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I have no problem with pay a subscription for a game as long as the game is free and the game actually changes with each season and does not become a squad update. Currently I have to xbox's in my apartment 1 for legal games and one for Thai versions that cost 80 Baht, £1.17, $2.65 or €1.86. Currently I have Mass Effect 2 and Bad Company 2 in real games and the rest at Thai versions. Mass Effect 1 and 2 were so good it was unfair not to buy them. Bad Company 2 is the best online FPS on the 360 again totally unfair not to buy them. I have nearly all the EA Sports games in Thai version and to be 100% honest there is not enough change each season to warrant buying them.

I am also a massive fan of Football Manager and again I buy that game it's brilliant and I spend so much time playing FM its just not fair if I don't buy the game. But again the changes from year to year are very small. One of the guys on FM forums has the perfect solution for this. You release a new version of the game ever 2 years and you give away a free roster update with the game.

As an example you buy Fifa 12 and you get the changes to the teams squads free for the 2012-13 and 2013-14 seasons. There are 2 benefits to this idea, 1 it completely removes the idea that games are just squad updates. 2 It give EA 2 years to work on a game so they can really make some changes. I am fully aware that games are so advanced now that its difficult to see what they can add to make FIFA or Madden completely different ever 2 years. But its better than the current 1 year release calendar we have.

EA have a plan for fifa, last time around they completely revamped the career mode. It does have faults so 12 should iorn most of those out and make improvements. Add in Clubs and EA have vastly changed fifa over the last few years.

PES on the otherhand still cant be bothered to pay for the rights to use team names

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I have heard a lot of bad things about it, such as gameplay etc and havent played a SOCOM since SOCOM2

It have moved quite a bit from its roots. A touch more run and gun, Shoulder cam (that sucks) the camrea isn't all that great. however IMO it is still very playable and enjoyable.

That being said, many people hated Confrontation, yet I loved it. Racked up over 2000 games before my play time on it decreased

Edited by dazmaz
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It's probably something to do with their bullying tactics to stop developers putting otherOs back onto the device they bought in the first place. Not sure they have taken credit this time or not but certainly a couple of weeks ago there was a sustained DDOS attack against PSN by a group called Anonymous.

Did anyone also read the the updated terms and conditions when signing into PSN after the 3.56 firmware update? Sony basically included a load of terms that says they can effectively look at ANYTHING on the PS3 hard drive and they were allowed to retrieve and store that data.

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It's probably something to do with their bullying tactics to stop developers putting otherOs back onto the device they bought in the first place. Not sure they have taken credit this time or not but certainly a couple of weeks ago there was a sustained DDOS attack against PSN by a group called Anonymous.

Did anyone also read the the updated terms and conditions when signing into PSN after the 3.56 firmware update? Sony basically included a load of terms that says they can effectively look at ANYTHING on the PS3 hard drive and they were allowed to retrieve and store that data.

How many people actaully read T&C's? I know I don't, actully I don't know anyone that does..

From many of the rumors flying around, it seems it's not Anon but more of a sub group that have branched off and Sony are currently rebuilding some software (firewall type thing) to protect themselves.

To be fair I see no problem with being able to make homebrews and play them, the problem comes when it gets used for pirated games. Im sure if it was possible to enable homebrews and prevent pirated games Sony will implement it.

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How many people actaully read T&C's? I know I don't, actully I don't know anyone that does..

From many of the rumors flying around, it seems it's not Anon but more of a sub group that have branched off and Sony are currently rebuilding some software (firewall type thing) to protect themselves.

To be fair I see no problem with being able to make homebrews and play them, the problem comes when it gets used for pirated games. Im sure if it was possible to enable homebrews and prevent pirated games Sony will implement it.

Sony had that, it was called OtherOS which many people used. Sony got rid, thus annoying a LOT of very talented people who were only trying to use the console for things they were legally allowed to do at the time Sony launched the PS3 with it as a selling point.

The hacks to the firmwares only came about due to Sony removing that feature.

Plus now with FW 3.60 people with the hacks can't get on to PSN and can't run new signed gmaes like Portal 2 so jobs done for Sony (for now) BUT, they will never let developers near their machine again without a fight. They are turning into an evil company and getting above MS in the the bad reputation stakes.

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  • 2 weeks later...

For those thinking of getting Crysis 2 please save your money for something else. It was a game I was really looking forward to and to be honest I do not think they tested it at all before it was released (as is apparent with most games nowadays I know however this really is the worst).

The amount of times enemy's just get stuck in part of the scenery is unbelievable. Sometimes you will be running away and turn round only to find them stuck trying to walk round a chest high wall.

On more than a few occasions I would be on a high ledge and look down. 1 enemy would be joined by his mate and this number would just keep growing as they would all just walk into a corner - I have killed about 10 guys at once this way.

The sound keeps dropping in and out to. You are trying to listen to instructions sometimes and they just stop and the music will over play it instead.

The above could be fixed with a future patch of course but the worst thing I have experienced was the second to last level started me without any gun and I couldn't pick one up. All the enemy's just stood still and I couldn't even hit them - they didn't fire upon me either. So I just walked through the whole level reaching check points and then got a trophy at the end - really really poor.

Also for the bunch of guys that claimed to have a great story it was one of the worst I have played through and the ending - well I wont be spoiling anything if I said it pretty much just came up with 'there are other wars to fight.......The End'

Pathetic really so stay away.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not long now until LA Noire. Anyone else looking forward to it? Granted its 1940's Grand Theft Auto with cops, but it looks superb.

I picked it up last night - I think the only relation to GTA this game has is that it's its made by rockstar and that you can drive around LA pretty freely between locations, but don't be expecting to jump out of your cop car going on a shooting spree its not really a sandbox game at all in the way that GTA and RDR are. The focus is purely on solving cases and detective work with a few fights thrown.

It's a very immersive and engrossing game. Hats off to rockstar for trying something new.

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Played LA Noire last night. Visually very good but I wouldn't say stunning. It's also quite slow to get into and feels quite linear at the moment (only played for about an hour).

The one thing it does show me is that I am really bad at reading people. When asking people questions you have to look at their facial movements and expressions to tell if they are telling lies or not. The amount I've got wrong is untrue.

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