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[Archived] West Ham Fined £5.5m

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Official statement from Wham. I suppose that is in relation to the latest reports that Tevez is about to take a medical before his signing for Man U on loan for two years.

Talksport are saying that Joorbachian is about to release a statement saying that Tevez is his player and he will say where he goes. So who have Man U been negotiating with? Couldn't be the agent who has no influence over him, can it?

The **** is about to hit the fan, it seems.

The FA are talking about stopping any deal that means WHU don't see significant funds but what gives them the right to do that if MSI own him? Which by the sounds of it they do. Surely this goes even further to prove the fact that the wrong decision and WHU broke the rules and are still breaking them.

Would a 2 year loan deal would keep the FA happy as it wouldn't be a transfer? or would they still need a signature from WHU saying we're letting him leave, which wouldn't happen.

Relegate them :angry:

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Maybe it's just Magnusson covering his own back. If a deal did go through without Wham being consulted, then the game is up for the Whammers. This way, as long as Man U ask for Wham's permission, everyone is in the clear?

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Maybe it's just Magnusson covering his own back. If a deal did go through without Wham being consulted, then the game is up for the Whammers. This way, as long as Man U ask for Wham's permission, everyone is in the clear?

And does that mean that Man.U. are also involving themselves in the deceit and connivance as well?

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It seems to me that Man U and Joorbachian have seen that the Liverpool Mascheranian (sp) deal worked and the £4m a year loan for two years model for Tevez is planned to replicate that but with bigger numbers.

Of course by doing what they did in January Liverpool smoked out the West Ham naughties and reported them. I'd expect Man U to do exactly the same. Can you imagine the stink if Man U present an identikit solution to the Liverpool one and the FAPL block it?

Man U have zero interest in getting wrapped up in the web of deceit unless they extract a horrible price from the FAPL for it. If this somehow goes through smoothly the rest of the Prem clubs had better wake up FAST.

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I wouldn't put anything past them normally but I think at the moment the spotlight is so much on this situation that they would not serve their own best interest by getting involved in anything that might end in tears. They do what they want and don't worry about what others think usually but this could run and run and I don't think they'd want that

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Is it too late for the Premier league to reconvene an investigation based on new evidence(Joorboochian's mystery document) and just go on and relegate wham for being a bunch of liars trying to "scam the system".No one really would be to sad to see them relegated*excepting a smll area of east London).It would make everything much smoohter for all the remaining clubs as it appears Eggman is destined to blow pay structures up and down the country if he has his way.

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If the Mail has got this right, and no reason to suggest they are wrong, this deal, aside from the WHU factor, is absolute sheer lunacy. £60m over five years for a player!! £60,000,000? Have these peope lost their frigging marbles or what? The basic details are:

Loan deal for 2 years at cost of £6m

Option to buy at £35m

Salary £5m pa ~ £25m in total

Now come on, is there anyone out there who is prepared to defend this utter lunacy? EPL clubs could probably write off third world debt with their current levels of spending. This does nothing to encourage the average footie fan to get excited about the game it's just downright disgusting and secondly I don't believe this money exists. If the clubs said to be spending at these levels ever have to cough up real £££££ they wouldn't be able to. This link from Friday's Independent explain United's financial manipulation

In a nutshell Utd have spent £20m in total this summer with the Hargreaves deal delayed till July 1st to keep the money out of the previous year's accounts. The headline £70m is the balance that will not show in their accounts for at least 12 months and in some cases much longer. Tevez is a loan for £6m over two years, Anderson, Nani, Hargreaves are all on HP deals. Nothing like mortgaging the ST sales, watch the prices rocket at OT.

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The Egghead said that all rights and negotiations go through West Ham. So Man U have flown to Venezuela to conclude the deal. The FAPL probably wish that Upton Park were on the banks of the Orinoco but once again realpolitik is in sharp contrast to their make believe world of protecting West Ham.

A Man U blog paints a bleak but accurate prognosis for West Ham.

In contrast the Times ultimately foresees a fudge. I suppose a lot depends on Joorbachian's balance of interests. The fact West Ham chose to rip up his contracts must make him very cautious about allowing any of "his" Tevez money pass through West Ham coffers. I still return to the simple premiss that Man U's lawyers will have checked this out and must be convinced that in law, they are talking to the right man by doing the transfer deal with Joorabchian and not Eggman.

