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[Archived] Vinjay's Latest Rant


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Man's a pain, an attention seeker and boring.

For those of you sadistic enough to want him back on here ruining every thread he comes across - can I suggest you stick pins in your eyes its less painful.

I too used to defend him but his antics were a joke in the end, what you have heard is only the tip of the iceberg... I for one stopped reading/posting here cause every thread went down the same topic - not the walkers but what a prat Vinjay was Vs. Free speech

It was very very very boring!

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Why not let him back in with the condition that if he pollutes other threads then he is banned with no comebacks. then it is the decision of the poster to read his anti walkers stuff

It's obvious from his latest post, what his agenda is.

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Powers?!?! WTF? Are you mad Ricky?

I think you will find you lost all your powers when we signed up to the EU.

They have taken everything away. Human Rights Act?!

Sovereignty, Britishness, all gone.

Brussels Brussels Brussels aaaargh!

Edited by BuckyRover
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For the rubbish that is in there, he does make a couple of good points.

Firstly, where he mentions our fans putting the town down, with reference to Becks,

'Actually consider it a possibility as the club is strong enough to appeal to Beckham. Of course

fans prefer to put the club and town in the same context openly mocking the

2 process. You wonder why attendances are dropping. Keep putting the club down.'

Whilst we all realise that Blackburn is not Barcelona, there are plenty of worse places in England/the world to live. Secondly we all know that a player lives in leafy cheshire or central manchester depending if they like the country or city life!!

Secondly, the point he makes about Dunn has a reasonable amount of truth to it. Whilst i would personally like Dunn back if the fee was right (500k ish) because the risk is low, thoughts of paying £2m or beyond seem very much along the lines of 'hes a local boy'

I would like to see Vinjay reinstated on a final warning, where is allowed to post about JW and the running of the club in this thread perhaps and then he must not post about it in all the others. The first time he violates that, hes gone for good!

Edited by BRFC4EVA
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Phil, the point I was trying to make was that as a Mod I couldn't physically change someones Avatar. Obviously my poor wording gives you the opportunity to have a little dig. Petty really, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't give up the time to this site that Admin and Mods (to a lesser extent) do for no return at all.

We do seem to be on a hiding to nothing generally.

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Phil, the point I was trying to make was that as a Mod I couldn't physically change someones Avatar. Obviously my poor wording gives you the opportunity to have a little dig. Petty really, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't give up the time to this site that Admin and Mods (to a lesser extent) do for no return at all.

We do seem to be on a hiding to nothing generally.

Ricky: Please don't despair. I am absolutely serious when I say that I really do appreciate the work done by all the admin and mods people. I know it must sometimes feel like a thankless task having to deal with the rants and raves of right-wing loonies, left-wing loonies, PC loonies, financial loonies, porno loonies, and silly old loonies (me). But it if it any consolation, I am certain that I am not alone in saying we we would all be very much the poorer if you guys did not give your time to this sometimes thankless task. And I for one would miss it terribly if the worst happened and this site were to fold for any reason.

Thanks again to you and all the other officers of the site.

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Vinjay has followed up with the following

A few responses here to messages. Woke up really early so didn't have

anything better to do.

Kamy 100-I take it the JW is not on Vinjay's Xmas Card List!

What a muppet.

Vinjay-No he isn't. Neither are my own family. I'll be buying presents and

stuff but cards are a waste of time. I even told my family that they didn't

need to send me cards because I've never seen them as anything but

pointless. As pointless as autographs really.

Left Winger-In fairness - you do raise some interesting points Vinjay - but

then shoot yourself in the foot in other places. So Rovers fans are too lazy

to do anything about Williams? Then you go on to say you didn't go to the

BRISA AGM as you "doubt you would be able to restrain yourself listening to

Williams lies"

I'm not happy with us being mediocre either - but I think we're actually

doing pretty well on a limited budget. We're in a bad patch - but we'll come

through it.

