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I had bully (or Cains Camen Edit) for the PS2 and thought it was a pretty solid game. Spent most of my time going to lessens before I realized that you didn't really need to.

Good Game I thought (cant remember there being much loading times involved though)

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The Ps2 load time was non existent compared to the hang ups now being seen on the 360. There is supposed to be a patch coming out for it soon if I'm not mistaken so hopefully that will fix it.

On a side note, I feel its just lazy craftsmanship to rely on a patch to fix your over sites when you should have taken an extra month to clean it up in the first place.

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Ok. With Rainbow 6 vegas 2 coming out this week I needed to get the first one traded to retain some of the value on my swap. So, against my better judgment I picked up Army of Two - and what a poor game it is turning out to be.

Lets start off by saying that I kind of knew that it would be but this is one of those times you wish that you were wrong. The main reason for this is because I like the idea of the co-op play and working as a team (this is the kind of idea that I wanted 'next gen' to be like)

What the game does when you first kick off is the same as most games - the tutorial. I don't know about anyone else but I welcome the tutorial because I am not one for sitting through the instructions. What the tutorial should do though is teach you the controls and this messes up right at this early stage. The on screen will say something like "what you need to do now is hold R2 and press right" so, I spend a few minutes cursing when I cant get the command to work only to find out that it should be left and not right you are meant to press. The tutorial carries on and at the end all I can say is - sloppy, if they can't get that right whats to come.

The main game starts and you immediately feel like you are just watching things move along without you really having to do much. Guys just seem to appear from nowhere and even though there is lots of shooting going on and people running around you dont actually feel part of the experience.

Still I battle on and complete the first little bit and wait for the cut scene. Remember the cut scenes in Drakes Fortune - how great they were? Well, these are nothing of the sort. Their heads move as they talk (as they are wearing masks) but their heads continue to bob around as if they are still talking even when they have stopped - their hands are still making expressions too. Plus the on screen text is always behind.

I carry on further. From the previews that I saw there was a cool bit where you and your mate would go back to back when you were surrounded and you would take out the enemy - well, I thought this was just a cool move but no, the game initiates it for you and you feel like its just a chore to get through rather than feeling any enjoyment. There are also bits where you have to lift a mate up to a higher level and then he pulls you up but this just feels thrown in. You can be in the middle of a fight with people shooting at you and your blokes are going through the lifting up animation.

I will of course battle on through the rest of this shocking excuse for a game (I read that its short anyway so shouldn't take to much effort) but just a heads up - save you people a bit of cash for some of the more excellent games coming out soon.

Edited by Cocker
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The only thing that concerns me about Dark Sector is the price. It isn't too high, but is unusually low. Normally decent games are £37 ish on Shopto but it will be £30 straight away. Does anyone know why it has such a low release price?

It does look good though, I've heard people comparing it to God Of War but haven't played any God Of War games so no idea what to expect. It's a "maybe" for me. If you guys get it and like it, I might give it a try. Will there be a demo on the PS Store by any chance?

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The only thing that concerns me about Dark Sector is the price. It isn't too high, but is unusually low. Normally decent games are £37 ish on Shopto but it will be £30 straight away. Does anyone know why it has such a low release price?

It does look good though, I've heard people comparing it to God Of War but haven't played any God Of War games so no idea what to expect. It's a "maybe" for me. If you guys get it and like it, I might give it a try. Will there be a demo on the PS Store by any chance?

Ok, I think I can put you right on two things here.

1. Shopto are normally cheap for selling games (Kamy, if he buys the game from there now I want some commission) Look at GTA, they are selling that for £37 and thats not going to be pants

2. I can assure you just from looking at those trailers that it will be nothing like God of War (even with a ps3 i would still recommend the gow games by the way). I think you may have just seen GOW and assumed it meant God of War when in fact they probably meant Gears of War.

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assumed it meant God of War when in fact they probably meant Gears of War.

Bingo. Played Gears but didn't look like it so thought they must mean God.

I know Shopto are cheap, I use them too, but even new releases such as Army Of Two were £36.99, so I just wondered why it wasn't as high as a standard new game.

Edited by Anti-Dingle-Brigade
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I downloaded Condemned 2 last night from the US store and cranked the sound up and turned the lights off and started playing - didn't take long to start jumping out of my skin. If I wasn't such a girl I would buy this game from the impressions I got from them demo - very tidy indeed.

Along with this though I also downloaded Sega Superstar Tennis - any tennis fans out there should save their money for the next virtua tennis.

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Along with this though I also downloaded Sega Superstar Tennis - any tennis fans out there should save their money for the next virtua tennis.

Kind of agree on that. I gave it a go yesterday and it is by no means a fully fledged tennis game but things like the zombie section amused me. I think it would be great fun for kids. Can't see myself loading it back up though after the hour I played on it.

Also, finally got around to playing Army or 2. Quite good fun but yet another army based shooter, yawn.

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Condemed 2 to give us a quick review?



I downloaded Condemned 2 last night from the US store and cranked the sound up and turned the lights off and started playing -didn't take long to start jumping out of my skin. If I wasn't such a girl I would buy this game from the impressions I got from them demo - very tidy indeed.

Like I say, I played the Demo first which is always best really.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Bought Dark Sector. I've not played much of it, but from what I've seen so far I'd make two comments:

1. Graphics are great.

2. AI is amazingly poor.

I also picked up Viking, which looks like it could be anohter Assasins Creed (ie, had the makings of a classic, but fell short).

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