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Are they flogging it out of the box on the PS3 or downloadable? If so how much?

Its download and I think (from memory) it was £7

I thought I got a bargain this week when I picked up Spiderman 3 for £8 brand new. How wrong was I. It was like an unfinished PS2 game. At least I wont loose too much on the trade.

Had a little go on the Gran Turismo demo. All I will say is that I keep telling myself over and over in my head that its only a demo and no reflection on the final game.

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That Red Dead Redemption looks awesome Cocker.

:lol: That sounds like you think I made it (when all I can do is spend two days on the spectrum making a programme called 'Spiderman' only for a pixel to drop down the left side of the screen and then run off the right)

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I played the demo for about 2 hours and only got it down to 2:01 (using the normal car, not the tuned one).

How hard is it to keep it under control?

try not using the trottle as much in the corners and slowly apply the gas when coming out of the corner and dont slam the brakes on press them gradually, iv got a 1:53:428 in the normal, i belive this tt is mainly for the wheel users (as there isnt any driving aids on it) iv heard there will be a proper demo out closer to release.

might pick warhawlk up off psn while this sale it on (£8 i think) cracking game

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Not sure if it's been mentioned but I'm playing Borderlands on 360 at the moment and really enjoying it. A cross between Fallout3 and GTA all rendered in cel-shaded cartoon graphics. It's seemingly quite cheap at the moment so if you liked Fallout3 or GTA it's worth a look

Forgot to mention - I like the look of Dragon Age:origins - has anyone played it - what do you think?

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Forgot to mention - I like the look of Dragon Age:origins - has anyone played it - what do you think?

Good but it's very story driven so it isn't shouting at me to keep replaying it now that I've played through 1.5 times. The story is pretty long though, made up of several very long 'levels'. You get to choose the order that you do each part of the story in and there are a few optional extras (hidden bosses etc) but thats about it as far as freedom goes.

Made by Bioware and does feel quite a lot like a fantasy version of Mass Effect.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Will Red Dead Redemption be a sequel where you have to have played Red Dead Revolver? Or will it be a new game on it's own, like each of the GTA games? I quite fancy it! I love the GTA series, so imagine I will love this too....

My only worry is the horse bit. I hope there isn't a MASSIVE amount of passage between regions like on Assassin's Creed!

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Is this code language? :P

Iv just started playing MW2 online - Im just learning, but getting better all the time!

Just laziness. MAG is Massive Action Game, which undoubtedly for marketing reasons has been shortened to MAG. ME2 is Mass Effect 2, the sequel to Mass Effect (2007 Sci-Fi First Person Shooter/Role Playing Game).

As for MW2 it was my first Call of Duty game, so took me a while to get into it (hence the 1.89 K/D ratio). Bought it on the advice of my friends - it's fun, but hugely frustrating at the same time. Learn the maps, watch your radar and you will go far.

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Sorry mellison24 I cant see where it looks like Assassins Creed from those trailers?

Free-roam. Horse for transport (just hope 'in between areas' aren't too long for travelling). Knives. Otherwise, looks a western GTA. Look forward to playing it, but do I need to have played the prequel to understand it? Or will it be a game in it's own right, do you think? Like each of the GTAs?

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As for MW2 it was my first Call of Duty game, so took me a while to get into it (hence the 1.89 K/D ratio). Bought it on the advice of my friends - it's fun, but hugely frustrating at the same time. Learn the maps, watch your radar and you will go far.

I like it...but I hate the radar. On Far Cry 2 there is no radar therefore its alot easier to hide & sniper people.

Another thing I hate is when people can get control of bombers or helicopters, that just spolis it!

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I like it...but I hate the radar. On Far Cry 2 there is no radar therefore its alot easier to hide & sniper people.

Another thing I hate is when people can get control of bombers or helicopters, that just spolis it!

You can't snipe anyway as the kill cam gives away your position (unless you keep the scope held down for a few seconds after the kill - even then experienced players can work out where you are). Silencers mean when you fire your gun you don't come up on the radar - sadly they completely nerf the sniper rifle, so it's pointless to equip them on that gun (takes two shots to kill, which defeats the object!)

Air support (UAVs, Predator Missile, Pavelow, Chopper Gunner, Harrier, AC130) is a nightmare until you get cold blooded - having said that I use an M4 with stopping power equipped most times. I've just learnt to run into buildings when someone gets a kill streak reward going.

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Air support (UAVs, Predator Missile, Pavelow, Chopper Gunner, Harrier, AC130) is a nightmare until you get cold blooded - having said that I use an M4 with stopping power equipped most times. I've just learnt to run into buildings when someone gets a kill streak reward going.

Iv got coldblooded and thermal now so its now much easier....up to level 29

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