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playing The Walking Dead, but honestly i wish it was more based on the tv series. also doing NHL which is good fun , even though i play it as a football game lol

At least it's actually better than the game they released which was based (kind of) on the TV series, that game is one of the worst games I've ever played.

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Outlast is a fiver in the Steam sale until Dec 3 tomorrow.

Missed that but it's on my 'to play' list now.

As well as having to conserve the gas for your lamp. I only played it around three or four times but I genuinely started "thinking too much" so I started playing Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 instead.

I've been playing it when the wife is at work and the kids are in bed, lights off and headphones on for full effect!

Pre-ordered the Collector's Edition of Dark Souls II for £75.

Still haven't played the first one or Demon Souls for that matter, another game I need to play.

Ghosts is the first one since World At War that I haven't had the urge to try. I played every other one, but I thought Black Ops 2 was so ridiculous it completely put me off the whole series. The bit where you play as the terrorist and run around in turbo 'blood rage' mode, hacking people's heads off, was hilarious.

Haven't enjoyed a Call of Duty game since MW2, I tried Black Ops and it's one of those where you die if you stick your head out of cover at the wrong time, cannot be doing with games like that, plot was crap as well.

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Haven't enjoyed a Call of Duty game since MW2, I tried Black Ops and it's one of those where you die if you stick your head out of cover at the wrong time, cannot be doing with games like that, plot was crap as well.

Plot? I can't be bothered with single player CoD, but I loved those games in multiplayer on the Xbox. Black Ops was pretty decent, really. I liked the remote control cars - great for weeding out campers - and the laser-accurate Commando rifle. In MW3 I had my best kill-death ratio, about 2.5:1, so I enjoyed that one too, but then Black Ops 2 was all cartoony colours and I didn't like the maps or customised loadouts. Probably CoD fatigue as much as anything else.

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Activision will bleed COD dry. It still sells way to well and generates far to much cash for them to stop at ghosts. They will carry on until it finally stops making cash and that doesnt appaer to be anytime soon. For every fan that gets bored they find a new one

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Activision have got form, as far as killing off successful games goes. Guitar Hero was massive, then suddenly people got fed up of it and they offed it quite unceremoniously.

Having a new CoD every year doesn't help. If they gave it a year off, they might be able to come up with some new ideas.

There's still nothing else quite as good for having a quick blast with your mates. Battlefield is probably too confusing for the average player, and you can easily spend 40 minutes playing a single match. Up until this year pretty much everyone on my Xbox friends list played the latest CoD, but only one of them has played Ghosts.

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That's the genius of the GTA series. Every update has seen some improvement or some cool new features that work brilliantly.

Five and a half years between GTA IV and GTA V certainly didn't hurt. From San Andreas to IV was quite a long time as well, almost four years.

Those games are massively expensive to make, too - a quarter of a billion dollars for GTA V. Call of Duty might not sell quite as many these days but it's much cheaper to produce and they get to do it every 12 months.

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That's true about CoD 4 tombro, it really was a great game but my god it has been done to death now. I'm absolutely sick of them. Assassins Creed is in the same boat (though the second game was the best imo).

They certainly know how to get people hooked on these CoD games, what with all these bells and whistles they add onto the multiplayer that are pretty pointless and mean nothing (ribbons and tags and such) so much so many a game followed suit and used the same techniques. Not saying CoD started it all but I think developers saw how successful it can be through the CoD series, in getting people hooked.

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Wasn't a fan of the first Assassin's Creed, I loved it right up until the second city then found out that I was doing everything I'd just done in the first city. It became boring very quickly and I stopped playing.

I haven't played any since the first but people are raving about the latest one saying it's very different to the others.

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I really liked the first Ass Creed. It was so different and it looked amazing, plus all the sci-fi stuff was a genuine surprise.

Second one spoiled it for me. The city design was crap - Venice has all these canals that are just too wide to jump over, so you rarely have a 'clean' route across the rooftops, you're always having to look for bridges.

Brotherhood was probably the best one, I think. So much variety.

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for me Fifa is also now end of life imo. there is just nothing that stands out year on year, and i can go back and play Fifa 09 and not worry about Fifa 13 or 14. maybe its just me, but Footy games just are the same apart from updated UI and improved game play

I don't play football games any more, but I can imagine that it would be annoying to play now and have all the 2009 teams with players at the wrong clubs.

Back in ye olde days, it was just Team A against Team B. Red vs Blue in Kick Off on the Amiga. Even when it got more sophisticated with Sensible Soccer, they didn't have the authentic player or team names, so you'd have to use your imagination.

It was much better when you'd just have two identical teams, and the only difference would be the people controlling it. Now, if you pick Barcelona or Brazil or whatever you've got an instant advantage. The game becomes easier.

I don't want to play as those teams but I'm at a disadvantage if I don't pick them.

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I don't play football games any more, but I can imagine that it would be annoying to play now and have all the 2009 teams with players at the wrong clubs.

Back in ye olde days, it was just Team A against Team B. Red vs Blue in Kick Off on the Amiga. Even when it got more sophisticated with Sensible Soccer, they didn't have the authentic player or team names, so you'd have to use your imagination.

It was much better when you'd just have two identical teams, and the only difference would be the people controlling it. Now, if you pick Barcelona or Brazil or whatever you've got an instant advantage. The game becomes easier.

I don't want to play as those teams but I'm at a disadvantage if I don't pick them.

Sensible soccer was the greatest game of all time. Such a simple game, yet so awesome playing against your mates

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Sensible soccer was the greatest game of all time. Such a simple game, yet so awesome playing against your mates

Sensible World of Soccer was better imo. I've got it on a snes emulator on my galaxy tablet :-)
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  • 2 weeks later...

Has anyone here bought a Wii U? I got one the other day with the new Mario and was pleasantly surprised. The game pad with a touch screen is a great idea, I thought it would be gimmicky and limited but it adds a lot to games like Zombie U where you have to constantly use it. Mario is awesome as always (if a little short) - I don't think any game has the capacity to make me grin as much as the Mario series have. Anyone else have one?

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  • 1 month later...

After playing Elder Scrolls Online beta it's pretty safe to say I won't be subscribing to £9 a month for the full game. It feels like I'm playing Elder Scrolls Lite, everything is dumbed down and not as interactive as the other games add to that the countless number of other players jumping around with silly names and it takes away everything that was great about Skyrim and Oblivion.

Has anyone here bought a Wii U? I got one the other day with the new Mario and was pleasantly surprised. The game pad with a touch screen is a great idea, I thought it would be gimmicky and limited but it adds a lot to games like Zombie U where you have to constantly use it. Mario is awesome as always (if a little short) - I don't think any game has the capacity to make me grin as much as the Mario series have. Anyone else have one?

If you didn't have to take the console with you for the off play function I'd have bought one already.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been playing Titanfall on PC this week - massively hyped up but it's genuinely really good. Meaty Call of Duty-style gunplay mixed with wall-running, jetpacks and giant robots. It plays a bit like Quake 3 crossed with Crackdown.

My favourite bit is at the end of each match, when there's a frantic one-life-only dash for the dropship as the defeated team attempts to escape. It's probably the only game I've played where's it's actually fun to lose.

Also on Xbox One, if anyone's got one of those, and coming to 360 in a couple of weeks.

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