Vinjay-I don't see what difference I can make on my own. What do you want me

to do start a sit down protest outside Ewood. Assault Williams? I don't like

using violence so that's out of the question. You don't ned to worry about

anything like that. A mass sit down protest outside Ewood? That would make a

difference but I've tried to start a protest and it hasn't worked.

Blueboy Downunder-i think that most people on here agree that vinjay was, is

and always will be a complete (Please don't use that word again) nut!!

Vinjay-I think most people on BRFCS are sheep who tend to follow the crowd.

Stuwilky-More of the same drivel.

Vinjay-No it's a difference of opinion. Something you have always been


Brighton Rover- I guess this was one of my hopes for BRISA, that maybe we

could somehow get a bit more clarity about where the Rovers are financially

these days.

Vinjay-It's a big enough shock that they actually had a meeting. Don't

expect them to get anywher regarding finanes. They seem quite happy to

accept that less funding is available despite earlier promises from Williams

and Egerton-Vernon. Who's spoken about twice in the last 6 years.

Rovermatt-What a sad, deluded, ignorant, uneducated little man.

Vinjay-Very calculated "insults." Did you just write down the first

deragatory terms that came into your head?

Ronin-Dare I say it, that I think he has a point about the small-town

mindset, and that we need to think on a national and not just local scale to

survive in the longterm - don't ask me how though, that's up to the board

and PR dept

Vinjay-It's up to the fans as well who still seem stuck in a late 1980's

mindset. Still going on extinct rivalries that should have ended 16 years


Rover 6-BTW: What was so controversial about Rev's columns that JW chose the

extreme action of censoring them.

Vinjay-They seem to have been removed from the LET archives. Wonder who told

them to do that?

bellamy11-Vinjay does make good points but when he actively refuses efforts

made to meet with him and placate him then he does undermine himself. If he

truely wanted to know answers then this would be far more preferable than

the fans protest which would keep him annonymous.

Vinjay-What efforts? I e-mailed the club on 2 occasions and recieved no

response. I no longer believe I can make a difference on my own without

support from other fans.

modes98-I don't know how you can have a moan at JW for the bellamy sale, it

was a clause in his contract! As for not trying to bring in big name

players, i think if that was the case i think hughes would have left by now.

The boost at villa has not been due to a new board but as with most clubs a

change of manager and coaching staff.

If your looking for a person to blame for the bad start look no further than

hughes. He hasn't got enough cover but also we have been very unlucky with

the volume of injuries.

Leave JW alone and go and find us a multi billionaire.

Vinjay-Who put the clause there? I would have preferred if they had told the

truth about it instead of conning the fans with the early bird scheme.

Notice he wasn't sold until several weeks after that was introduced.

Why did O'Neill join Villa in the first place?

Joey big nose-He does not accept that we suffer disadvantages in terms of

resources compared to other clubs which makes it very difficult to compete

with them.

When you consider that we do in actuality suffer a massive resource deficit

compared to the top four and even our neighbors, Vinjay does appear

suffering from some sort of mania. He is completely unwilling to recognise

actual facts.

Vinjay-Yes like the 680 million fortune the Walkers are sitting on. A

fortune that Jack worked for not them and they don't give anything back.

It's you who's unwilling to accept facts. The fact that Jack said Rovers

would always be challenging for top honours. The fcat that Williams lied by

saying funding wouldn't drop after Jack died. Do I need to bring up those

quotes again?

Exiled In Toronto-Since any new owner would most likely want to put their

own man in to run things, I'm sure JW is working night and day to find


Vinjay-A point that I have considered and probably would have made at some

pint over the last couple of months. If I wasn't banned from the board.

Williams is just worried that any new owners might ask why he gave himself a

pay rise depsite a big fall in attendance.

1864 Roverite-an improvement in European games Vinjay !

Vinjay-As there should be against weaker opposition. It might be better than

before but still nothing to worship Hughes for.

bb3-I doubt very much that he is a Blackburn Rovers fan.

Vinjay-No Rovers fans are prepared to accept mediocrity and I'm not. So

obviously I can't be.

