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I was writing it off because I didn't really have any feelings towards it. It didn't really seem clear sometimes what I was meant to be doing next and per chance stumbled upon a drone at one point and when I took him down the level carried on.

If you have played the old one then you will know much more than me on it though and so I have to point people towards your review rather than my quick go on the demo.

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The New Riddick Game, Assault on dark Athena comes complete with the first title Chronicles of Riddick Escape from Butcher Bay.

Whilst Butcher bay is still a good game the follow up is somwhat of a let down and falls into all manner of cliche and as a result is dissapointing.

I'll buy it but only for Escape from Butcher Bay.

Also, I'm looking forward to the new Tekken which is due out soon.

Edited by Nelsta
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  • 3 weeks later...

Has anyone tried Multiwinia? It's not such a new game, since it was out on PC a few months ago, but I just got the recent Mac version and it totally rocks. You don't need a fast computer to play it, either.

It's a sort of arcade strategy deathmatch thing where you capture bases and direct streams of hundreds of little dudes to beat down the enemy. Like an abstract C&C except with no building, no resources and very fast and frantic.

It's only a tenner as well, and there's a free demo. No, I don't work for them :)

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Riddick is ace! The demo shows nothing. On Xbox it was years ahead of its time. Give it a chance, this is basically a HD remake with an expansion pack thrown in.

It's brilliantly atmospheric, it's the only FP game where stealth and hand-to-hand combat is as good as guns, it has the most satisfying final level of any game I've played and it's also Vin Diesel's best acting performance.

Is it not just an update of the Xbox version. I enjoyed that but surely the 360 should be getting a brand new game? And in FP too. How boring.

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There's a free update for Left 4 Dead next Tuesday - survival mode (where you see how long you can hold out against endless waves of zombies) and the two missing levels added to versus mode. Great game!

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  • 1 month later...

Picked up the new Virtual Tennis (Not that I am a tennis fan but stuck so much money into the arcade machine of this its a must for me) The biggest draw for me to get this over the one I had last year is that you can go online (ps3 anyway - 360 players could always do that)

Nothing else has changed apart from some new mini games and so really I feel that I have paid £40 to play it online :(

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Guest Kamy100

Got VT2009 as well, agree that the online is superb, although they have totally screwed up the career mode, it is so damn easy. I am playing on the hardest difficulty level and have reached world ranking of 60 and yet to lose a match or even a game. Really disappointing because I liked career mode of previous versions.

Online is really well done now, you can play ranked matches/tournaments with your created player during the world tour mode which I think is huge.

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Online is really well done now, you can play ranked matches/tournaments with your created player during the world tour mode which I think is huge.

I havent been online with it yet but can you only use your created player for matches?

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Guest Kamy100

Nope you can also play with Nadal etc. There are two ways to play online. The first one is the normal one through the main menu (This one allows you to play with Nadal etc.) the second one is through World Tour, on the screen with the world globe there is a transmission tower, choose that and it takes you to a sub menu which lets you play ranked matches or participate in tournaments (for this you can only use your created player). Really enjoyed this as the match making system is superb and will only pit you against players who closely ranked to you.

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Ah ok. The only reason I was bothered about that is because if I spend all my time playing Infamous but then fancy an online game of Tennis my guy will get destroyed because I haven't built him up (and not because in actual fact I am rubbish :lol: )

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So you can play with your created player in a tournament full of created players? Are they always similar level players?

I might buy this - but not for £40! Il wait till it drops abit.

I bought that HAWX yesterday (always wanted it) for £17.

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Guest Kamy100
So you can play with your created player in a tournament full of created players? Are they always similar level players?

I might buy this - but not for £40! Il wait till it drops abit.

I bought that HAWX yesterday (always wanted it) for £17.

Yup that is right about the tournament. I have found that at the moment the tournaments that I have played everyone has similar level players, the developers say that it something that they have worked hard to implement.

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Guest Kamy100

It is almost identical, plays the same as well. In essence it is the same game as last year with just a few improvements. I don't have last year's version so that it why I bought it.

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Guest Kamy100

Yeah that is Grandslam Tennis, however it is only coming out on the WII at the moment, there will be there will be 360 and PS3 versions but they will come out in October/November time.

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Does anyone remember that ps1 game called G Police. I loved that game. Would love them to bring out a ps3 version but since there was only ever 1 version released back in 1997 or something, it doesnt look like there ever will be

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I had a go on Prototype yesterday and from a quick go (an hour) I wasn't all that impressed.

The first thing that happens is that people are going to compare it to Infamous and I think this is wrong in the same way you shouldn't compare Infamous with GTA just because they are Sandbox games.

The fighting is very different and its more of a throw yourself in there and get stuck in sort of a game. There seems to be many cool moves in it from running up buildings. Jumping 100ft in the air and changing yourself into all sorts of things to destroy whatever you want to. You can even take over another persons body (by jumping into it - killing them in the process of course). The enemy then think you are them and you can point at someone else and say that they are the bad guy. All this sounds great but playing it something just feels wrong and not quite finished. I don't find any satisfaction in what I am doing and don't really care about whats going on. This could all change the more its played I guess but the early report is that its not for me.

EDIT: Played more of this yesterday and I cant believe how poor it is. The graphics are very glitchy and sometimes look a bit like a PS2 game. The camera really should have been looked at more closely as its all over the place and sometimes trying to find who your meant to be fighting in a crowd of people gets a little bit mad (yes even with the lockon button) The amount of times your going to see the LOADING screen is beyond belief. It seems every little segment you come too needs a loading screen - it really doesn't help the flow of the game.

For what was meant to be a high profile game it feels really unfinished and one I would advise staying away from (at £40 anyway). I am glad I borrowed it from a mate first.

Edited by Cocker
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