Incidentally, if West Ham are correct in their assertion of rights over Tevez, isn't this the most blatant tap-up in history???

Whether West Ham get burnt or there is a fudge in the end, I guess we all ought to be grateful to the Fox reporter who put the microphone in front of Tevez and extracted the answer that he is joining Man U.

Without that, the fudge might have been more a piece of cake. As it is the whole of football has the chance to see things in the open.

I would imagine the lawyers preparing for Sheff U's appearance in the High Court are enjoying burning the midnight oil. They are going on a narrow point of law and subsequent events might not be admissable but this must surely be helping their cause.

My guess is that Sheff U will get their £50m compensation- there is enough money sloshing around for the football administrators to believe money can buy them anything. I wonder if the Football League will turn round and argue that a balls up in the FAPL has resulted in a massive distortion in their football competition?

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Isn't it funny..you can say "someone takes a bung"..and you are bringing the game into disrupute and the FA throw the book at you. Fiddle the finances and contracts and lie and cheat and get non existant goals at Ewood , and NOTHING (meaningful) happens. Forget to properly register an on-loan player for a FA Cup game ..thrown out the competion and the team you have beaten reinstated..play dodgy registered players in the Prem for a season..Sir Trevor throws a strop and Saintly West Ham can carry on regardless.

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And fair play to them... the article is indeed very interesting. It points out that the FAPL are in a lose-lose situation, and questions why the FA haven't intervened, which is an excellent question. My opinion is that the FA are waiting for the FAPL to hamstring themselves before trying to re-organise the management somewhat. They really messed up by leaving the management of the league in the hands of the chairmen and now they want back some measure of control (although the FAPL will continue as a separate body, of course, we couldn't go re-distributing wealth because then some very big clubs would be in very big trouble).

FIFA may have something to say about all this as well, they definitely have a thing against the national bodies going to court to resolve disputes. This isn't over by a long shot.

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Sheffield United are certainly doing their best to keep this in the spotlight. The link to the Daily Mail article is certainly worth reading.

Sheffield United official site

Very good article. Gives one some hope that somehow, justice may be done, and West Ham will end up in the Championship.

And the criminally inept idiots in the PL hierarchy will have to quit for making such a pigs ear of the entire business.

One thing that infuriates me is the clear use of delaying tactics, both before the first hearing and then the appeal - and then even again to get the output of the appeal into the public domain. The whole thing has been a sickening attempt to concoct enough nonsense to rubber stamp a pre-determined result.

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How are we or anybody else on the outside of all these shananicans going to know whether or not some "mutually acceptable arrangement" has not been struck or is about to be. For instance lets assume the FAPL orders Man.U. to pay the Tevez transfer fee to West Ham as the rightful owner, but behind the scenes and to keep Joorabchian quiet a deal has been struck whereby WHam pass on all or nearly all of the money to Joorabchian but by some invisible and untraceable route. Then everybody is happy and Joorabchian does not blow the gaff in court. The FAPL are happy; no embarrasing court case, Man. U. are happy; they get Tevez; Joorabchian is happy; he gets his money; and West Ham are happy they are off the hook all round. The only losers in this arrangement are Sheff Utd ; still relegated; and most of all the entire game and reputation of English football.

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How are we or anybody else on the outside of all these shananicans going to know whether or not some "mutually acceptable arrangement" has not been struck or is about to be. For instance lets assume the FAPL orders Man.U. to pay the Tevez transfer fee to West Ham as the rightful owner, but behind the scenes and to keep Joorabchian quiet adeal has been struck whereby WHam pass on all or nearly all of the money to Joorabchian but by some invisible and untraceable route. Then eveybody is happy and Joorabchian does not blow the gaff in court. The Fapl are happy; no embarrasing court case, Man. U. are happy; they get Tevez; Joorabchian is happy; he gets his money; and West Ham are happy they are off the hook all round. The only losers in this arrangement are Sheff Utd ; still relegated; and most of all the entire game and reputation of English football.

I believe Sheff U can use the High Court to force the disclosure of all relevant documents- failure to do so invites a contempt of court charge. The events surrounding the Tevez transfer or loan subsequent to the Arbitration surely means the High Court cannot dismiss the case on a narrow point of law- many of the underlying principles of the original hearing and the arbitration are now thrown into doubt by the facts of what has happened between Man U and the Joorbachian companies.