Ste B-I'm no cunning linguist, but theres something in his writing style

that doesnt convince me. I think its the fact that he seems to want to get

"rovers fans" to do something rather than saying "we should all stand up to

John Williams"

Vinjay-Clever points but sadly for you totally wrong.

I don't like using the term "we." Firstly I've seen people saying things

like "we are a small club" and do you expect me to agree with that. It's

basically saying that all Rovers fans believe that and it isn't the case at

all. Secondly I don't feel enough close enough to Rovers fans to use that

term. I can barely stand going to Ewood at the moment because it means I

have to sit with Rovers fans.

I also don't use the term Rovers very often. I've never liked Man United

referring to themselves as "united." So don't you think it would be a little

hypocritical of me to use the term "Rovers"? It shows a lack of respect to

other clubs who have the right to call themselves "Rovers." I'll refer to

the club as Rovers on occasion but I prefer to say Blackburn Rovers or

Blackburn. That dosen't make me less if a fan.

Bryan-Maybe a dingle undercover agent then?

Vinjay-If you called me a Man Utd fan (who I see as Rovers main rivals) I

might have been slightly more offended. Not however enough to causee any

real offence.

I'm not some sheep who follows the crowd. Why should I join in with the

Burnley chants. I don't want to join in with the Burnley chants. This could

mean one of 2 things.

1. I'm a Burnley fan.

2. I couldn't give a flying f*** about Burnley and I don't see them as

worthy rivals.

I know what I am in my own mind. My family know what I am in their minds.

That is a Blackburn Rovers fan and if some outsiders think otherwise so

what? What I and my family think has always been most important to m.

Why SteB do you expect me to use the term "we." I don't feel any close

affiliation with Rovers fans. Like I said I can't stand to be around them.

They chant about Burnley all the time. I chant about Man Utd. They chant

"small town in Europe" and I chant "Big club in Europe." They put the town

and club in the same context openly mocking both in the process. I say

Beckham would be impressed by the club in terms of facilities. Yet I'm the

one who's putting the club down. I'm the one who's not the real fan. I'm the

one who agrees with Jack Walker that Rovers aren't a small club...they are a

big club. I'm th one who's upset at the way Neill is disrespecting the club.

Yet it's you who call yourselves the real fans.

You might notice I've used the term "they" instead of "we." Well that's what

my relationship with Rovers fans have come to. We chant about different

things. I care more about qualifying for the champions league than Burnley v

Preston. You expect me to use the term "we" when we share virtually nothing

in common?

I don't care about local rivalry. Maybe when Everton start chatnint about

Tranmere I might. I am a fan of Blackburn Rovrs Football Club not Blackburn

town. Notice the difference? I don't put the club and town in the same

context. Unlike the "small town, small club mentality most of you have. My

mentality is "big town, big club" yet I'm the one who gets all the abuse.

1 Matt Jansen-How on earth can he have a gripe with John Williams!? The man

is doing a fantastic job keeping us in the premiership and allowing us to

continue challenging and punching well above our weight.

The bloke clearly has no idea about the history of Rovers or the background

associated with the club, and simply beleives that his town should feature a

Manchester United style football team.

As for criticizing the Walkers, he's wrong again. It was Jacks idea to

invest in Rovers and he was the only real football fan in the family.

Therefore he made sure that when he died he had in place what he thought to

be a sufficient backup plan for the club. This is now being carried out by

the Walker trust. Why should the rest of the family decide to plow millions

more into a club which they have no real interest in? We need to be


That first comment completely justifies the points I made above about

sharing nothing in common with Rovers fans. You use the term "us" and "our"

like everyone agrees with you. You expect me to use the term "we" when I

have to put up with stuff like this? I'm not obsessed with the history of

Blackburn Rovers. There is a old Blackburn Rovers and a new Blackburn

Rovers...Jack used the term new Blackburn Rovers. I'm not stuck in a 1980's

mindset obsessing over clubs like Burnley and Preston. I don't know what to

call the current Blackburn Rovers. When Henchoz signed I refused to say he

had returned because the club he plays for now is not the Blackburn Rovers

he left. Maybe the current Blackburn Rovers fit in the middle somewhere.

