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Guest Kamy100

Picking up Heavy Rain today, really looking forward to it. People who have played the full game say that it is superb and very engaging experience. Heavy Rain shows that there is still room in the games industry for innovative and different games which gamers will respond to.

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Picking up Heavy Rain today, really looking forward to it. People who have played the full game say that it is superb and very engaging experience. Heavy Rain shows that there is still room in the games industry for innovative and different games which gamers will respond to.

I watched the game played out and its a great game, I believe there are around 20 endings and every action you take leads to a different reaction to how the storyline goes, however at the end the killer is always the same.

It wasnt the butler either :rolleyes:

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Guest Kamy100

I am about three hours into the game (Heavy Rain).

All I can say is WOW. Never ever played something like this, it hooks you in. The first three hours have had everything, drama, intense emotion, action and one heart pumping sequence which had me literally gripping the controller.

If you have a PS3 then you have GOT to try this game, rent it if you don't want to buy it but definitely try it.

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Played the Just Cause 2 Demo and really really tried to make myself like it but I just couldn't.

It felt very much like the first one where once the gimmicks have worn off (shooting a gas bottle into the sky/using your parachute/grappling hook is fun for about the first 5 times) the actually gameplay feels a bit old. Where GTA seems to have advanced with cover option and targeting in this you just seem to be all over the place (granted this could just be me being really rubbish)

The enemies just seem to spawn from everywhere and are very hard to tell who is a normal bod and who is an enemy especially when driving.

The vehicles themselves feel awful. I got into pretty much all the demo had to offer I think which ranged from a scooter to a helicopter and even what I can only describe as a knight rider car with a machine gun on top.

Not one for me but interested in what others think in case I am missing something with it.

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Anyone got battlefield bad company 2?

And what do people think. I love the game from the destruction point off view as nowhere is safe on the game now.

Buildings are totally destructable till there is nothing left. No dirty camper is safe :)

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Well after a fair few hours on Final Fantasy 13, I can say it's a stocking game.

It's not as open as previous titles but it means you dont get left wandering around not knowing where to go.

The combat is very good for a JRPG, Although some battles can last a while.I spent 28 mins fighting a dragon thing..28 mins of just healing while the Computer controlled character did sod all...still that aside it's a superb game and as ever with Final Fantasy the story is as good as ever.

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I am about three hours into the game (Heavy Rain).

All I can say is WOW. Never ever played something like this, it hooks you in. The first three hours have had everything, drama, intense emotion, action and one heart pumping sequence which had me literally gripping the controller.

If you have a PS3 then you have GOT to try this game, rent it if you don't want to buy it but definitely try it.

Picked this up myself (after a glowing report from Kamy)

I wasn't going to (at full price anyway) because I thought it was basically going to be Dragons Lair but its not. The story really does pull you in. There are parts (that I wont spoil) that really make you want to help the character and make them get through. I keep thinking that if I do something wrong and that character dies then I am not going to see how their story ends (If you mess up they really do die and don't come back - so I read anyway as I have been to frightened to let it happen so far) This is a reason I would play through again and do things differently to see what happens.

If your into only playing things like call of duty where you run round like a bumble bee with a gun for a hour going mental then this probably isn't for you. If your after something a little different with a good story then pick this up.

Yes the controls/camera can be really fiddly at times but its really not putting me off. There have been a couple of occasions where I didnt picked the choice that I wanted but I think thats just my naff tv not displaying icons well enough.

What gets me is that the Mrs watches things like this on the telly. I said that it may interest her to take a look but just gives that silly look of - you and your silly computer games. Such a shame.

God of War III is here today but I think Heavy Rain is getting finished before it goes on - I didn't think I would be saying that either.

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Guest Kamy100

Glad that you are enjoying it, I think that it is for more "mature" gamers and if you are a parent then there is stuff in there that you can relate too.

Got GOW3 on Friday, about 2 hours into and really like it. Graphics are the best that I have ever seen and the gameplay is also pretty good.

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Finished Heavy Rain last night and will definitely play through again but do things differently. I am tempted to see what happens if I don't do anything.

There were a couple of parts to the game that I messed up with but that was purely down to the controls (when I say messed up one thing took me ages to do even though I knew exactly what to do but my guy/the camera just wouldnt respond in the way I wanted him/it too)

Its really difficult to explain more about the game and what happened without giving something away so I will leave it just by saying - wow (if you don't go with and enjoy the story thats being told your going to hate it)

Now onto God of War III which I have taken Friday off to play (Really sad I know)

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The new Battlefield is great. Much slower pace than MW2, lots more to do, and better focused - you don't get so many people ignoring the objectives and just racking up kills.

It's got brilliant helicopters that hardly anyone knows how to fly properly. I was in a game the other day, zooming around on a jet ski, when one of my team's copters took off from the base, skimmed over my head, sideways, and plowed into the water. Quadruple suicide!

Another time I was watching a copter hovering over a hill and suddenly all these people started falling out of it, bouncing off the rocks below. Then it caught fire and exploded.

Brilliant fun. You get proper teamwork - people will come and revive you or drop ammo packs, fix your vehicle and so on.

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Stay away from Command and Conquer 4. If you have played the series before then beware this has gone in a completely different direction with no base building/tiberium harvesting or even the ability to produce all your units at once.

Very very poor.

Great idea that you can resend in a new mcv(crawler) just shame about not being able to build buildings as i feel that is what made command and conquer stand out from its aproach.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The new Splinter Cell's campaign mode is no longer than 5 hours long apparently. What a waste of time and money. The additional features are all very well but what's the point of releasing a campaign mode at all if you're not going to put the majority of the focus on it? Very irritating.

Red Dead Redemption it is then.

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