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After all day slaving in the garden me n'er indoors decided we couldn't be bothered cooking and decided to go out to eat. She suggested the Clog, I suggested the Oyster and Otter so completely illogically but with a couple of good reports in mind we went to give the Boars Head / Hoghton a try. We got there and were perusing the menu just as some band were going through the final motions of setting up before performing. The singer (presumably) was doing the old "testing.... testing..... one two ......... one two three" accompanied with a few strident guitar chords all of which was blasting out of the speakers and easily loud enough the endanger the 16th Century foundations of Hoghton Tower over a mile away! Needless to say we turned on our heels and got tf out as fast as we could. Dunno what the Boars Head is trying to achieve but attempting to be a restaurant and a lively pub at the same time might just see it fall between two stools.

Back to Fenny and a packed Oyster and Otter where we were infrmed a table for two would be at least 30 mins! All that and not a plectrum or an amplifier in sight! I must say this place about has it right imo, good food, excellent beers and wines and good service at reasonable prices. They deserve to do well. Anyway with the grubs biting 30 mins was too long to wait for a table so it was off to the Clog.....

Now someone up there is taking the proverbial. I fancied steak and chips but I've have serious issues with something described as a "Pure Angus 12oz Rib Eye" and a handfull of chips costing £25! ( I'll say it again... rib eye and twenty five effin quid!! Surely it can't be much more at the Northcote can it?) Main gripe beside the cost is how do I know if the meat is 'Pure bred Aberdeen Angus' or not? I've no idea myself and not only that but I seriously doubt that any retail butcher let alone 99% of chefs could accurately identify beef breeds from the appearence of a random piece of steak. Needless to say I chose something else from the menu.

Take note here folks most beef cattle reared in the UK are not Pure breeds but are cross bred out of Holstein dairy cattle (not that there is anything wrong with that other than public perception). Furthemore the predominant beef breed in this country is Holstein crossed with Limousin with Charolais and Aberdeen Angus crosses tying for second place just ahead of Simmental and Belgian Blue crossed animals. So a question.... who has ever seen steak in a restaurant described as anything other than Aberdeen Angus? 'Organic Simmental', 'Grass fed Belgian Blue', 'Aged Charolais' apparently simply don't exist in menu speak do they? Yet somebody must be eating it. Be aware that then majority of this Aberdeen Angus malarky is nothing more than a con.... and almost as big a con as 'organic' food.

Sorry but the Clog is not off the hook yet either. My pet hate are pretentious menu's and the Clog's is right up there at the top of the table. I'm going to quote a few choices from their menu in the guise of Bullsh1t Man.....

*English Welfare Friendly Veal kidneys. Bullsh1t! Veal is only welfare friendly if you are partial to eating babies.

*New Seasons salt Marsh lamb Chops (cooked crispy like your mother does) Bullsh1t! Now how the hell can anybody claim that bit of nonsense? Especially in my case when my old mother passed away last year.

*Fish & Chips - Battered deep fried line caught Haddock. Just what difference does it make whether the unfortunate haddock is caught on a static line, a rod and reel or the net of a trawler I can't imagine. More Bullsh1t.

And my personal favourite..

(V) Salad Nicoise– New Potatoes, Bobby Beans, Baby Gem Lettuce, Soft Boiled Egg, Anchovies, Red Onion, Heirloom Tomatoes & Olives, Virgin Olive Oil, Bread from the wood burning Esse.

Wood burning Esse?? sfw? It’s still only bread isn't it? Bullsh1t!

Pretentious menu claims are all the rage at the moment. It's spreading like wildfire, everything is local and nothing is intensively produced if you believe the claims.

Btw all claims on the Clog menu are covered by a little rider at the bottom of the menu informing the less discerning diner that “Provenence may vary due to supplier availability” :rolleyes:

Life and soul of the party again Theno?

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*English Welfare Friendly Veal kidneys. Bullsh1t! Veal is only welfare friendly if you are partial to eating babies.

*Fish & Chips - Battered deep fried line caught Haddock. Just what difference does it make whether the unfortunate haddock is caught on a static line, a rod and reel or the net of a trawler I can't imagine. More Bullsh1t.


Go on I'll bite. There is absolutely nothing wrong with eating welfare friendly veal. Also known as rose veal, it is from young bull calves from dairy herds who otherwise would be killed at birth as they have no commercial value. They are not force fed but fed naturally and killed at about 6-9 months, hence the pink or rose colour.

On the fish of course it makes no difference to the haddock how it dies but catching by line is a more sustainable method - only the haddock dies and not all the rest of the fish population caught in an industrial trawler net, including the mature haddock's immature children, which is leasdiung fast to there being no haddock at all on the menu in a few years. So the more line caught fish is consumed the more likely is there will be more to eat in the future.

As an aside it is wondrous logic to complain about veal on the menu because you don't approve of the process of production incorrectly in this case) but you don't give a damn about how the fish was caught.

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Go on I'll bite. There is absolutely nothing wrong with eating welfare friendly veal. Also known as rose veal, it is from young bull calves from dairy herds who otherwise would be killed at birth as they have no commercial value. They are not force fed but fed naturally and killed at about 6-9 months, hence the pink or rose colour.

