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[Archived] Brisa

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BRISA doesn't really exist anymore no. There has never been an offical closure or anything like that, but the people involved no longer meet under the banner of BRISA. While we received a lot of interest and built up a decent amount of members, we never really attracted enough people who were willing to actively help run BRISA. Our intention when we started BRISA was to get the ball rolling and then hand the reigns over to people better qualified than ourselves who could take the organisation forward. Sadly those people never really came forward, and those of us who started BRISA simply didn't have the time or desire to keep things going indefinately. It would still be possible for anyone to resurrect BRISA though if they wanted to - I'm sure the people involved in the past would be happy to give as much support as possible to anyone who wanted to get it started again.

One legacy that BRISA did leave though was to help get the Fan's Forum back up and running. A few people who were involved in BRISA are also on the Fan's Forum, and the minutes of these meeting can be found on the Rovers official site I believe.

The BRISA membership fees we had left over are still sat in a bank account somewhere - I think either Den or StuWilky (or both) are the account holders. I believe the intention was to hand over the money to some Rovers related good cause at some point in the future, but maybe the others could tell you more about that.

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I chaired the first planning meeting of BRISA nearly 3 years ago in January 2005. For personal and geographical reasons, I had to back away after not very long. Others carried on and did a fantastic job bringing the concept to reality. To do that required three things - energy, dedication - and support.

There was never a lack of energy or dedication, and it seemed (at a brilliant launch night in Blues Bar) that support would not be lacking either.

Since the launch night, probably the biggest reason why the momentum has gone is very simple - Rovers are doing well. We have a great manager, some awesome talent on the pitch, we play in cup semi-finals most years, we have been in Europe more often than not, and we have the cheapest tickets in the league bar Wigan.

And the club is brilliantly run by John Williams, Tom Finn and the rest of the board, and enjoys generouus and unique financial support thanks to the foresight of Jack Walker.

On top of that, pre-existing fans groups fulfil varying needs. Ewood Blues will forever be the ideal alternative to official away travel. North West / London / Norway / Ireland / Disabled etc are all organisations which do what needs to be done for their members.

A supporters "pressure group" is never going to thrive given the above. The worst things we have to complain about as Rovers fans at the moment are that the pies are too hot and the club shop is rubbish. I'm afraid that not enough people feel passionate enough about these minor issues to turn passion into energy, so BRISA quite simply isn't needed just now.

However, before the current officers (I assume that those most recently appointed technically remain responsible for decision making) decide to officially disband BRISA and hand over any assets to whichever good cause - I would urge restraint. Every person who paid to join BRISA remains a stakeholder, and therefore should really be consulted about any such major decision.

Secondly because the club is still looking for outside investment amd a change in ownership. Personally I hope that the ginger fool from New Jersey is now totally off the scene. But the situation could change at any time - and as Rovers fans we might just suddenly need a credible organisation to represent us and communicate our views.

Other clubs clearly show that independent fans organisations are important and viable. Just because we've got it really good at this moment doesn't mean that BRISA should be shelved for good.

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I think Scotty and Tris have summed up the situation pretty succinctly.

A lot of people put a lot of effort into BRISA and there are still foundations in place for something to happen later. I sometimes wonder whether people know how much effort went into setting BRISA up and then establishing it. Anybody who will have seen Scotty's attendence document will know what I mean.

It was the likes of Glenn travelling over from Leeds and Paul chairing meeting that really made things work, and I'm a little sad that more people couldn't lend a hand because there was a genuine bit of momentum early on. As Tris says, as things are going well at the club there has been little need for BRISA at the moment. But this doesn't mean that later on everything will be rosey in the garden. I think that, with a takeover possible, there is going to be a place for a body to take on opinions from fans and this can still happen.

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What's an army to do during peace time? Make up excuses for another war? That's how it's been done through history. And now we have a great organization by fans with nothing to do. Instead of finding things to justify your existence, I for one think that if y'all put your resources together to do something not related to needling the club about one thing or the other, you might be able to affect some change in the public's perception of the club.

What I think the organization could do is brainstorm on ways to advertise the club. Whether it be doing charity work all wearing Rovers kits, getting together yer old kits that you cannae fit into anymore (I accumulate more of those every year =/) for some of the more unfortunates around town. Something that ties Rovers back to the community would be great. For some the image of Rovers might seem to be a Big Club who doesn't have time for the public or non-season ticket holder. If Rovers aren't/can't get their name out into the general public then maybe that's what BRISA could focus on during this down time.

One question I've always had of BRISA was has the matter of marketing been brought up? The idea of hanging Rovers banners or famous players on the light posts approaching Ewood was a good one. Maybe more adverts in the local rags touting the great prices for the Cup matches. Infiltrating the other towns(Preston, Wigan, Bolton) with this advertising subtly displaying hiow much more of a value Rovers are compared to the other clubs in the area. I am sure there are a lot more ideas out there. And if these ideas could be floated with a sense of entitlement by a fan forum maybe the extra pounds that were going to go towards re-waxing the team coach can be funnelled into marketing.

