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[Archived] July 1st

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Indeed, FLB, but Mary hasn't the health warnings on it, there are no guarantees of the strength of it. (The strength of cannabis has increased over the last few decades)

If Thwaites oversold the alcohol content, then you'd have a complaint in law, you can't guarantee that a joint you were sold had the "right' amount of TCH (or what ever it is).

Exactly why we need to legalize.

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In regards to Ecstasy, I think about 100 people have died due to ecstasy in this country, the vast majority by being incredible stupid and taking 5 or 6 at a time and then dancing like a nonce and dying of heat exhaustion and stress on the heart. A lot of people die because they dont know what to do to reduce the dangers, take a break, drink fluid, preferably a fruit based non alcoholic beverage

In regards to Leah Betts, she died because her parents didnt know what to do when she had a bad trip and stuffed about 8 pints of water down her throat which led to a majoy chemcial imbalance in the body, which killed her.

Talk about laying blame and nanny society! That takes the biscuit!

What you are saying there is that it was not Leah Betts's fault for taking the stuff.... Oh no.... rather it was all her parents fault for trying to do the best for her despite not having undertaken advanced medical training! That'll hardly make em feel any better if they read that would it now? They didn't teach emergency overdose measures in school 25 years ago you know.

Kinell Flopsy I just don't believe you sometimes. Do you not realise that you have even given conflicting advice?

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Exactly why we need to legalize.

Damned good idea! In fact don't just legalise drugs ...give em out free and on demand! In 95% or so of cases it'd provide a state sponsored cull of work-shy useless dollopers. Once that lot are wasted my income tax liability should reduce markedly! :tu:

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This is the kind of ridiculous thinking i am talking about. Why would anyone buy drugs and pass them onto kids? Maybe you think like this because you stand outside wetherspoons trying to tempt young boys with a pint?

I don't follow the 'mature' aspect your talking about. Certainly over half the worlds population see alcohol as a greater evil than cannabis -are they immature? More laughable is someone so insular as yourself telling me to grow up. How does an adult act? Shouild i spend my time whinging about immigration?

Would i mind if my kids took drugs? Not at all,in fact id rather they took ecstacy or marijuana than alcohol, for the simple reason they are safer.

Like it or not , in the real world kids get to drink alcohol - passed on to them by scumbags like yourself who do so because they don't know or care about the consequences . Or maybe simply because there's a slight profit in it for themselves . Why on earth do you think that drugs are any different ? Are you that naive ? Or did/does your greed for a quick profit blind you to reason ?

"Certainly half the world's population see alcohol as a greater evil than cannabis " . Really !! Have there been polls released on this that I've missed ? Or is this just a rather silly statement that confirms my opinion of yourself as an immature drug peddlar.

Try reading a bit about the drugs you sell/sold . You then might realise that even this government are considering reclassifing the grading of cannabis in the face of overwhelming scientific evidence that it is unacceptably dangerous and acts as a gateway to even more dangerous drug taking .

And after you've read about the drugs you sell/sold then get out into the back streets of our towns and cities and take a look at the lives they destroy - not just the users but their families and neighbours who usually have to pay the lowlifes like yourself who feed off their habit .

As for legalising drugs that have been proved scientifically to be harmful nobody has ever answered my argument on the inadvisability - logically or morally - of simply replacing the local drug dealing scum with a government shop . The stuff is still going to be harmful and dangerous and personality changing - that's the whole damn reason why people take them in the first place ! If the government cleaned them all up the punters would simply go back underground .

Not to mention that the government would be wide open to lawsuits from the first punter who had a bad trip , went loopy or died as a result .

As for the really hard addictive stuff (and yes it IS addictive despite the cr$p the Colins of this world spout) just tell me who is going to pay for the local deadheads governmetn fix ? The ones I see littering the streets don't work that's for sure .

The bottom line is that those advocating legalisation of drugs are in favour of the taxpayer colluding with the government in the poisoning and killing of its own citizens . The argument put forward by Colin that we already have pi$$ed up chavs everywhere is hardly an argument that bears scrutiny ....we have a problem , therefore let's add to it .. :rolleyes:

Personally I'd prefer my tax money to go in fighting the curse of drugs in society . Buying a few lump hammers to tap drug dealers on the head would be a good start .....it'd be even better if done before they started breeding another generation of deadheads ......

Which brings me back to another of Gringo's comments ".....Would i mind if my kids took drugs? Not at all, ......"