I think Man Utd is the club I would least want Rovers to be like.

After all the work Jack did for them don't you think they owe him something

in return. They are quite happy to sit on his fortune but won't do anything

to help his club. If they aren't interested when why can't they do th right

thing? They need to put the club up for sale. Being "open to investment"

isn't good enough.

Colin-Hands up anyone who, if banned, would send a 1101-word* email to a

moderator of the site that had banned you?

Vinjay needs help.

Vinjay-Probably a year or so ago I did. A year ago I was contemplating a sit

down protest outside Ewood. I think I've made some progress in terms of

mental well-being since then. If I need help though it's because of peopl

like 1 Matt Jansen constantly putting th club down. Yet he never gets any

abuse. I want the club to do well and I'm treated like the bad guy.

BRFC4EVA-Firstly, where he mentions our fans putting the town down, with

reference to Becks,

'Actually consider it a possibility as the club is strong enough to appeal

to Beckham. Of course

fans prefer to put the club and town in the same context openly mocking the

2 process. You wonder why attendances are dropping. Keep putting the club


Whilst we all realise that Blackburn is not Barcelona, there are plenty of

worse places in England/the world to live. Secondly we all know that a

player lives in leafy cheshire or central manchester depending if they like

the country or city life!!

Vinjay-Excactly. I talk up the club's chances of signing Beckham and others

simply mock . Yet who's treated like the bad guy? Me.

wakefield rawks-Im sure Vinjays loving this thread about him, I bet hes sad

at his computer now with his finger on the refresh button.

Vinjay-I haven't even looked at the boards in the period between sending the

e-mail and now. I never forced anyone to start a thread about me.

As for coming back to the boards if I'm reinstated fine. What's the point

though when I would have to wait for mod approval? I would be willing to

come back on the basis that my posts are immediate. I would also stick to

the topic. Not by any means am I begging to come back. I'm really not

bothered eiether way.

As for the people who want me back I would thank you. Exept I've never cared

about winning popularity contests and couldn't care in the slightest whether

you want me back or not.

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B)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Ste B @ Nov 18 2006, 11:27 ) 460854[/snapback]</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->

Vinjay has followed up with the following

Well I am no phsycologist but I would say that this person is definitely suffering from some form of mental illness; an obsessive disorder of some kind. That however does not mean that he cannot be right in anything he says; I happen to think he does make SOME good points. The problem for me lies in his dismissive attitude towards other Rovers fans and his assumption that we all think and act alike. How wrong can you get!!?

I honestly believe that it would not be in the best interests of anybody to allow Vinjay a return to this site as it it would only cause more controversy and anger, and would not help Vinjay in the way that he needs helping, although in his present state I doubt he would agree.

Edited by Fife Rover
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If, as he says, he doesn't care whether he's invited back then why did he bother with the initial communication or the reply and why should we even consider whether it might be proper to invite him back? The guy claims he doesn't like Rovers fans anyway so let's forget about him, if in fact he exists, and get on with discussing or club instead of his rants.

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bellamy11-Vinjay does make good points but when he actively refuses efforts made to meet with him and placate him then he does undermine himself. If he truely wanted to know answers then this would be far more preferable than the fans protest which would keep him anonymous.

Vinjay-What efforts? I e-mailed the club on 2 occasions and recieved no response. I no longer believe I can make a difference on my own without support from other fans.

Liar, liar. Pants on fire.

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Everybody who posts on the messabeboard, except for the odd away fan is a fan of the Rovers. There is massive disagreement between posters about the players who are playing well and those who are not, about those who are Premiership standard and about those who should be shipped out. There is disagreement about the songs sung by fans in European cities and about the attitude of Rovers' fans at away games.

In a way, Vinjay appears to suffering an alienation that ,although more extreme, might have been suffered by many Rovers' fans at any time, either currently or in the past.

I would welcome back his passion, whilst hoping he will not be one dimensional.

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