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I will wait for the demo. I can normally tell withing the first minute of a car game if I am going to like it or not.

To be fair anyone looking for a car game that hasn't played GRID should pick that up on the cheap and you shouldn't be disappointed.

Will hopefully be playing the MAG beta tonight. Should be interesting.

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I will wait for the demo. I can normally tell withing the first minute of a car game if I am going to like it or not.

To be fair anyone looking for a car game that hasn't played GRID should pick that up on the cheap and you shouldn't be disappointed.

Will hopefully be playing the MAG beta tonight. Should be interesting.

GRID is by far and away the best driving game out there. Once you accept that the race "rewind" feature isn't cheating but rather a really nifty feature it's great - plus you can't do it on line (obviously). DIRT 2 is also good as it's basically GRID but off road.

Not sure whether NFS will have any longevity, I borrowed it off a mate and although it's pretty good I wouldn't rave about it. It's trying to be both realistic and arcadey at the same time and somehow iI don't feel it's neither one or the other. Get it on cheap later and sink you cash into a pre owned GRID for now.

Edited by snatchymcsnatch
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Is the MAG download just for the Xbox???

MAG isnt even coming out for the xbox mate?

So, blasted through a few demos yesterday:-


This seems like good fun for people who like online shooters. I had no clue what I was doing though but this was my fault for not reading properly and just jumping in. There seemed to be loads going on but I had absolutely nothing to do with it. I spent my time mostly just running round looking at things before getting stuck into the fighting. Obviously the big selling point for this one is the 256 players in one room at a time however I cant see that you will see that many people running round all at once. Not because its not true but the way it looks to be set up means that there are lots of little battles going on in one big map. Obviously this is only at the Beta stage and not demo so there will be more to come - quite intrigued really. It took me about 6 hours to get the download done though because it was huge.

Ninja Gaiden 2

Many people rave about this and the first one but I cant really get into any of them. It seems people rave about the difficulty but as far as I can see as long as you know when to block and dodge all will be ok. I just dont like the kill everyone in this room and a door opens somewhere else bits - get with the times baby. The graphics are very nice but its not enough to make me purchase the final game. Bit strange that the took out the blood for the PS3 version too?

Lost Planet 2

Great Graphics here and lotts going on but I think like the first game I cant get the hang of it due to the over the shoulder camera. It can feel quite clumsy at times and one of the first shooters that feels like a button masher (there can be an enemy the size of the screen so pretty much anywhere you fire you hit it) When I heard the PS3 was getting lost planet I thought it was giong to be like the excellent Gears of War - how very wrong. On saying this though some people will have a good time with this game so each to their own here.


My word this was bad. Its a shooter but rather than feeling like your guy is moving it feels like your just pushing the screen along (not sure if that makes sense). I cant really talk about it because anything I have to say is just bad. All I can say is dont waste your time waiting for the download.

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This really has to be a new low.

Street Fighter 4 is less than a year old and they are bringing out SUPER Street Fighter 4.

It will have a few new characters and a couple of extra moves but its exactly the same game. They have said that it wont be a full priced game but Street Fighter 4 wasn't.

I wont be buying this in protest. I detest things like this coming out as downloadable content (when it should have been included in the game) but to release the game again and expect people to pay for it they can go and jump


The fans of street fighter like me went and bought street fighter 4 on the day of release aswell. Well and truly taking the wee wee.

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As my copy of Fifa didn't turn up (sniff sniff) I resorted too downloading this weeks demo's

Brutal Legend

First of all lets get one thing straight. I don't like Jack Black. I don't think he is funny at all however I found myself really getting into his character in the game and it turns out I like it more than I thought I would. The demo is very very basic because all it gives you is the training level (press x to hit someone sort of thing). Its kind of a cartoony God of War (although obviously doesn't come close to that masterpiece) Its one that I like because the characters made me get into it so although I think its a decent effort its not one at the top of my list and will probably be picked up in the January sales.

Need for Speed........errr...whatever they are calling this one.

To be fair to the title this seems like a move away from the normal need for speed games and what looks to be a rip off of Grid. Really. It could nearly be the same game had they put in the rewind option too. Actually for a game that came out later I don't think it feels as clean as Grid does so rather than spend £35 on this I think you would be better off getting Grid for £10.

For those with a PSP the store had a huge game update (to coincide with the pspgo coming out) I thought the games were a rip off though considering you can buy an actual copy of the game cheaper in most cases - I just don't get that. They save money on the packaging/distribution and charge you more. Weird.

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can you not just return the order cocker and get it from Asda/Tesco?

No Asda where I am and Tesco doesn't sell PS3 games. By the time I finish work the shops that have it will be shut (30 minute drive)

Will have to wait and see tomorrow I guess. If it doesn't come then my copy of unchartered is getting cancelled.

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  • 2 months later...

Cant access them sites at work - whats the game about? Is it available on PS3?

Its GTA but with cowboys and yes it is available on the PS3.

On another note, played Dante's Inferno last week. It was ok I guess but I am just not into it the same as I am for God of War so will hold on for that I think.

The Gran Turismo time trial demo is up today. People that download it should really be aware that this isnt the finished build and is more about the competition for the fastest lap time to win a day at a racing track.

Army of Two (2) demo will also be up. I was mucho hyped about the first one which turned out to be as good as Kayne and Lynch so they better pull their fingers out this time.

An interesting one for me is Braid which was highly rated on the 360 so that might be worth a purchase.

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An interesting one for me is Braid which was highly rated on the 360 so that might be worth a purchase.

I was disappointed with Braid but only because it was hyped up so much. Original? absolutely yes, fun for while - yes, definitely but I got a bit irritated by it after a while. The novelty is great at the beginning and you think "wow, cool" but it soon wears off.

You just might love it though, a lot of people do. I didn't and I'm a sucker for puzzle games.

Are they flogging it out of the box on the PS3 or downloadable? If so how much?

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