If Gringo's the product of a uni education then I fear for the future . Underclass breeds underclass and each generation gets worse

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Jesus Phil, it's blindly obvious you're trying to discuss a subject in which you have no knowledge whatsoever, the equivalent of a football 'fan' who doesn't really watch games but base their entire opinions on the game by what they read in The Sun.

By the sounds of it, El Gringo just sold weed to friends whilst he lived in halls at university. Do you have any idea how common this is? Virtually every single university hall of residence has these people, probably several of them. It's not like they're going out selling crack to addicts on the street, they're selling cannabis to students, usually friends, that they live with. You seem to like bringing the governments views into this, but I'd be astounded if the majority of MPs haven't smoked the odd spliff whilst at uni, bought from people like El Gringo. Hell, even David Cameron tentatively admitted to doing it. They're all not doing too badly for themselves are they? I lived with someone who did exactly the same as El Gringo to make a bit of cash. He now works doing graphics for the BBC...hardly a 'deadhead' or whatever other term you like to use.

Your final sentence really topped it all off. You make it sound like students and cannabis going together is a new thing. I do wonder what kind of circles you've managed to move in Phil to be this oblivious to the world and people around you. Might explain some of your other views as well I guess.

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You have the habit of merging a rational discussion with insulting people who disagree with you. You should perhaps try and separate the two. They do not need to be inclusive. Just a suggestion.

Just for the record (again) I took some heroin 20 years ago. You seem to have more of an interest in this than I do. I won't mention it again save to say that I have never promoted it's use nor suggested that anyone should ever follow my example.

I'd just like to completely agree with the general tenure of your post. However if you replace the words "drugs" and "cannabis" in it with the word "alcohol" (which is, after all, a drug, albeit a legal one) you'll be closing down all the pubs & clubs in the country and you'll be giving up your weekend pint with your chums. I've taken the liberty of doing it. A few extras too. Hope you don't mind.

Perhaps you need to appreciate that just because a drug is legal/illegal doesn't make it better or worse.

Like it or not , in the real world kids get to drink alcohol - passed on to them by licencees like yourself who do so because they don't know or care about the consequences . Or maybe simply because there's a slight profit in it for themselves . Why on earth do you think that drugs are any different ? Are you that naive ? Or did/does your greed for a quick profit blind you to reason ?

"Certainly half the world's population see alcohol as a greater evil than cannabis " . Really !! Have there been polls released on this that I've missed ? Or is this just a rather silly statement that confirms my opinion of yourself as an immature drug peddlar.

Try reading a bit about the alcohol you sell/sold . You then might realise that even this government are considering reclassifing the grading of alcohol in the face of overwhelming scientific evidence that it is unacceptably dangerous and acts as a gateway to even more dangerous drug taking .

And after you've read about the alcohol you sell/sold then get out into the back streets of our towns and cities and take a look at the lives they destroy - not just the users but their families and neighbours who usually have to pay the lowlifes like yourself who feed off their habit .

As for legalising alcohol that has been proved scientifically to be harmful nobody has ever answered my argument on the inadvisability - logically or morally - of simply replacing the local alcohol dealing scum with a government shop . The stuff is still going to be harmful and dangerous and personality changing - that's the whole damn reason why people take it in the first place ! If the government cleaned them all up the punters would simply go back underground .

Not to mention that the government would be wide open to lawsuits from the first punter who had a bad trip , went loopy or died as a result .

As for the really hard addictive stuff (and yes it IS addictive despite the cr$p the Colins of this world spout) just tell me who is going to pay for the local deadheads governmetn fix ? The ones I see littering the streets don't work that's for sure .

The bottom line is that those advocating legalisation of alcohol are in favour of the taxpayer colluding with the government in the poisoning and killing of its own citizens . The argument put forward by Colin that we already have pi$$ed up chavs everywhere is hardly an argument that bears scrutiny ....we have a problem , therefore let's add to it ..

Personally I'd prefer my tax money to go in fighting the curse of alcohol in society . Buying a few lump hammers to tap licencees on the head would be a good start .....it'd be even better if done before they started breeding another generation of deadheads ......

Which brings me back to another of Gringo's comments ".....Would i mind if my kids took alcohol Not at all, ......"

If Gringo's the product of a uni education then I fear for the future . Underclass breeds underclass and each generation gets worse

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You have the habit of merging a rational discussion with insulting people who disagree with you. You should perhaps try and separate the two. They do not need to be inclusive. Just a suggestion.


That's rich coming from the pot...