Hence the anticipation expressed by the Daily Mail that FIFA will be so concerned at the courts of the land deciding a key football issue that they will lean on the FA very heavily to use its theoretical powers (and they are very theoretical given they have not been used and the financial imbalance) to haul the FAPL into line.

I still think selling or loaning Tevez to Man U is a masterstroke by Koorbachian on the "my friend is bigger than your friend" principle. David Gill's slip (intentional obviously) that the Mancs had been negotiating the Tevez transfer for over a month further dumps West Ham in the doodoo as it makes the Eggman's "he's our's and nobodyelse's" statement of Friday look even more late, limp and lame. Man U want the player with the minimum of encumbrances and minimum fuss for themselves and if at this point it means dumping on West Ham, they will dump with the greatest panache from the highest point possible.

The line of arguments used in that Daily Mail article are very sound as far as I can tell.

I am fascinated as to how the Daily Mail have come to take such a strong pro-Sheffield United anti-FAPL stance in all this. Any of our press friends able to enlighten us on this?

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Man U want the player with the minimum of encumbrances and minimum fuss for themselves and if at this point it means dumping on West Ham, they will dump with the greatest panache from the highest point possible.

I can't help thinking about Ludek Miklosko on May 14th 1995.

Are the mancs finally going to get their revenge?!?!


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A nice sentiment Tris but imo the Mails stance reflects the majority opinion ..... whats right is right and what is not right is wrong.

For my part I feel that the rest of the Prem clubs not directly involved are shameful in their lack of condemnation for the deception and ultimate cheating by WHU. Pontious Pilate Chairmen imo.

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........For my part I feel that the rest of the Prem clubs not directly involved are shameful in their lack of condemnation for the deception and ultimate cheating by WHU. Pontious Pilate Chairmen imo.

I agree entirely.

I'm genuinely gutted that we're all expected to accept the results of this farce, when even the most casual of football fans can see something very untoward has gone on. I honestly doubt that found guilty of the same crime, we (or any other 'smaller' club) would get away so lightly. Sheffield Utd must feel pretty aggreived by what seems to be a lack of public support from the other clubs.

It would be great if the other clubs in the Premiership made a stand and put pressure on the Premier League to put things right i.e West Ham are punished to a degree that fits the crime and not slapped on the wrist with, what to them is, a pretty insignificant fine. It won't happen, though.

The fact that West Ham will now be throwing cash around in the transfer market makes it all the more difficult to accept. Don't think I've ever gone into a Premiership season hoping one opposition team will lose as much as I want to see West Ham suffer this season.

I'm hoping this Tevez transfer leaves them absolutely shafted, but honestly can't see it happening.

To think we used to laugh and point at other leagues in Europe for being corrupt.....

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I agree entirely.

I'm genuinely gutted that we're all expected to accept the results of this farce, when even the most casual of football fans can see something very untoward has gone on. I honestly doubt that found guilty of the same crime, we (or any other 'smaller' club) would get away so lightly. Sheffield Utd must feel pretty aggreived by what seems to be a lack of public support from the other clubs.

It would be great if the other clubs in the Premiership made a stand and put pressure on the Premier League to put things right i.e West Ham are punished to a degree that fits the crime and not slapped on the wrist with, what to them is, a pretty insignificant fine. It won't happen, though.

The fact that West Ham will now be throwing cash around in the transfer market makes it all the more difficult to accept. Don't think I've ever gone into a Premiership season hoping one opposition team will lose as much as I want to see West Ham suffer this season.

I'm hoping this Tevez transfer leaves them absolutely shafted, but honestly can't see it happening.

ing To think we used to laugh and point at other leagues in Europe for becorrupt.....

Didn't we all! Comes as a bit of a shock doesn't it when you realise that your own favourite and much loved football world is rotten to the core. And as you have pointed out above the situation is made all the more disappointing by the fact that the other clubs are simply putting their heads in the sand and hoping it will all either go away or sort itself out without any involvement on their part. But even more disappointing is the fact that our own club Blackburn Rovers has not shown any inclination to stick it's neck out and do the right thing either.

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But even more disappointing is the fact that our own club Blackburn Rovers has not shown any inclination to stick it's neck out and do the right thing either.

There was a letter sent by the Prem League to club chairmen urging them not to rock the boat and given the 'For Sale' signs currently up at Ewood I think a policy of our washing hands of the matter in order not to rock the boat is only to be expected.

Any previous season though and I would have been disappointed in the powers that be at BRFC.

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