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Anyone getting a bit bored at the moment with lack of games should jump onto their 360/PS3 stores and download what is seeming to be a great game - Battlefield 1943.

It feels a bit like Warhawk which is great (except its FPS when you get out of a vehicle)

You can download a trial now and the full game is only £10

TIP: Do the training first. I did and still havent managed to fly a plane without crashing into the sea

Edited by Cocker
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Even in the ads on TV the graphics in Prototype look shonky to say the least. I'll be avoiding this and patiently wait for Batman: Arkum Asylum.

I'm currently enjoying Prince of Persia which is a brilliant platformer, however I simply don't understand why Ubisoft messed with the format that made Warrior Within and, to a lesser extent, The Two Thrones so good. Instead of being able to take on multiple enemies with beautifully choreographed moves in luscious HD graphics, you face down occasional opponents one on one (well actually one on two, as you have a female ally throughout the game), in quasi boss battles that are alarmingly easy to win. Has anyone else played this?

Edited by Rovermatt
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I asked this same question sometime last year, but is there any news on a release of EA cricket for the ps3 this year. A few people posted to say they would probably release one for the ashes series but surely there would of been news of it by now?

I know cricket games are probably not a top seller, but I really enjoyed the old PS2 versions.

No cricket releases anytime soon. This was confirmed by EA to us. There is the Ashes cricket game, but not sure if its EA thats releasing it. The same i think will happen with rugby, with no new game being released.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've hired out "Prototype" for the week and it's excellent. Yes, sure the graphics are a little dated/uniform but the gameplay and storyline is excellent - you can tell a lot of thought went into this title - anyone fancy killing some time before some of the big future releases (namely FIFA 10 and MW2 in my book) then I would highly recommend you play this - at least hire it - top notch.

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Prototype manages something very few games (other than the GTA series) do. It make you forgive all it's little failings, simply because


If you're going to compare it to anything, then compare it to Crackdown, because that pulled off the same trick.

I can forgive it not having cutting edge graphics, when I can take down a helicopter with a round house kick, or barrage of well aimed zombie corpses. It's sheer wanton destruction for no good reason (very much like GTA used to be). Like crackdown they've managed to give you a character with super human abilities, but still keep some challenge in there.

Other than [Prototype] and of course World of Warcraft, I'm spending my time on the 1 vs 100 beta (which effectively when played with your mates, becomes a pub quiz without beer, but is still fun regardless) and XBLA version of Monkey Island.

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Summed it up in one sentence Glenn.

I've been having a stab at the 1 vs 100 as well, good fun although I keep missing my reminders for the footy ones (I am assuming they mean "soccer" of course).

How is World of Warcraft nowadays? I used to spend more or less every spare hour I had on that game, I suddenly just stopped playing (shortly after burning crusade came out) - I'm curious - is it as much fun as it ever was - if I was to start playing again would I notice any significant differences? (I know about the increased level caps and other expansion but was wondering if the social side of it has changed much? i.e. who plays, what age etc...)

Edited by snatchymcsnatch
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Warcraft .....

Blizzard's focus with wow in this expansion seem to be on making it more "casual friendly", no longer is end-game content limited to the best and those that could put most time in, now pretty much anyone capable of hitting the level cap can pug the "new" Naxxaramas 25 man, and you don't need much more work to do the harder 25 man dungeon.

The "big thing" is now achievements (which work very much like the XBox ones), so now the "hardcore" guilds are shooting for "hard mode" achievements instead of just clearing (which most were doing within a month of the expansion coming out).

I don't know if the player make-ups have changed much, I've always been horde (which has a much lower percentage of kids and tools) on a server with a strong community (rather than lots of end-game-raiding), so I've avoided a lot of the annoying lowlifes.

The player base does seem to be slowly shrinking (10 million players and holding, officially), but I suspect next months Blizcon will see the announcement of "World of Starcraft" which will mean they won't lose subscribers. Oh and today's announcement that Sam Rami is directing the WoW movie won't hurt either.

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Yup thats the summer for you. As soon as winter hits the wallet gets battered.

Basically I am trading games for vouchers at the moment and any spare cash goes into my game pot.

Really the yearly release of FIFA is already on order but the new ones that will pretty much all hit at once that I will be getting are:-

Unchartered 2

The new Cod (or Modern Warfare)

Operation Flashpoint

Red Dead Redemption (GTA with Cowboys)

Assassins Creed 2

Gran Turismo 5

And the new Batman game is out next month too so that should keep me going until God of War III early next year B)

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  • 2 weeks later...
I have been waiting in anticipation of the release of Batman Arkham Asylum for month's now and having just downloaded the demo off the PlaystationStore I havn't been dissapointed! The game is class and even though the demo is short it leaves you wanting more which is always a good sign, such a well exicuted game and some of the combat and stealth takedowns are impressive. It's safe to say this is getting pre-ordered just need to get my finger out and get a couple of games finished before it arrives! Worth checking out in my opinion :tu:

SNAP. I too played the demo of this last night and loved it. When it finished I was gutted. Love the atmosphere in it.

At last, what it looks like we have here is a decent superhero game.

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Played the Batman demo today. Really enjoyed it, only thing that annoyed me was the over the shoulder camera angle which leaves Batman stuck in the left corner whatever you do. And to be fair, I can see the gameplay becoming a bit repetitive if we are getting "take down" puzzles constantly. Basically swing from gargoyle to gargoyle until you can clear a room and move on to the next. Hope I´m wrong.

But it looked very good and the atmosphere was great. Nice and intuitive fighting as well.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have been having a go on Batman Arkham Asylum tonight and am as impressed as when I played the demo. Fantastic game and after expecting the start to play the same as the demo was pleasently surprised by the difference that killer croc is one big bugger, going to go and download the Joker and have a play as him B)

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To throw my money into the ring on the new Batman game - wow, I love it.

For the first time I think they have nailed a superhero game.

last night I played it for nearly 4 hours. I just didn't want to turn it off. The great thing they have done is to make it very simple to play yet it never really feels that way. The controls being one button for attacks. One for stun and one for counter made me think it would be rubbish but it really isn't. I have yet to get bored of doing a glide kick, In some parts its allot more open than I thought it would be too.

I am not about to spoil it for anyone but I will say as I was about to turn it off last night it hit me with something quite unexpected which I thought was brilliant. It turned the game on its head and kept things fresh. Like I say though I cant say anything about it because it really would spoil the surprise.

I am playing on normal setting but I feel as though when I am done with it I will probably play through again on Hard.

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