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You have the habit of merging a rational discussion with insulting people who disagree with you.


I won't even bother reading past that line .... you take hypocrisy and double standards to new heights !

And anyway , shouldn't you be applauding me for being "honest and open" ?

Or is just drug dealing scum you reserve such compliments for....?


Sorry ; Le Chuck , but don't give me this cr£p that I don't know what I'm talking about ; I do ........I bet I'm older than you and seen more of the downside of it all . I don't have a high regard for drugs nor people who take or (worse)peddle them - whether be they be students or politicians ; I've seen what it leads to (with SOME not ALL) and I'm not just talking about some layabouts smoking in a university hall - I'm talking the towns and city streets . Maybe you haven't got to the stage where you start to think about the easy availabilty of drugs for kids and where they can lead to . Maybe you haven't kids yet , I don't know . But it's been proved to my satisfaction that cannabis is getting stronger , and those who tend to experiment with it are those liable to try something stronger . I'd rather nip the whole process in the bud ....so to speak - minimise the problem and not just give in to the problem just because some lucky people managed to take heroin and not become addicts . Others aren't that lucky , they don't come from nice homes or have a uni education to fall back on .

Yes , there are differing degrees in how dangerous drugs can be , that's obvious , but legalising cannabis is just another lowering of standards . Kids deserve better . If I'm out of touch here with yourself then so be it . I'm just a normal bloke with a normal job but I've know what goes on and I know kids deserve better .

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Its doing my head in this smoking ban and I dont even smoke :lol:

Pubs smell stale and when we are in the pub having a drink all my mates keep goin for a fag and if its cold I aint standing around outside freezing so I get bored <_<

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  • 1 month later...
What I don't understand is why places like the town center that are enforcing this ban are still allowing the shops to sell tobacco,and how can something that is not classed as an illegal substance be banned.It's legal to sell it, but not right to smoke it.

Sorry if this has already been mentioned, but I've just started reading the thread :) .

I don't look at it as something classed as a legal substance being banned, but more like having constraints put on it. It's the same as alcohol being legal but it is illegal to drink and drive etc or to drink in the streets. It is legal to sell and use both, there are just certain rules to follow.

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Sorry if this has already been mentioned, but I've just started reading the thread :) .

I don't look at it as something classed as a legal substance being banned, but more like having constraints put on it. It's the same as alcohol being legal but it is illegal to drink and drive etc or to drink in the streets. It is legal to sell and use both, there are just certain rules to follow.

To tell you truth,I don't think the bans changed very much.Most of whats happening now,was already happening before the ban..The only main change is the pubs,but It's not a big deal to go outside.

My main argument was the pettyness over dropping a fag stump when you only need to look around the streets since the new bin schemes came out.It's showing just how dirty and bone idle a lot of people are.In comparison to a fag stump,some of the debris being dumped anywhere,then it does seem rather pathetic .

I hope when they catch these fly tippers,they throw the book at them.At the end of the day,who do they think they are.

Too many p[eople expected to be rewarded just to recycle.If theres nothing in it for them, then sod it attitude.

Your own concience of doing whats right,should be merit enough.

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  • 11 months later...

Yobs throw woman onto live rail line after she asks them stop smoking

Disgusting behaviour from the two yobs involved. I'm sure that since July 1st last year there have been many cases of smokers flouting the law who have become aggressive and in some cases violent to those who ask them to stop smoking.

There was another case in the link here where a man was shot dead after he asked people in a London bar to stop smoking.

Given the sickening yob culture in Britain, I did suspect that these type of incidents would happen when the smoking ban was introduced last year. There's a breed of scumbags now in Britain who have no respect for the law and if they are asked to comply with the law they become aggressive and violent.

A sad state of affairs.

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Peaceful Waters:

Peaceful waters of the air

under echo's branches

Peaceful waters of a pool

under a bough laden with stars

Peaceful waters of your mouth

under a forest of kisses

Frederico Garcia Lorca (1898 - 1936)

translated by Adrian Mitchell

Now isn't that pleasant ?

S**t happens, has done ever since I were nobbut a lad sixty years ago. It's no worse now that it was then.

Read a book of poetry instead of gloomy Northcliffe publications and you'll feel much happier.

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Thats an amazing feat Jim. How can anyone read poetry with their head up their own arse?

Eeeeh Gordon lad, you really are obsessed with toilets.

............. which reminds me, how's the 5th thenodrug household commode coming along ? :lol::lol:

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