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[Archived] Another Player Arrives For Trial At Ewood

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According to SkySports:

Mark Hughes's Blackburn have handed a trial to Norwegian prospect Jonathan Parr.

deleted cut and pasted article.

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Anyone know anything about him, e.g. position??

Also any news on our other trialist?

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Jonathan Parr

A golfplaying 18-year old midfielder / striker, Manure fan, made his debut for Lyn in the top series in April. Has played ten matches in total by now, which is very good at his age - his club (John Obi's club before joining United and Chelsea btw) are one of the best clubs in the youth area.

Haven't seen him myself (detest FC Lyn), but have heard that he is a talented player.

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Maybe this can help if anyone can translate it.

Oslo: Då Lyn tapte mot Brann i Bergen søndag, fekk Jonathan Parr spele sin sjuande eliteseriekamp for Oslo-klubben. Han spelar på juniorlaget til Lyn, men har sidan januar vore hospitant på eliteserielaget. Grunna ein del skadar i stallen og godt spel på kampar og trening har 17-åringen fått spele mykje i det siste. Og ikkje berre i den norske eliteserien. Han spelte også då Lyn spelte mellomspel og kvartfinale i Royal League, den skandinaviske eliteserien.

I neste veke drar Jonathan til Lisboa i Portugal med G18-landslaget. Dette er også eit viktig steg i fotballkarrieren hans, for det er første gong han er med på landslaget. Han gledar seg til å trene saman med landslaget, og dei skal spele miniturnering mot USA, Sverige og Portugal. På slike landslagssamlingar er det ofte talentspeidarar, og Jonathan skjønar at det er ein viktig arena for å få vist seg fram.

Rask spiss

Jonathan går andre året på Norges Toppidrettsgymnas (NTG), og må konsentrere seg om skulearbeid samstundes med full satsing på fotballen. NTG og Lyn har eit nært samarbeid, og slik er det mogleg å bruke mykje tid på trening og kampar. Han har spelt fotball sidan han var heilt liten, og begynte på Holmlia, bydelen i Oslo der han er oppvaksen og framleis bur. Seinare spelte han på KFUM Oslo og Hauger, før han no er på FC Lyn Oslo. Han er inne i sin andre sesong med Lyn. Hospiteringa på a-laget går over all forventning, og Jonathan er glad for tida.

– Det har vore ein draum å få spele elitekampar for Lyn. Det har gått veldig fort framover. I fjor var eg langt frå ein stjernespelar, men med fokus og mykje trening har eg blitt betre, seier han.

– Eg er rask og har stor fart. Dessutan spelar eg like bra med begge føtene, og eg kan spele på fleire posisjonar på bana, seier han. Han spelar helst spiss eller midtbane, og har som oppgåve å score mål.


Med far frå Dyrkorn og mor frå Stranda, kallar Jonathan seg sunnmøring. Gjennom oppveksten har Stordal vore svært mykje besøkt, til tanter, onklar og besteforeldre. Han har delteke på fotballcupar i Stordal, og dessutan trent ein del med Stordal sitt juniorlag og a-lag under sommarferiane. Som Lyn-spelar blir det lite sommarferie, så han er ikkje heilt sikker på kva tid neste tur til Stordal blir.

– Som sunnmøring er eg stor fan av Aalesund, og eg håper dei held fram med å gjere det like bra gjennom denne sesongen. Det hadde vore veldig artig å få spele mot AaFK neste sesong.

Jonathan opplever ein fantastisk framgang som fotballspelar, men han er likevel jordnær.

– Eg er framleis ung, og det gjeld å ta ein dag om gongen. Eg har sett meg nye mål heile vegen, og er glad for å ha kome dit eg er no. Neste mål er å spele meg inn på fast plass på Lyn sin første-ellevar, seier han.

Men sjølvsagt er det viktig med draumar, og vi får Jonathan til å fortelje om den verkeleg store draumen.

– Det er å få spele på Manchester United. Det er favorittklubben.

Godord frå trenaren

Lyn-trenar Henning Berg har stor tru på Jonathan.

– Jonathan har stor fart og eit godt venstrebein. Han tek gode initiativ og har ei god haldning. Han trenar seriøst og kan nå langt og bli ein verkeleg god spelar om han held fram på same måten, seier Berg.

– Han er ikkje fast på laget, men har bevist at han er ein veldig god hospitant. At han har fått kome inn som innbyttar og spelt så mykje i dei siste kampane, syner at han er eit stort og verdfullt talent for oss. Han er framleis ung, og vi ønskjer å ha han med vidare i Lyn for å sjå korleis han utviklar seg, seier Henning Berg til Storfjordnytt etter Lyn si trening i Oslo førre helg.

