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saw something a few days ago seems an odd business strategy from EA considering they have done badly with some very high profile games recently. Although perhaps MS have fluttered a lot of green their way.

Got to say, I was interested to see the next generation of Kinect on the new xbox but they can royally stuff off if the increasing rumours of "permanent internet connection" required.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Enjoying the new Tomb Raider, even if Lara's character arc was pretty much:

'OMG I killed a guy! This will scar me for life!'

*two seconds later*


It's great and looks fab. Although I bought a new Xbox and had to start back at the beginning :(

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PC / Mac owners, try Surgeon Simulator 2013 on Steam. It just had me crying with laughter, it's so ridiculous.

You control a hand, using the mouse to move it around and five keys to open and close the fingers. It's like trying to pick things up when you're absolutely wasted, except here you've got to grab surgical instruments and open people up to do operations.

During a heart transplant, after accidentally injecting myself with anaesthetic, I managed to hack my way down to what I assumed was the correct organ. I gave it a good yank and out came the patient's liver, so I draped it over his face for safe keeping while I went back in. Second time I got a lung, which I dropped on the floor (butterfingers) and the guy eventually died of blood loss while I was trying to retrieve my wristwatch from inside his chest cavity.

It's the only game I've seen where there's an achievement for giving somebody a neckscarf made of his own intestines. Loads of Youtube videos of it, it's well worth watching and even funnier to play.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Logged onto Xbox live last night ad noticed that they are giving away a free game every month for people with a gold account. At the moment its Fable 3.

No idea if its any good or how long it will be available tho.

Until the xboxone is launched they will be giving games away to gold members (as sony have done for ages). Fable 3 is ok, playing it at moment, its quite british, quite humorous, but a bit repetitive at the moment.

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  • Backroom

Just ordered tomb raider for £15 from amazon thanks to a tip off from Kamy - can't wait

I don't suppose anyone else is sad enough to play animal crossing on the 3ds?

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Has anyone else here bought this?

I've got it. Pretty good, really.

The high-tech money-making city in my region had a bit of a mishap with a nuclear power station, so now it's gone all brown and radioactive and I can't fix it. I've also got a casino city that loses huge sums of money each day, a filthy city set up specifically as a giant landfill site, a woodland city that's quite nice but is currently being strip-mined for ore, and an oil-rich city that exports murderers to the rest of the region.

Shame the cities can't be bigger. I'd like to have all that in one single area, but instead you have to split it all up because you run out of space so quickly. Also the cities only interact with each other in groups of four, so if you build one in the wrong 'block' (as I did) then it can't share resources with the others.

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Sim City has annoyed the **** out of me.

I had a perfectly functioning city, making money everything stable and suddenly their's too much sewage, crime and no clear water. The water table is f'ing frustrating as it gets used and doesn't seem to replenish quickly enough.

As you say, the city is too small so you can't fit everything into one which means you have to have multiple cities for certain things and then the ones you aren't managing just kind of stop and limp along. Why can' they function and gain money etc whilst you are working on others?

grrrr. I hope some of the things they are proposing come to fruition.

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There's some cool stuff in it. I saw one guy who had a little bubble over his head saying he was going to kill somebody, so I followed him all the way to the crime scene. He was inside for an awfully long time, but when he came out the deed had been done. The neighbours started moving out, so I demolished all of their houses and built a crime HQ in memory of the unfortunate victim.

Definitely too small, though. I want that entire area for my city, not a little piece of it. I wouldn't mind trying the theme park DLC but I have nowhere to put it, besides starting yet another new mini-city.

Didn't they fix the water table problem? I'm sure I read that it now gets replenished by rivers and rain, but haven't played for a while as I've become hopelessly addicted to World of Tanks.

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Do you two (and anyone else) fancy setting up a private region (ahem!)? I accidentally set mine up on the Asia server as it was the first in the list but people tend to leave their cities to rot. :(

Sure, I'd be up for that. I've got a region on the Europe West 6 server called Summer Mill Valley that has a lot of empty sites already, but if you want to start a fresh one, let me know where to find it. How about basing it on the new Edgewater region? I haven't tried that, and it looks like all 7 cities there can interact.

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I think I invited you. Let me know if not.

City is going pretty well. I called it Rhodes, so it will either be a shining beacon in the region or I'll fill it full of criminals and let them burn it to the ground, depending on how things go this summer.

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Just finished Far Cry 3 the other day, would highly recommend. The single player campaign has a great story, the gameplay is fun and the graphics are awesome. There is a co-op mode also with different levels from the single player and even after you finish the game there is tons of additional side missions similar to GTA to keep you entertained. I have nothing bad to say about this game.

Not new I know but I got this free as a digital download with a graphics card and it's a cracking game. It rights all the wrongs of its predecessor (which was awful). This is how a sandbox fps should be, if only this team was making Fallout 4 instead of Bethesda.

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Recently bought God of War: Ascension.

Has anyone else experienced a glitch in the game where you are battling the second Fury at the Gauntlet of Apollo?

Early on in the encounter she simply starts to float in midair and cackle. You can land hits on her but none score. The phoenix thing which is flying around earlier has by this stage disappeared. The whole thing appears to be stalled.

Any ideas?


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Not new I know but I got this free as a digital download with a graphics card and it's a cracking game. It rights all the wrongs of its predecessor (which was awful). This is how a sandbox fps should be, if only this team was making Fallout 4 instead of Bethesda.

You've got to be kidding! I thought Far Cry 3 was an utter turd of a game.

There's only one type of mission. Once you've attacked one base, you've basically seen them all. Sniper rifle, pick them off from a distance, finished.

Stupid regional accents - why do half the islanders talk like Kiwis? And why can't you go on a murderous rampage? If you run over about three civilians, the game *kills you* for being naughty.

The main character is a whiny little shitbag and all his friends are scum. The only decent character - the mohawk dude - you kill in a ridiculous dream sequence. And the final boss fight is a quicktime event. Also, the two worst endings ever.

Honestly, it's just a weedy, fun-free rip-off of Just Cause 2. That's 10 times the game Far Cry 3 is.

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