must be loving the release of street fighter because they cant make these quick enough.

EDIT - My pad has arrived. I must say that it does feel a bit cheap and I didnt expect it to need batteries or a usb dongle but either way it will still do a better job than the sixaxis - not sure how anyone manages to play street fighter with that.

Edited by Cocker
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I got Street Fighter 4 today for the 360 and i am about ready to throw the joypad out of the window, Where can i get one of those fight pads from ASAP and at what cost? I can only muster up a pretty poor hadouken (sp :S) with the 360 pad and am i getting really frustrated already. Why not sell the pads with the game even if it means at a greater cost, its made a game i've been looking forward to for months into a complete nightmare to play at the moment. I know the fightpads are unofficial products but they could still sell the damn things in GAME/Gamestation :@

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Guest Kamy100

My pad and game have arrived but can't play till Monday. I do think that it us poor that people have to buy a special pad just to get the game to functional properly.

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How much did the pad cost Kamy100 and what site did you order it from? I am going to have to get one as i just cannot enjoy the game at the moment. I completed the arcade mode earlier and it were a nightmare especially against Zangief (who was possibly the easiest to defeat on all previous SF's) as he'd just piledrive the hell out of you. Its hard when the best i can do with this current pad is the Hadouken with Ryu/Sakura/Ken but none of the special moves as the 360 pad doesn't seem to want to allow me to do so.

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Ok, had a play last night and finished it with Ryu.

Some things I found:-

I play it on medium and find it quite hard - which is a good thing. Your moves are countered and blocked quite often. Its going to take more getting into to master than the old one ever did.

I was looking forward to playing it with the new pad but it certainly doesn't help as much as I thought it would. I still came away with a claw for a hand at the end of the session. I think its because the pad is quite bulky and to do the trade mark moves requires a smaller pad. It really does feel quite cheap too. Also, make sure that you have some decent batteries in it. I unpacked some cheapo ones from the garage and stuck them in and the pad seemed to have a mind of its own. I changed for some good ol duracel ones and all was ok. Forget trying to master an Hadooken I challenge anyone to pull of Zangief's revenge move. Its basically 360 pad rotation TWICE and then all three punch buttons (although I have that mapped to just one button press)

Even though it takes a little while I think all who get this should goto then menu first and choose to install the game on the HD to cut down the loading times.

With practise there is a good game here to keep in my stock for when I have finished the next sandbox game or shooter that comes along.

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I bought a fightpad this morning from Game Xchange in Bolton, got the last pad they had left. Cost £29.99 but the game is at least enjoyable now and seen as i traded in games and had a gift card for GAME its not exactly been costly i suppose.

Anyone unlocked Akuma or Gouki yet? I am going to play it until i unlock Akuma tonight, i love the Dark Hadou from the Manga films

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I have spent the entire evening so far with my girlfriend completing the game, got every character unlocked including Seth who you have to win with every character to unlock, SFIV has got to be my favourite game out this year and is definately going to remain in my 360 drive for a long time to come. £30 for the fightpad seems worth it as it is going to be getting a lot of use over the coming months, especially from the gf, she won't put the pad down at the moment to let me play hence me typing on here :)

I've read on another forum that they will introducing new fighters to download from previous series of the game in the coming months, i hope they include DeeJay, he were always a laugh to play as on the old games.

On a different note, has anyone on here played any demo's of the new Silent Hill game that is due out on Friday? Is it worth waiting for the new Resident Evil or is SH going to be a better game?

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Ok, had a play last night and finished it with Ryu.

Some things I found:-

I play it on medium and find it quite hard - which is a good thing. Your moves are countered and blocked quite often. Its going to take more getting into to master than the old one ever did.

I was looking forward to playing it with the new pad but it certainly doesn't help as much as I thought it would. I still came away with a claw for a hand at the end of the session. I think its because the pad is quite bulky and to do the trade mark moves requires a smaller pad. It really does feel quite cheap too. Also, make sure that you have some decent batteries in it. I unpacked some cheapo ones from the garage and stuck them in and the pad seemed to have a mind of its own. I changed for some good ol duracel ones and all was ok. Forget trying to master an Hadooken I challenge anyone to pull of Zangief's revenge move. Its basically 360 pad rotation TWICE and then all three punch buttons (although I have that mapped to just one button press)

Even though it takes a little while I think all who get this should goto then menu first and choose to install the game on the HD to cut down the loading times.