Faren til Jonathan, Roger Parr, er ein viktig støttespelar for Lyn-spelaren, og også for andre debutantar på oslolaget.

– Jonathan har spelt fotball nærast sidan han kunne gå. Han har heile tida hatt det klart for seg at han vil bli proff-spelar. Difor er det veldig kjekt å sjå at det går så bra for han no, seier han.

Parr article

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Henning Berg says:

Jonathan has a lot of pace and a fine left foot. He makes good runs and has the right attitude. He trains well, and can develop into a good player if he continues to do so.

He's a student on year two on NTG (Norway's school for top athletes) and is described as a very quick striker - but he can play in many different positions. He hails from the northwestern part of Norway, the same area as J.A Riise, but lives in Oslo and has played for several clubs here before joining Lyn.

As said above, I haven't seen him play, would surprise me if Rovers were to give him a contract - but a trial to "get him into the system" is probably not a bad idea.

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They only get sold if they aren't good enough. We can't get top money for players who are rubbish.

Duff, Dunn, Taylor all went for decent fees and we have a few making their way into the squad.

Even the best youth systems go in phases of having no good talent

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How do we not take advantage of the academy?!

Erm... Shay Given and James Beattie to name a few...

Also the only players who have even seen a glimer of first team action from the acadamy are, James McEveley (1 sub appearence), Sergio Peter (not sure how many sub appearences so far but looks like he will get a few games), Paul Gallagher (1 start and 8 sub appearences for about 10 mins a game) and Matt Derbyshire who i think really deserves a tryout...! There are quite a few players who sound like they deserve a small chance at least. I also think choosing a player like Mokoena over some excellent youngters we have... Big thumbs up to our acadamy players who thrashed Utd 3 nil yesterday... Isnt very good for inspiring the moral and hope of Rovers youngsters. This is just my opinion though...

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We're not going to get all of them right RTM, every team lets players go that they shouldn't every now and then. Who are these other players that deserve a chance? Do you really want them to get a chance against Manchester United when we can't win any games? Do you think it would be good of them to have a go and not be up to it at this point? Do you really think you are a better judge than Hughes and the rest of the coaching staff when it comes to players you haven't even seen and can't name?

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Erm... Shay Given and James Beattie to name a few...

Also the only players who have even seen a glimer of first team action from the acadamy are, James McEveley (1 sub appearence), Sergio Peter (not sure how many sub appearences so far but looks like he will get a few games), Paul Gallagher (1 start and 8 sub appearences for about 10 mins a game) and Matt Derbyshire who i think really deserves a tryout...! There are quite a few players who sound like they deserve a small chance at least. I also think choosing a player like Mokoena over some excellent youngters we have... Big thumbs up to our acadamy players who thrashed Utd 3 nil yesterday... Isnt very good for inspiring the moral and hope of Rovers youngsters. This is just my opinion though...

do you honestly think if we had the next Rooney or Walcott sitting in the U18's we wouldn't push him into the 1st team? Fact of the matter is our youngsters aren't good enough for premiersip football at the moment. It's not a failing of the academy which is renowned as one of the best in the country it just so happens the talent isn't there right now!

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do you honestly think if we had the next Rooney or Walcott sitting in the U18's we wouldn't push him into the 1st team? Fact of the matter is our youngsters aren't good enough for premiersip football at the moment. It's not a failing of the academy which is renowned as one of the best in the country it just so happens the talent isn't there right now!

Compare some of our youngsters performances (example U18's yesterday) to Mokoena's performances of late... I think we can do better than Mokoena even if it means putting a player from a different position in center.

1 - I dont need to doubt Hughes results and overall performances as they speak for themselves

2 - Players who deserve a chance, i have heard good things about several of our young players in our reserves/acadamy, and considering the current squad is not working and we have over a month till severall of our important players come back and the transfer window reopens im just thinking how much worse can it get then current results if we try a few risks and play a few untried youngsters... :tu:

Edit: Simple answer is how can a player become a first teamer if there never given a chance in the first team...?

Edited by Rover The Moon
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Erm... Shay Given and James Beattie to name a few...

