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Got Kane and Lynch cheap in the xmas sale. Tell you what its a lot better than i thought. The bank heist was amazing bit of gaming fun.

I'm well stuck on the bit with the massive truck you have to take out while protecting jenny.

i'll be on xbox live soon so i'll be able to play you lot.

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Just finished Assassins Creed.

As I have said before the repetitiveness of this spoils it allot however, I would still recommend it to anyone.

The graphics are excellent - you do take for granted sometimes just how many people there are on screen at once but it is impressive.

I wont spoil anything for anyone that hasn't played it but the story has left itself wide open for the sequel. I find myself wanting to carry on to see what happens - but thats it (the ending is nearly as bad as rainbow 6 vegas)

If you have the cash for a game and dont know what to get I think you should pick this up.

Over and out

Edited by Cocker
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Ive been really getting into Uncharted : Drakes Fortune this week on the mighty PS3. Really good game well worth £35, although like Call of Duty 4, it will be completed relativley easy.

Do people who complain of easy games ever crank up the difficulty settings? I'm trying veteran on CoD4 and it's far from easy.

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Do people who complain of easy games ever crank up the difficulty settings? I'm trying veteran on CoD4 and it's far from easy.

Yeah I know, when I told my mate that I had finished call of duty but found certain levels really hard he said that he breezed through it. I said that I was impressed but then he told me he was on beginner level - crank it up. Not only does it make the game harder it gives you extra satisfaction when you finally get through the level.

As for the drakes fortune, I haven't played it yet but I suspect that it will be like Assassins Creed and not have a difficulty level to move up.

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Guest Kamy100

It took me over 14 hours to finish drake's. I played it on the hard difficulty level setting and also made a point of finding all the 60 hidden treasures. I have to say that it is the best game on the PS3 that I have played so far.

I have started Assassins Creed and am upto the third assassination but to be honest I am starting to get bored because it seems that all the assassinations follow exactly the same pattern. The game looks gorgeous and the cities are well superbly built but for me the gameplay is repetitive, however I know loads of people who really like the game.

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It took me over 14 hours to finish drake's. I played it on the hard difficulty level setting and also made a point of finding all the 60 hidden treasures. I have to say that it is the best game on the PS3 that I have played so far.

I have started Assassins Creed and am upto the third assassination but to be honest I am starting to get bored because it seems that all the assassinations follow exactly the same pattern. The game looks gorgeous and the cities are well superbly built but for me the gameplay is repetitive, however I know loads of people who really like the game.

Let me know when your done. I have some queries (or to anyone else that has finished it)

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About Assassins Creed?

What do you want to know?

Not to worry, I found out in the end (twas about the pen on the table and the pen pick pocketed from the doc) There were other things but found them out in the end too. - Dont want to say to much because it will spoil it for the others still playing.


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I like it also. I have three kills to go and while the repetitive nature of the game can be tiresome, there's enough to look at and enough cityscape to traverse without the whole thing being spoiled.

What is annoying though is that this should have been nigh on flawless when you consider how sloppy some of it is. The crowd AI is atrocious, the rendering of many civilians is quite poor and the fact that a supposedly deadly assassin can never carry out a job without alerting the entire city and having to make a desperate run for it after every kill, is very annoying. This is not really a stealth game.

Other stupid glitches include:

-The ability to 'stealth assassinate' people in the middle of the street.

-The fact that every mission follows the exact same path. As I said above, this isn't disastrous but it still remains a poor strand of a much hyped game.

-The investigations themselves are pretty crappy, be it the clunky interrogations, naff pick-pocketing or the fact that info gleaned by Altair is never available to the player rather it is simply a means of checking the boxes before each assassination.

-When in a mass brawl (rescuing citizens from groups of guards will always involve the exact same sequence) the enemy surround you and take you on one by one which makes it a ludicrously easy game to get through.

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I managed to do a few assassinations without alerting anybody at all. The one with the guy on the boat, the book-burning dudes and a couple of the earlier ones spring to mind. The mad doctor in the hospital as well. There's an achievement for doing it stealthily on the Xbox version.

Regarding your other points, I quite enjoyed stealth murdering tramps and beggars, so I was glad of that feature. And the investigation info is all revealed in one of the menus - it took me until a second play-through to realise it was there, but it is. Guard placement, patrol routes, secret entrances and all sorts. It's not just to tick the boxes, it's to show you where to go if you opt to play without the radar and HUD.

As for the fighting, it's what you make of it. You can concentrate on one enemy at a time, just chipping away at them, or you can get really good at the combo controls and become like a knife-wielding whirlwind, hacking away all over the place and taking them out in threes and fours. Once I figured out the counter-moves and how to do stuff like throwing the enemies around, I loved the combat in this game. Best sword fighting ever, I think.

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Buying a game this weekend, choices are:


The Orange Box

Assassins Creed


Other (Specify)

All for PS3.

Help me out :)

My suggestion from them would be call of duty 4 because its just stunning - short though. Some people have seem to have had online problems (not me) but there is a patch to fix that soon

Although I havent got it, Drake would be the second choice but thats only because my third choice assassins creed is too repetative and at least Drake has different things going on.

I cant really comment on the Orange Box much (but I am going to) because I havent played it. The first thing to note is that its good value for money - very good however, I dont think I will get it because of the other shooters I already have and I am keeping my fingers crossed that Haze actually comes out this month.

As for other, I dont know what you already have but I think you can pick Rainbow 6 Vegas up for about £20 now - I still love playing it.

Hope that helps.

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I managed to do a few assassinations without alerting anybody at all. The one with the guy on the boat, the book-burning dudes and a couple of the earlier ones spring to mind. The mad doctor in the hospital as well. There's an achievement for doing it stealthily on the Xbox version.

I'm talking about the aftermath. I've managed to assassinate each of the targets so far with my hidden blade but you'll always be chased afterwards.

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I'm talking about the aftermath. I've managed to assassinate each of the targets so far with my hidden blade but you'll always be chased afterwards.

No, I walked clean out of the city without getting rumbled. If you can stab the target when nobody is looking, and get far enough from the body before the guards start going crazy, you can do the slow walk to the exit. There's often a group of scholars that will take you there.

For the book burners, I did most of them from the rooftops with the throwing knives. Admittedly it's no Hitman, but there's at least a little bit of freedom to go for a clean hit on a few of the missions.

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