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Has anyone tried Multiwinia? It's not such a new game, since it was out on PC a few months ago, but I just got the recent Mac version and it totally rocks. You don't need a fast computer to play it, either.

It's a sort of arcade strategy deathmatch thing where you capture bases and direct streams of hundreds of little dudes to beat down the enemy. Like an abstract C&C except with no building, no resources and very fast and frantic.

It's only a tenner as well, and there's a free demo. No, I don't work for them :)

It is the dogs danglies

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Guest Kamy100
To throw my money into the ring on the new Batman game - wow, I love it.

For the first time I think they have nailed a superhero game.

last night I played it for nearly 4 hours. I just didn't want to turn it off. The great thing they have done is to make it very simple to play yet it never really feels that way. The controls being one button for attacks. One for stun and one for counter made me think it would be rubbish but it really isn't. I have yet to get bored of doing a glide kick, In some parts its allot more open than I thought it would be too.

I am not about to spoil it for anyone but I will say as I was about to turn it off last night it hit me with something quite unexpected which I thought was brilliant. It turned the game on its head and kept things fresh. Like I say though I cant say anything about it because it really would spoil the surprise.

I am playing on normal setting but I feel as though when I am done with it I will probably play through again on Hard.

Agree that this is a contender for game of the year for me. I am 3 hours in and it is a superb game, love the combat and the way that the story unfolds is simply brilliant. This is the first superhero game that nails everything perfectly, when you are using stealth to take out enemies or doing glide kicks you really feel as thought you are batman.

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This is an awesome game. It's that simple. You can disappear into it for hours. Aside from the slightly annoying (though visually stunning) Scarecrow levels, I honestly can't find anything wrong with this.

Not a partularly big game, but they've packed a hell of a lot into it.

Need to find something new now.. Not sure Beatles Rock Bands quite my style.

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Well when you finish Batman, PS3 is also bringing out the God of War Collection, with both GOW 1 & 2 with updated graphics for PS3 capabilities.

I am not sure thats quite true. While they have said they are bringing it out they said that they may touch up Kratos but the rest will be the same. I still have the old ones anyway so probably wont bother with the new box set. To be fair they looked great anyway.

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it isnt. Ms have the rights to GTA dlc, and tomb raider. Both started their lives on the playstation (and pc) what a way to repay loyalty

Fair enough with regards to DLC but wasnt there one to be coming out on PS3 through the shops as in on a disc? And wasnt the exclusivity only meant to last a certain period??

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I would say 100% (with no actual evidence to back this up) that it wont come out on a disk in the shop (although the extra content could be released with the full game for 360 owners).

Some DLC are only timed exclusives (as are games - they did it with Ghostbusters for example) however its not the case with GTA. I am sure they paid somewhere like 50m for it so that would be pretty expensive for a timed bit of DLC.

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I would say 100% (with no actual evidence to back this up) that it wont come out on a disk in the shop (although the extra content could be released with the full game for 360 owners).

Some DLC are only timed exclusives (as are games - they did it with Ghostbusters for example) however its not the case with GTA. I am sure they paid somewhere like 50m for it so that would be pretty expensive for a timed bit of DLC.

yes ninja gaiden sigma 2 is timed exclusive for xbox, comes out on the PS3 later this year i belive.

sadly the biggest problem is the ps3 is harder to create games for then the xbox (hence why all the multi platform games have 2nd rate graphics compared to the likes of wipeout, socom, MGS4 and K2) and as a result the xbox will get more dlc, once devs have worked out how to unlock the full power f the ps3 i would expect to see alot more DLC and PS3 exclusives.

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Right guys, dilemna

Had a 360 for two years, played games such as Fifa, CoD, Pes, Gears, the usuals really.

Until I got red lights.

Don't know whether to buy a PS3 or a 360 again (bought preowned - no warranty).

If it helps, I play online quite a lot, mainly on Call of Duty and Fifa.

Just concerned the 360 is feeling a bit dry, don't know whether I want a fresh console.

The majority of my friends have Xbox's, although with the PS3 Slim out-selling the Xbox 10-1, maybe it will change. Don't play online with friends much anymore, none seem to go on.

What do you think? Please, no arguments, just based on what I said :)

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Right guys, dilemna

Had a 360 for two years, played games such as Fifa, CoD, Pes, Gears, the usuals really.

Until I got red lights.

Don't know whether to buy a PS3 or a 360 again (bought preowned - no warranty).

If it helps, I play online quite a lot, mainly on Call of Duty and Fifa.

Just concerned the 360 is feeling a bit dry, don't know whether I want a fresh console.

The majority of my friends have Xbox's, although with the PS3 Slim out-selling the Xbox 10-1, maybe it will change. Don't play online with friends much anymore, none seem to go on.

What do you think? Please, no arguments, just based on what I said :)

PS3 im my eyes mate, 1) its free to play all games online, 2) its slowly becoming more popular that the xbox, 3) its one of the best blu-ray players out there resulting in, 4) its more than a console, its a home entertainment unit.

thats just my opinion. im sure other may disagree, at the end of the day ots you choice

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Personally owning an Xbox, I'd say if you were going to spend the money, get a PS3.

Primary reason: Blue Ray

Also, online is free is not usually pretty consistent. The "exclusive games" for the Xbox aren't many I can think of off the top of my head other than the GTA DLC, but I'm not the biggest gamer so it might matter to you.

That, and every reason dazmaz just listed.

Side note: Love my 360. Never had any problems with it and it doesn't look bad on an SD tv.

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a new recruit for my clan has only just got his PS3, he also has a xbox. anyway he said that when playing multi platform games (Fifa his example) he cant help but compare the graphics.

i wont lie it does have its problems, some devs dont like to give us aftersale support, infinity ward with COD4 for example. the biggest exclusive of the year is still broken,

other pros- its alot quieter, if you download a film you can convert it to divx and put it on the ps3 hard drive and watch it, you can upgrade the hard drive. wireless controlers come as standard. built in wireless. ps upscaler (upscales dvds to look prettier) the ps3 is now only 249.99 fully online making it cheaper than a brand new xbox (199 for elite, then 40 a year for xbl) (spread that over the remaining 8 years of the ps3) and lastly you can download linux for the ps3 so in reality its a net browser, dvd/blu-ray player and games console in one

also on a side note if you do get a ps3 id go for the 80gb model (not the slim) because the slim is unly and just looks like a console

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other pros- its alot quieter, if you download a film you can convert it to divx and put it on the ps3 hard drive and watch it, you can upgrade the hard drive. wireless controlers come as standard. built in wireless. ps upscaler (upscales dvds to look prettier) the ps3 is now only 249.99 fully online making it cheaper than a brand new xbox (199 for elite, then 40 a year for xbl) (spread that over the remaining 8 years of the ps3) and lastly you can download linux for the ps3 so in reality its a net browser, dvd/blu-ray player and games console in one

also on a side note if you do get a ps3 id go for the 80gb model (not the slim) because the slim is unly and just looks like a console

Aren't they only selling the slim now? and I thought I'd heard they ripped the linux support out of that model?

To add balance, out of your pros, only really blu-ray and quieter are pros over the XBOX and I guess the built in wireless.

If I were buying a console today, I would go for the PS3, as others have said, for the quietness over the XBOX but really mainly for the shoddy build quality of the XBOX. It appears they have fixed most issues, 3 years after release but that has still left a lot of people with buggy pieces of expensive plastic under their tv's. Luckily mine hasn't blown up yet, but thats probably because I don't use it that much.

Edited by Biddy
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