Also the only players who have even seen a glimer of first team action from the acadamy are, James McEveley (1 sub appearence), Sergio Peter (not sure how many sub appearences so far but looks like he will get a few games), Paul Gallagher (1 start and 8 sub appearences for about 10 mins a game) and Matt Derbyshire who i think really deserves a tryout...! There are quite a few players who sound like they deserve a small chance at least. I also think choosing a player like Mokoena over some excellent youngters we have... Big thumbs up to our acadamy players who thrashed Utd 3 nil yesterday... Isnt very good for inspiring the moral and hope of Rovers youngsters. This is just my opinion though...

Given and Beattie are the only ones who'd get in our squad though ( beattie might ), plus Given is a sicknote for a goalkeeper

Rovers have judged the quality of academy players far more better then most of the other prem teams, if we've only let Beattie and Given go who were of decent quality then thats a fairly good average compared to the ones we got right!

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Given and Beattie are the only ones who'd get in our squad though ( beattie might ), plus Given is a sicknote for a goalkeeper

Rovers have judged the quality of academy players far more better then most of the other prem teams, if we've only let Beattie and Given go who were of decent quality then thats a fairly good average compared to the ones we got right!

I still think Douglas, YES DOUGLAS could have been a big help at the moment! I'd rather play him center midfield then Mokoena...!

Also Danns is a prospect i miss who is playing well at the Brum!

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I still think Douglas, YES DOUGLAS could have been a big help at the moment! I'd rather play him center midfield then Mokoena...!

Also Danns is a prospect i miss who is playing well at the Brum!

Obviously as usual you have seen neither of them play. Decent lower league players maybe, but if we had played them regularly thats where we would have ended up.

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QUOTE(Ste B @ Nov 12 2006, 23:18 ) 459539[/snapback]

Obviously as usual you have seen neither of them play. Decent lower league players maybe, but if we had played them regularly thats where we would have ended up.

Im not suggesting playing them regularly...

Just whilst we are missing midfielders through injury!

Besides didnt Mr Hughes play Douglas a few times in the first team??

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My View On the game....................................

I thought they totally dominated the match from start to finish apart from 10 minutes from the end.They made Man U look very ordinary and not like a team which has hand picked the best youth level player in the world(apart from Mamadi).

IMHO the players that stood out in the game were the 2 Central Defenders,Mark King (My MOM),Mamadia Keita and Junior Dadson.

I thought Pezzoni and Winnard were excellent at the heart of the defence and never gave Brandy a sniff at the Rovers goal.

The Left-back King for me was the Man of the Match yesterday and had a very good game with his running and skill.The thing is he has been at this level for nearly 2 and half years now and needs to move up now to really progress.he needs to build him self up as he is very light weight for a defender but played an exellent game yesterday.

This was my first look at Mamadi Keita and I liked what I saw.The impression I got after watching his game very closely was that he has modeled himself on the Chelsea holding player Makalale.I call it the "Invisible position"where you do your job but no one Really knows how good you are untill when you are injured or leave the club,the first team is finding this out at the moment with Savage and we get to see how good he is when we have to watch the likes of Arron Mokoena.(thats another subject)

Makélélé was described "the most important and yet least appreciated midfielder at Real Madrid".Club president Florentino Pérez infamously poured scorn on Makélélé's footballing abilities and proclaimed that Makélélé would not be missed, saying:

"We will not miss Makélélé. His technique is average, he lacks the speed and skill to take the ball past opponents, and ninety percent of his distribution either goes backwards or sideways."( These are the atributes Mamdia should be aiming th have in his game)

Real Madrid have not won a single trophy since Makélélé left!!!!

Back to Mamadi,I thoght he had a very sound game especially the second half and showes his strength and his undoubted skill which was needed to gain some extra time in midfeild.He plays a VERY important part in the team which everyone can see and should appreciate.

He looked very "Heavy legged" in he first half but ran that off in the second half.

Junior Dadson was a "Thorn" all day yesterday for Man U with his Skill and Pace untill he was moved to the left-wing but overall he had a good game .

My impression on Alan Judge was that he is too greedy and selffish in fact both of the Irish lads(Treacy)were very greedy and did not pass to there team mates when that was the better option IMHO.The Academy staff have high hopes for both.

My marks for yesterday:

Somodi (7)



Pezzoni (8)

KING (9)


Keita (8)


Judge (6)

Dadson (8)

Treacy (6)

Brierley (5)

Edited by unleaded
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I still think Douglas, YES DOUGLAS could have been a big help at the moment! I'd rather play him center midfield then Mokoena...!

Also Danns is a prospect i miss who is playing well at the Brum!

I can only surmise that you saw neither of those players.

I'd rather have Ste B play than John Douglas.

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