On the fish of course it makes no difference to the haddock how it dies but catching by line is a more sustainable method - only the haddock dies and not all the rest of the fish population caught in an industrial trawler net, including the mature haddock's immature children, which is leasdiung fast to there being no haddock at all on the menu in a few years. So the more line caught fish is consumed the more likely is there will be more to eat in the future.

As an aside it is wondrous logic to complain about veal on the menu because you don't approve of the process of production incorrectly in this case) but you don't give a damn about how the fish was caught.

It's not the food it's the pretentious wording of the menu that irks. It seems every bloody eaterie in the County is getting on that particular marketing bandwagon at the moment. Banging on about Lancashire this and Lancashire that as if it were the best food ever produced yet about 15 miles along the A59 the Clogs sister establishment the Bull at Broughton the menu is mainly about Yorkshire fare. Can't both be right can they?

Edited by thenodrog
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British rose veal is just as humane as any other british meat(beef,pork,chicken,lamb) do to our relatively strict animal rights in this country, Would you rather the bull was killed at birth or sent abroad to be raised and slaughtered in another country that as virtually no animal rights- http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/food-and-drink/news/eat-british-veal-with-a-clear-conscience-says-rspca-899778.html and http://www.channel4.com/programmes/jimmy-and-the-giant-supermarket/articles/why-buy-ros-veal

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We've done all this. Probably illogical but whilst I don't particularly object to eating chickens that are just 6 weeks old or 6+ month old lambs I do prefer to wait until a calf turns into a cow. I guess it's based on the fact that lambs and chickens are virtually fully grown whilst a 6month old calf is still only one quarter to one third it's finished weight. Lost potential / waste of a life and for what? Granted Rose veal is a better option than the veal production practised on the continent and a much better option than the ludicrous practice of just a year or so ago of slaughtering a perfectly healthy newly born calf simply because it was the wrong sex. Some things are just wrong in our food industry, chucking dead or dying fish back in the water just because they are the 'wrong sort of fish', burying pheasants that have been shot for sport, fois gras, hallal / kosher slaughter and duck that has never even seen a pond for starters.

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The animals i feel guilty about eating are the ones that have some intelligence, mainly pigs they can be almost as clever as dogs and have a lot of personality, animals like cows(in particular) are completely oblivious of everything and have the intelligence of a goldfish, they only exist at all because we breed them for food if left to their own devises they'd be extinct in no time through pure stupidity.

At least in this country most people are aware of animal welfare and are always looking for ways to do things more humanely, as apposed to those disgusting beings in the far east that will kill any animal(wild or domesticated) not just for food but for pathetic (Non-existent) health benefits and superstitious reasons.

Edited by hardly1980
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Off to Jamies Kitchen in King Street Manchester tomorrow? Any views please? I have been to Jamies in Liverpool twice and it was disgusting, I will never go again (sounds bit like Ewood and the Venky idiots!) although I was recently in Jamies in Threadneedle Street in London and had a great meal - is it a franchise?

Went there today. Spectacular building but unspectacular fare imo although wife and daughter thought it was good. My judgement may have been influenced by the size of the portions. In fact thinking more about it it definitely was.... it's what I call a cheese butty restaurant cos when you land home you need a cheese butt to fill up.

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Went there today. Spectacular building but unspectacular fare imo although wife and daughter thought it was good. My judgement may have been influenced by the size of the portions. In fact thinking more about it it definitely was.... it's what I call a cheese butty restaurant cos when you land home you need a cheese butt to fill up.

Work colleague went last week and was singing its praises, especially the prosecco jelly and ice cream pudding!

But to be fair Gordon she is a size 8 and full after a couple of lettuce leaves!

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Went there today. Spectacular building but unspectacular fare imo although wife and daughter thought it was good. My judgement may have been influenced by the size of the portions. In fact thinking more about it it definitely was.... it's what I call a cheese butty restaurant cos when you land home you need a cheese butt to fill up.

I went for lunch about 10 days ago and thought it was pretty decent. We had the £15pp sharing plate and there was more than enough for me and quality was good. Not outstanding but fair value for money. And the building is spectacular.

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Went there today. Spectacular building but unspectacular fare imo although wife and daughter thought it was good. My judgement may have been influenced by the size of the portions. In fact thinking more about it it definitely was.... it's what I call a cheese butty restaurant cos when you land home you need a cheese butt to fill up.

You ever tried Chayophreya in Manchester...just round corner from JO Italian.? Top notch eastern fayre.....

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Oyster and Otter on Sunday. Was a really good meal. Had a few unhappy visits prior to this but gave it yet another chance and it did not fail this time around.

Service, food and atmosphere was spot on.

Only gripe was £4.20 a pint of lager shandy.

i got my Fish and Chip take Away on Sunday from OO, and have to say was top quality, only gripes being chip portion was small and £4.00 for a pint of Spanish lager.

£4:20 for Shandy WTF!!!!

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4 pints decent lager @ 4 quid = £16

4 pints decent lager in a pub @ 3.40 = £13.60.

£2.40's sod all and would not be enough to put me off eating in a decent restaurant. I imagine they simply do not want people popping in for a bevy.

btw what is your opinion on the prices on their wine list?

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The one at Feni?

Was at Feilden Arms on Monday. Excellent deal - starters and desserts really good, mains ok if a little disappointing, although my son did say the duck salad was excellent. At 9.95 for 3 courses and a bottle of drinkable housewine for 12 you couldn't really complain.

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