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If you've got an Xbox 360 I can recommend Chime. You have to 'paint' the playing area with shapes to make tunes play - five songs from Moby, Paul Hartnoll, Phillip Glass, bloke from Lemon Jelly and some European dance guy.

If you liked Tetris or Lumines, it's a bit of a cross between those two, with a lot of unique things of its own. Slight but addictive. I wasn't expecting to like it much but I load it up for one game and I'm still playing an hour later.

Hopefully it will be on other formats soon enough, but for now it's on xbox live arcade, it's only 400 points (about £3.50) and the money goes to charity. Download it now!

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Played Heavy Rain last night. It doesn't flow as I was expecting and when walking around feels very slow. I do want to get it to play out the story though.

For those that want the demo (its not directly up in the store)

Go Here and register.

Now (to save time) choose :-

Short cigarette (117b)

Origami bird

Coffee shop C (it says "diner")

117h (tyre tracks).

You will then be given the code to download the demo from the playstation store.

See what you think. REMEMBER: Its not a game more of an interactive movie.

Edited by Cocker
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I bought M.A.G the other day and have to say im really enjoying it, I have played fps shooters for ages and never pass up the opportunity to get another, most of the fps I played was on the pc with a high amount of players on each server however since the arrival of COD 6 on pc and how bad it was I decided to learn how to use the pads ond play on the PS3.

Having played COD 6 on PS3 I got a bit of a taste for fps on the ps3 even though I was still getting a lot of lag, so enter M.A.G it bosts 256 players on the same map at the same time with some really good gamestyles and plenty of choices as you lvl your character up.

So far I have enjoyed being a medic and reviving downed allies it really builds your xp too, sniping too is really fun as the maps are so big you can really have a good wander around for some good spots, if you like the more frantic action you can assault with your platoon and acomplish the objectives.

All in all its a very good game and makes a refreshing change to COD 6 and in all the time I have played I have encountered zero lag which FPS games really need to have to be accurate with your guns.

Also I am looking forward to Battlefield bad company 2 which is a going to be much like M.A.G but with less players, if you like COD 6 have a look at these games for a refreshing change.

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I bought MAG when looking at BC2 on Amazon (the 'ppl that buy this game also look at:' section). The game was shockingly marketed, I had no idea it was coming out.

That said I've not put MW2 back in the tray since buying MAG. It's better on pretty much every level.

I found this too, I had barely heard about the game let alone the beta but like you since I put the game in cod 6 really hasnt had a look in, I find it a lot less hmm how do I put this.....well personal.

In some gametypes I havent really got a clue whats going on when I first start and my score reflects that but I dont get some random guy giving me grief because of my kill death ratio, as a medic I usually score more xp than them anyway which places you higher than kills or deaths which is nice.

On the skirmish maps I can happily come away with a score of over 20 kills and less than five deaths through sniping but still be placed nowhere near the top 3.

As I said it makes a refreshing change to be able to play how you like and not be judged on kills or deaths, although I had never heard of M.A.G plenty had when I went to buy this game I bought the last instore, Game had sold out, I got the last one from Gamestation, and all the other stores were putting the prices up to £49.00 from the £39.00 I had paid, I havent had to wait very long before joining any kind of battle online either which is also cool.

Edited by beerwins
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Bioshock 2 came today, loving it so far. Rapture is one of the greatest game locations of all time for me.

Would love a good film based there

Really want this game but can't afford at the moment :(

Have to agree the city of Rapture is proper eerie, would be cool to see a film there as long as it didn't end up like resident evil, silent hill, mortal kombat, street fighter and all the other failed attempts at converting computer games into films...

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Guest Kamy100

Yeah it is going to be really good for the next few months, what with Heavy Rain also due out in a couple of weeks.

It is weird how things have changed in the gaming industry, up until a few years ago all the good games used to come out in October/November, but now publishers seem to have three release windows for triple A titles (March/April, June/July and Pre Christmas).

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It always puzzled me why a big game is never released in January.

All the kids (and me) get vouchers for xmas but they generally have the games when they come out now and so have nothing to by in January.

A half decent game would surly make a killing as oppose to going up against the likes of Assassins Creed and Call of Duty in November/December

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It always puzzled me why a big game is never released in January.

All the kids (and me) get vouchers for xmas but they generally have the games when they come out now and so have nothing to by in January.

A half decent game would surly make a killing as oppose to going up against the likes of Assassins Creed and Call of Duty in November/December

I think it's because people get addicted to the games they got at xmas over January (possibly because of the packed xmas schedule). I know that I wouldn't get a new game until February at earliest having got a game or 2 for xmas.

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Played Heavy Rain last night. It doesn't flow as I was expecting and when walking around feels very slow. I do want to get it to play out the story though.

For those that want the demo (its not directly up in the store)

Go Here and register.

Now (to save time) choose :-

• Short cigarette (117b)

• Origami bird

• Coffee shop C (it says "diner")

• 117h (tyre tracks).

You will then be given the code to download the demo from the playstation store.

See what you think. REMEMBER: Its not a game more of an interactive movie.

Read a review of this on ign and I'm intrigued but it says it takes a couple of hours to get going but it should be persisted with as it's great.

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I played the God or War III demo last night. Its not the final build (it said it was from June last year) but you can see that it has lotts of promise. A few glitches and pops but again I just think thats the demo.

Really though I think it just shows what a great job they did on the PS2 with God of War I and II.

The main game will be getting a good play through when it comes out in a couple of weeks.

Click me for more info I did turn this off half way through though because I didnt want to spoil it.

Edited by Cocker
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