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Bought Dark Sector. I've not played much of it, but from what I've seen so far I'd make two comments:

1. Graphics are great.

2. AI is amazingly poor.

I also picked up Viking, which looks like it could be anohter Assasins Creed (ie, had the makings of a classic, but fell short).

Once you have had a good play I would be very interested in your final thoughts on Dark Sector.

As for Viking, it looks like they have tried to copy God of War but not come anywhere near

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Traded Orange Box (loved portal - half life felt a bit dated - team fortress wasnt half bad) with Game today (I got extra for it too because of my pre order of GTA) for Dark Sector. Dont think I will get chance to play it today so my thoughts on it will come tomorrow - hopefully.

Not got long on it anyway before the mighty GTA comes and I dont pick up another game for 4 months

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Does anyone know why Euro 2008 isn't on the shelves yet? All the online stores say they have it in stock as it supposadly came out on Friday 18th April.

Has it been delayed? I love the demo on the PS3, if it is a sign of whats to come with Fifa 09 it will be amazing.

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Stuck the Playstation demo disc in tonight. Had played all the games on it before apart from Def Jam Icon. If you haven't played this before I think its a MUST that you do. No, not because its good but just to see how awful it is. I can't believe they are allowed to stick a £50 sticker on this in the shop - surly it can be classed as stealing.

Now, onto my main gaming tonight - Dark Sector. I am having a problem with it in that so far so much feels wrong about it. Some of the controls are a bit strange. You can sometimes stand in front of a guy hitting him and your dealing no damage. The covering system can be dodgy at times. Some of the cut scenes just seem to kick in and you arnt to bothered about watching them. Sometimes its not clear what your meant to do however, I cant help but love it so far and am playing with a smile on my face (some of the stuff that goes on makes me sound sick saying that). With all the things that I said are bugging me they are just wiped out by the fun I am having. I could have designed the levels myself they are that simple - get your guy from one side of a room to the other and reach checkpoint - this isn't bothering me either because I am having so much fun just walking in a straight line. There are guns available everywhere but I am not really using them because of quite possibly the coolest weapon I have ever used - the glaive. Its a kind of boomerang with spikes. You throw it and it comes back. It can be used for close combat too. The game has an 18 certificate for a reason and the glaive is it. When you take a guy down the scream he gives out makes you want to get the others too (I didn't really know how to word that because anything I say there makes me sound like a sicko but I hope you understand)

I have said it before that the only game I wanted from the 360 on the PS3 was Gears of War. While I don't think this comes close to Gears I will say that it looks to play very similar (the way you run and the camera bounces round behind you for one) Its not surprising though because I am sure I read somewhere that their team split up and half went to make Gears and the other half went to make this.

I am a bit concerned that I am getting through it a bit quick - the chapters just seem to whizz by. I haven't played online but its not meant to be much cop. Not many levels to it.

Its a shame though that many are going to miss out on this because its getting released too close to GTA. I got it because I was ready to make a trade on an older game and needed to do it before the value dropped. If anyone sees this in the pre owned bin somewhere or a cheap deal online (£25 or below should do it) you should pick it up and have a play because it is fun.

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Played the Demo's of Iron Man and Echochrome today.

Iron Man - oh my word - awful. I thought the superman game was bad - this is on a par. Typical movie tie in and just thrown together to cash in - very poor.

Echochrome - nice little puzzler however I dont think I will download the full one when it comes out as I was bored half way through the demo and no it wasnt because I couldnt do it.

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Played the Demo's of Iron Man and Echochrome today.

Iron Man - oh my word - awful. I thought the superman game was bad - this is on a par. Typical movie tie in and just thrown together to cash in - very poor.

It's actually no where near as awful as Superman. The flying takes a little getting used to but I found it quite enjoyable. It might get a bit repetitious though, but we'll have to see once the game hits what kind of missions we'll get. Nice little mini RPG element in there as well with the possibility of upgrading the armor. And Robert Downey Jr sounds on form doing the voice as well. It won't be groundbreaking by all means, but I'm pretty sure it won't be a train wreck like the Supes game.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Kamy100

That looks excellent.

It is a great time to be a gamer with each machine producing excellent games, and the best thing that there is a wider variety of good games which suit everyone's taste. I am lucky enough to won a PS3, 360 and a Wii and in 2008 each of the have games coming out which look excellent.

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It looks pants. The aiming system is supposed to be horrendous.

The aiming system is about the 150th problem on the list of things wrong with it. People should actualy download them demo just to see how bad it is.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Kamy100
Anyone know if there is going to be a cricket game on ps3?

Used to enjoy playing EA Cricket on ps2.

I think that we will see Codemasters and EA Sports release Cricket games next summer to coincide with The Ashes.

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I think that we will see Codemasters and EA Sports release Cricket games next summer to coincide with The Ashes.

Ah we will have the joy of Brian Lara...

"It's a 4, a 6, caught, dropped....he's bowled him!" Gower is always on top of things.

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So, who is getting Metal Gear Solid? After playing the Online Beta and watching Kojima talking about it, I'm completely sold.

EDIT: If you haven't played the other MGS games, go and buy the three of them for a tenner somewhere. If you play MGS4 without playing the others, you'll still enjoy it, but the storyline won't make as much sense.

Edited by Anti-Dingle-Brigade
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