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[Archived] "global Warming"

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I got home in time to catch the 6 o'clock news for a change yesterday. I began to wish I hadn't when every other story was in some way related to "global warming". I put global warming in speech markings because unlike the media who now believe it to be fact, I do not share this view and haven't seen I bit of evidence to suggest that this actually happening.

Now I'm not one of these "i'm all right Jack" characters or somebody trying to justify driving everywhere in a petrol guzzler and I do agree that we (America and China) probably cannot carry on as we are doing with emissions but, what the hell do we know about how the world works. We have been keeping accurate weather recording for just over 100 years now, and how old is the earth? A lot bloody older than that. We know nothing about ice ages, why the north sea was once tropical, the sun etc. Our records tell us sod all and if they did perhaps they can explain the flood marking at York that are some 2 meters higher than any flood seen in the past 200 years, or the sealife fossils to found on the old sea bed which we now call the top of Pendle hill.

So when exactly did global warming become fact? I'm at a total loss to this. One minute there was an academic discussion on the subject and now because a few politicians bang on about it, it becomes fact.

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The world is warming up at the moment but don't worry as it will cool again. It's natural. The goverment might reveal this many years after taxing us to stop something something that can't be stopped. No matter how much money they take from us, sea levels will still rise but they'll recede again in the future when we cool down again.

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It's true that it hasn't been proved, and it makes me laugh when 'boffins' descredit the film 'The Day After Tomorrow'.

Now, I'm not saying that the idea's in the film are more realistic than the old Global Warming idea, but as has been rightly pointed out, we know naff all about nature.

The thing is, though, it is the media who are generally portraying it as scientific fact.

Boffins. They haven't got a clue. Look at the age old food debates - is dairy produce good for us? is red wine good in moderation? They just don't know, but it is human nature to pretend to.

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Temperatures for the last 400,000 years. Like I said in another thread, it's happened before and it will happen again. No need for more taxes, they won't stop it like he's trying to convince us and it seems to be working in some cases.


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Temperatures for the last 400,000 years. Like I said in another thread, it's happened before and it will happen again. No need for more taxes, they won't stop it like he's trying to convince us and it seems to be working in some cases.


I take it you in the same camp that belives the earth is flat?

I would take notice of the 90%+ experts who think global warming is happpening, as they know a lot more about the subject as anybody elese

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Then why do so many of the experts say that Humans are playing a huge role in bringing it on at the moment?

I agreed a few days ago that we were contributing slightly and I also said that it could not be stopped. Did you see the temperature chart that shows that it has happened on and off for thousands of years. It didn't just start after the car was invented. The scientists are saying that we are contributing to it the same as I am, they just forgot to mention that it's natural and that paying more taxes won't make it go away. It's inevitable.

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The same predicitions of doom were made back in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. From the 40's through to the 70's, the warming of the Earth abated and then we had predictions of the next ice age!

The climate will run its own path. Our influence is minimal.

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I have to say, this has to be some of the most ridiculous stuff ever posted on this website. :D

From the hole in the ozone layer to the obvious signs of pollution it is quite clear that we have an effect on the enviroment and on global warming.

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I have to say, this has to be some of the most ridiculous stuff ever posted on this website. :D

From the hole in the ozone layer to the obvious signs of pollution it is quite clear that we have an effect on the enviroment and on global warming.

How many times do I have to agree with you that we have an effect. Even so, it can't be stopped. Did you read my earlier post Eddie?

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Isn't global warming being offset by a slide toward an ice age?

That's what I heard as well, that's our only chance really. "Cor, it's hot again today isn't it? Thank heavens there's a giant iceburg floating down Bolton Road so I can cool down a bit".

The thing I don't understand (apart from Logarithms) is these Greenhouse Gases that are making the hole in the Ozone Layer bigger. Why allow people to have them then? And if people are allowed to have Greenhouses those are the people who should be getting taxed heavily, not me, I don't even have a shed.

Anyway it's obvious that Global Warming won't effect those old enough to contrubute to this debate at this moment in time. It's our children and our childrens clildren and our childrens childrens children that will be most effected. I can only see prices of property go up in value in those parts of the world that are traditionally cold. Places like Newcastle and Carlisle will become "boom towns" over night (or at least when it's sunny) so if any of you have anything about you, you start looking at getting a little flat or something there for the sake of future generations.

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I'm a great believer in Evolution. Things happen, nature evolves to cope with it. It's natural. What really bugs me is the great pollution produced by the likes of China, India, Russia - which makes our contribution look silly. I am quite willing to take whatever steps I can to help in my small way - if someone can make up their minds what steps these would be apart from rubbish recycling and using fuel saving appliances, light bulbs etc.

However, what I don't see, is how taxes are going to help. Are they going to stuff the hole in the ozone layer with £5 notes? What extra taxes on fuel will do will very conveniently plug some convenient hole in the economy and make life difficult for the likes of most of us who are struggling to afford a decent living anyway. People still need to move from place to place and the cost of bus travel in our area makes you wonder if you are actually buying the bus. Just try transporting children around - hospital appointments etc, shopping, school (unless you have one on the doorstep).

Again, most people wouldn't mind so much if they felt the money was going towards research on more efficient fuels but hey, why bother with that, it's easy money and whoever thought if the idea is a genius, it's almost on a par with speed cameras.

I read somewhere that the methane gas produced by the emissions of sheep in New Zealand is more pollutant than our traffic. Best kill all the sheep then.

Oh, and must plug all the volcanoes. We don't want any of them erupting and causing more pollution.

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true - but we can do something and our doing something may help develop new non-poluting methods such as better fuel cell technology, cheap and efficient wind and solar generators.

To try and fail has to be better than not bothering then getting upset when it all falls down around our ears.

Still, why does anyone need a 4x4 in Richmond? Really why the (Please don't use that word again) would you need one of those? Seriously.

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Still, why does anyone need a 4x4 in Richmond? Really why the (Please don't use that word again) would you need one of those? Seriously.

Probably about as much as the family in our street who has three of the things on their drive :angry:

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go and slash their tyres it'll cost them a couple of hundred quid a pop - muhahahaha hahahahahaha hahahahahahhaa

As someone who now cycles to work they're a bunch of @#/?s especially (a broad generalisation coming up) the ones with women driving them, who dont seem to have grasped their dimensions yet

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Recieving more tax revenue isn't going to directly help us, but if it can stop people from buying a 4x4 then it is a good thing. In the case of the Richmond parking I think the fee is ridiculously small. Isn't it something like £300 for a year or something like that? I simply can't see how adding £300 a year to a car that may cost up to £40,000-£50,000 will put anyone off.

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