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3 hours ago, TAFKAP said:

It's much much better nowadays; it's got a good PvE aspect to it with not only the infected after you, but also packs of wolves. Atmospherics are fantastic, and if you like to immerse yourself, you'll definitely like what they've done.   FPS is much improved too, although the latest patch has made it stutter in towns, it's still many times smoother than it was years back.

Shooting is still a grind, unlike in Arma where you could headshot at a click away with ease, but then that's the idea in making it truly hardcore survival.

Give it another try and let me know what you think.



thanks for the thought out reply, i'll give it a run when I'm all DOTA'ed out after The International is over.

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18 minutes ago, roverandout said:

Is steam safe? Does it take up alot of memory on ur laptop?

In my experience yes it is safe, the steam app is not that memory hungry when running according to task manager takes up about 50 mb of memory. the steam folder takes up about 3gb on the  c drive (this does not include any of the main game files as I store them on external drives)

p.s a good easy to use programe for moving the steam game files to and from your c drive to external drives when disk space is getting low  is Steam mover Link or if you have never used steam before you can set it up so it automatically downloads game files to whatever drive

Edited by perthblue02
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Cracking fun 80's/90's style wrestling game for anyone into that kind of thing.  It's still in Early Access but its great fun, more so than the over complicated recent WWE offerings.  Better yet, it fully supports Steam Workshop where users have created just about every real world wrestler you can think of.

Fire Pro Wrestling World

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On 8/1/2017 at 11:39, Biddy said:

Cracking fun 80's/90's style wrestling game for anyone into that kind of thing.  It's still in Early Access but its great fun, more so than the over complicated recent WWE offerings.  Better yet, it fully supports Steam Workshop where users have created just about every real world wrestler you can think of.

Fire Pro Wrestling World

That looks great. Will get it for PS4. Be brilliant if it has official wrestlers from over the years 

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Give away time again , First come first served  - If interested in anything send me a DM and will send you the link(s) to claim the individual game (s). You will need a steam account to activate the games

July Humble Bundle (all available except the Sherlock Holmes game)

August Humble Bundle (EDIT: NBA 2k17 gone , all others still available)

Also available

Sam and Max Season 1, Season 2 and The devils playground 

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On 12/07/2017 at 00:58, perthblue02 said:

The new sensible soccer should be out this year. Online multi-player will be available , a brfcs league?

Think I played every platform of the original and non matched the Amiga version of sensible world of soccer ( a proper joystick breaker), so fingers crossed for this one.

Looking a bit like a modern version of kick off,


Any more news on this?

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Not "new games" as such but received the SNES mini today. A lot of games I haven't played on there like Earthbound and Secret of Mana, and it'll be nice to play a non-CD version of Final Fantasy 6 (I have it for PS1 but the loading times, particularly for battles, are horrible). Am sure it'll be hackable very soon too, so will be adding Turtles in Time, Chrono Trigger, etc...


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I like it so far, I must admit. 

Penalties seem to be a lot better, granted I’ve not delved THAT deeply into it, only the journey and a brief do at ultimate team, but I like it so far...

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1 hour ago, Tom said:

I got a SNES mini but not keen at all, classics in their day but games have moved on a lot and most of the games are hard to enjoy these days

Couldn't disagree more! The 8-bit games, sure, but 16-bit stuff still holds up well for me. Final Fantasy 6 is timeless. Super Mario World is still a lot of fun, F-Zero too. Secret of Mana and Earthbound are only a step below FF6 on my list. I guess it depends on what games you enjoy though. If you're not hugely into RPGs or Platformers then I can see why the SNES mini might underwhelm a little. 

As for FIFA... I got 17 for free with my PS4 and it was fine. Not remotely interested in ultimate team and all that nonsense though. I just hope they've improved AI difficulty a little. On FIFA 17 "Legendary" was just tedious. The CPU never scored but half the time I didn't either... I had a ridiculous amount of 0-0's. Might get 18 when the price drops but realistically 17 will do as I don't have that much time for FIFA anyway. 

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On 9/26/2017 at 14:01, perthblue02 said:

Early access version scheduled for the 12th of October



Wow - Sensible Soccer really? I grew up with that on my Amiga 500 - so this is the best news ive heard in a while. Tim Sherwood had a shot like a rocket. Another fave of mine was Wings by Cinemaware.

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On 10/8/2017 at 22:30, Kamy100 said:

I have been playing Stardew Valley on the Switch, brilliant game.  Fantastic to see indies thriving on the Switch.

Indies are doing well in the VR market at the moment as well. It's a good time to be an indie developer.

Upped my SNES Classic games from 21 to 115. Should be enough to work through. The latest hacking software allows you to load an additional emulator called retroarch onto the console, so anything that doesn't play on the native Canoe emulator will play through retroarch instead. Adds compatibility for games like Terranigma and Star Ocean.   

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On 9/26/2017 at 14:01, perthblue02 said:

Early access version scheduled for the 12th of October



Now delayed until the 20th ,  For those that play Cities skylines , the green cities dlc is out on the 19th

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