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DMC4 Demo plays awesome. I wish it wasn't so restricted though. Having never played a DMC before and being mostly a FPS or Fifa player, this was a nice change of style. Then again, I'm hoping to get Burnout Saturday, so that should be good as well. Depending on the money situation I'm in when DMC is released will determine if I pick it up.

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DMC4 Demo plays awesome. I wish it wasn't so restricted though. Having never played a DMC before and being mostly a FPS or Fifa player, this was a nice change of style. Then again, I'm hoping to get Burnout Saturday, so that should be good as well. Depending on the money situation I'm in when DMC is released will determine if I pick it up.

Aye, gave it a whirl and while found wanting to carry on past the demo I dont think I will pick it up. Really trying to stay away from grabbing any old game because there isnt anything else out.

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If anyone's got a DS, I can recommend Advance Wars Dark Conflict. It's easy to get into and unbelievably addictive.

I remember when the first one came out on Game Boy Advance. One more go... just got to see what the next level is like... and the next...

Before I knew it, it was gone 5am on a work night.

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Guest Kamy100

The patch released yesterday was to resolve the offline issues:

"Konami Digital Entertainment GmbH has released an update for PES 2008 on PLAYSTATION®3 that will solve compatibility issues when it is played on a standard-definition TV set. The free download fixes the slight stuttering effect that occurs when the game is played on a non-HD source, and will be downloaded automatically when the game is played online."

I downloaded and even though I play on HD I noticed the game ran much smoother.

However, like you Cocker I will be swopping this game in the very near future. Disgusiting that THREE months after launch they still haven't been able to fix the online play, in it's present state the game is unplayable online and thus a major disappointment. Hate to say that FIFA is now leap years ahead of Pro Evo.

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Anyone playing Burnout Paradise then?

I didn't like the demo at all, but the full game is great fun. Racing can be a bit annoying, because it's easy to crash or take a wrong turn when you're trying to read a map at 200mph, but the exploration, stunts and road rage bits are brilliant. When I checked the stats last night, I was shocked to find I'd managed to spunk away 18 hours on it already, and I only picked it up last Friday.

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checked the stats last night, I was shocked to find I'd managed to spunk away 18 hours on it already, and I only picked it up last Friday.

To be fair its always a shock when a game throws up such stats at you. Pro Evo on the PS2 used to say how many hours you had been playing it online for when you logged in. When you see the stat you think - what a waste of time - then after 2 secs you forget about that and carry on playing

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Anyone playing Burnout Paradise then?

I didn't like the demo at all, but the full game is great fun. Racing can be a bit annoying, because it's easy to crash or take a wrong turn when you're trying to read a map at 200mph, but the exploration, stunts and road rage bits are brilliant. When I checked the stats last night, I was shocked to find I'd managed to spunk away 18 hours on it already, and I only picked it up last Friday.

My friend two doors down has it. I've played it a bunch of times and I really like it. My preference is more of an arcade type when it comes to racing; realistic games like GT aren't my thing.

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Who needs brakes when you can powerslide? My record drift distance is 1.1 miles!

I feel Burnout calling me... wasted evening, here I come! Again.

Might download Rez HD as well, that was superb on PS2. Shame the Xbox version doesn't support the Trance Vibrator peripheral, though. I've got two of those little beauties...


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Far Cry 2

Looks great, will be getting this.

I didn't like Far Cry at first (save for the absolutely amazing graphics) but just as I was considering returning it, the whole game changed into something completely thrilling and ended up being one of my favourite Xbox games.

Speaking of returning games, I picked up a pre-owned copy of F.E.A.R. for the 360 and absolutely hated it immediately. Clunky controls, dated graphics (even for the 360) and clumsy deaths convinced me to trade it for Dead Rising which is much more fun. :)

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Burnout Paradise lets you take snapshots and send them to the player who just took you down. It's usually just a middle finger raised to the camera or a photo of an empty wall. I've had some pretty good ones, including a French guy who looks like a human version of the Crazy Frog. With the hat and everything.

But yesterday I got my first hardcore porn shot! I'm only playing on standard def, thank god, so it took me a while to figure out what was going on - there are at least three people there. First I was like - oh! - and then I was like - ewww!

Filed a complaint against him, of course.

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So they've put the European release of Rock Band back from March 6 to...Q2 - apparently some time in April at the earliest. The earliest!

This was my most anticipated game of the new year. I've been dying to play this for ages and was really excited that it was only a month or so away.

I'm extremely disappointed.

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