With practise there is a good game here to keep in my stock for when I have finished the next sandbox game or shooter that comes along.

What sandbox games would you reccommend that are available on the PS3? Only really played GTA.

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Dont know if anyone has mentioned this before.


The next call of duty will be developed by Infinity ward (COD4:MW) and not Teyrach (COD:WAW) and will return to the modern day weaponry and settings. The title is to be Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.

Im personally really looking forward to a return to modern weaponry. Dont get me wrong COD world at war is a quality game, but I think the World War II shooter has been done to death now. Had a go on COD4 online the other day and Id forgotten how much I prefer the modern guns on that to the world war 2 guns on WAW.

CANT WAIT! Call of duty best games on ps3 in my opinion especially online.

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Shame we aren't getting Lost And The Damned, but Cest La Vie.

Prototype looks interesting, but the AI is supposed to be very unrealistic and linear. Like the helicopter in that preview just swerved in and came to a complete stop in mid air.

Not bothered about COD4:MW2. It'll just be a rehash because it sold so well. Milking the cash cow. And for what it's worth, I have WAW and think it's great. The zombie level is insane too.

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Prototype looks fantastic, especially excited about that, Infamous looks good too.

Are there any out currently you would reccommend in the meantime?

Although not a sandbox game you could give Prince of Persia a go. You do get quite a bit of freedom to wander around. Good game if a liitle repetative and the ending left me feeling a little ripped off but it will be cheap enough now for you to have a play and enjoy.

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Heard a few things about Resi 5, Firstly the game on Multi co-op is superb.But on single player it is suppose to be average at best.Very weak AI on Sheva(Your partner in the game) and some design choices that seem daft at best.i.e. you have to be stood up to exchange amo/weapons/health.That dosnt seem to bad except if you are in cover during heavy gun fire and run out of amo, You have to stand up midst a hail of bullets and slowly trade.And Sheva's choice of not using the heavier weapons in favor of a knife wich gets annoying during larger battles.And the way she'll gladly stand right infront of you and take all the shots ment for the enemy...All in all if you have your console on the net then you're in for a treat..if not then i'd see about getting connected before you get this game.

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I think there is a serious lack of new games so far this year.

Im into war, sports games and there just seems like nothing new that is decent. Im not into games like Res evil or any shooter type which you are blasting Aliens to bits.

Is there no decent games coming out soon?

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Guest Kamy100

Depends on your definition of decent, for me this is the first year that so many qualities games have come out in the first 2 months of a year:

Killzone 2

Street Fighter 4

Noby Noby Boy


Fear 2

Never known so many good games to come out so early in the year, this bodes well for the rest of the year with triple aaa titles such as Uncharted 2, Alan Wake, God Of War 3 and Heavy Rain still to come out. Also games such as Ghostbusters, Fight Night Round 4 and Virtua Tennis 4 all look very good. This could turn out to be the best year ever for gamers!

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Guest Kamy100
Is Killzone a war one or alien style shooter? And is Fear the same??

Not into Street Fighter - too repetitive.

Whats Noby Noby & Flower about?

Killzone 2 is a game that I think that you should try Hughsey, yes it is a shooter where you kill aliens, but that is to simplistic an description, it probably the best looking game on the PS3 and probably best looking game ever. The AI is smart and you have got to use tactics to try and work your way through it, if you liked COD4 then you will love this. Also the online in amazing, most people regard COD4 online as the benchmark, this in my opinion raises that benchmark.

Fear 2 is a very very very creepy game.

Street Figher 4 IS NOT A REPETITVE game, it is quite the opposite, it is game where you will pick up the basics very quickly but to master it will take you a very long time, I can quite confidently say that I will still be playing SF4 this time next year. The computer opponents even on Easy are a challenge and playing against friends online takes this to another dimension. Maybe rent it and I think that you will be hooked.

Noby Noby Boy and Flower are downloadable games via the Playstation Network, both of them are bonkers but I love them, in fact you will never have played anything quite like these games, they are very very addictive. Xbox LIVE is great but these type of downloadable games are showing that the PSN can have very broad appeal.

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