I know BRISA isn't a church action group, but I just hate to see a great mobilization of Rover fans fall on it's arse before much could be done. And if something at the club were to go pear-shaped and the fans are left without a voice it's easier to get together after working together for a bit rather than spend a few months getting re-acquainted.

Just my 2 pence for whatever it's worth...

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I was talking at the Big Club match to a bloke in the pub who seemed well in with the fans forum and some form of supporters club - he was disparaging about BRISA, suggesting they had been too demanding too soon and had put people's backs up at the same time by talking big but acting little. Personally, I have no axe to grind, but this bloke (forgot his name as I was a bit "tired & emotional") was sticking the boot in as he got the bit between his teeth. As we have some key BRISA players on this MB, could anyone shed some light on why such strength of feeling should arise from an almost casual observation just before the match?

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I was talking at the Big Club match to a bloke in the pub who seemed well in with the fans forum and some form of supporters club - he was disparaging about BRISA, suggesting they had been too demanding too soon and had put people's backs up at the same time by talking big but acting little. Personally, I have no axe to grind, but this bloke (forgot his name as I was a bit "tired & emotional") was sticking the boot in as he got the bit between his teeth. As we have some key BRISA players on this MB, could anyone shed some light on why such strength of feeling should arise from an almost casual observation just before the match?

I've no idea to be honest. People need to remember that we were simply a group of Rovers fans who were just trying to do our best. We certainly never tried to pi55 anyone off intentionally.

It does highlight one of the problems we faced though. A number of people had good ideas for BRISA and thought they knew what BRISA should be doing. Unfortunately though, not many of them were prepared to put in the time and effort to make their ideas happen.

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Scotty is absolutely right there.

It's like those who come on here and moan about stuff but don't actually contact the club - too much like hard work!

Brisa was/is a big undertaking but unfortunately whilst many are quick to criticize few are willing to shoulder the burden.

Well done to those who put in so much work and effort for Brisa, hopefully all the effort will not be completely wasted and things can be started up again eventually.

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You are absolutely right, El Tombro.

There is a lot that needs to be done even at the moment. I know for a fact that the club are in negotiation about the 'club' shop but it is a rather long drawn out business.

There is the issue of the atmosphere, which I believe the Fans Forum is addressing, and I can think of a few other things that need looking at.

I hope that Brisa will be back better than ever before too long, and I for one would be delighted to see it!

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I've no idea to be honest. People need to remember that we were simply a group of Rovers fans who were just trying to do our best. We certainly never tried to pi55 anyone off intentionally.

And in favour of BRISA - who where trying to do something that most thought the FF couldn't/was limited or seemed to be failing to do.

Unfortunately, it was the wrong timing for me and still is in a way even though I was asked at the time to see if I could be involved in some way.

The people who gave time and commitment to this deserve appreciation and recognition for what they have done, and as they say in all reality BRISA is still 'here'- so there is foundation there to build upon.

IMO I still feel the FF is too regulated and lacks feedback and information from what it is actually doing and achieving, so maybe the time will come for BRISA to grow from the acorn it is at the minute - who is to know?

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It's like those who come on here and moan about stuff but don't actually contact the club - too much like hard work!

I contacted them over the shops attitude to THEIR fans and got told it would be investigated ...heard nothing since august.

I contacted them over the woman steward who sat me me down and humilated me on the naughty seat,I got passed to mr newshom(spelling?) who said I would be contacted at the next home game for a discussion on the matter ...heard nothing since the city game,sorry the monday after the city game.

not so much hard work mum more like a complete waste of time.

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You are absolutely right, El Tombro.

There is a lot that needs to be done even at the moment. I know for a fact that the club are in negotiation about the 'club' shop but it is a rather long drawn out business.

There is the issue of the atmosphere, which I believe the Fans Forum is addressing, and I can think of a few other things that need looking at.

I hope that Brisa will be back better than ever before too long, and I for one would be delighted to see it!

So Rovers Mum, what exactly is your issue with the club? Do you really believe that the Fans Forum or BRISA hold any real power with the clubs hierachy? I have sat in on a fans forum meeting and as far as i could see there was no real issue to be had. Ok the club shop is rubbish, and the atmosphere isn't the greatest, but if a lot of people put their money where with their mouths are and stopped being "keyboard warriors" on match days we could do something about it ourselves, without the help of the club! The club provide the entertainment on the pitch and its up to us provide the atmosphere in the stands its as simple as that!

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Without being a keyboard warrior...

I'm sure we can generate our own atmosphere without being overrun by a few out of beat drums (which admittedly can start a simple chant but also kill it at the same time).

Howcome is it that everybody always picks on the drummer??? I didn't even mention the drummer. It's typical of this website, if in doubt blame the drummer. Who you going to blame if we get beat on the Saturday??? The drummer???

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I knew you'd jump on the band wagon! You usually do.

what bandwagon? what other bandwagon have i jumped on apart from the rockies?

ive been banging the ban the drummer since the frigging thing 1st started ,so dont say im banwaggoning.

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