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I've done the walkabout in Deansgate Ozz. Are there any decent pubs actually in Chinatown, or should we stay nearer the city centre?

There aren't really in pubs in China Town Per se, but what defines China Town?

My own personal favourite is Corbieres, which is 10 minutes walk from the Nicholas Street area of China Town, but as you are a bit older than me then it may not be quite what you and as importantly your fellow revelers may want . Corbieres.

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There aren't really in pubs in China Town Per se, but what defines China Town?

My own personal favourite is Corbieres, which is 10 minutes walk from the Nicholas Street area of China Town, but as you are a bit older than me then it may not be quite what you and as importantly your fellow revelers may want . Corbieres.

I must have walked past the end of that alleya hundred times and it's only now that you've posted about it that I recall that there is a bar down there. Never thought of heading down there (maybe should have learnt my lesson re trying hidden gems after going to El Rincon De Rafa)

This place is getting great reviews on-line and is only 5 mins away from where I work. I'm angling to head there after work Thursday! :-)

Edit - Re China town - Can only recall ever having been in the Old Monkey (which is crap). Maybe try to Waterhouse, a Wetherspoons down the road?

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Good pubs near Chinatown Den. For range of beers I'd suggest the City Arms, which is near the Town Hall. At the top of king Street, you have Reform, which is a cocktail bar/restaurant, but does half price drinks up 'til 7pm (I think) and is worth a visit for the fantastic decor. On Cross Street you've got the Chop House, and as Colin says, bang in the middle of Chinatown there is the Sevenoaks, which I'd avoid if there's a few of you. The Old Monkey is a boozers pub, and the Waterhouse is spacious and, of course, cheap.

As for Cloud 23 I took my son in for his 21st last night. It's tacky and expensive - very Manc you might say! The view is southwards, rather than across the city centre. Worth a visit though. You'll probably have to queue to get in.

My favourite in Manchester is the Mark Addy. Brilliant food at realworld prices.

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Thanks for the suggestions everyone.

The idea is to get into Manchester around 5:30ish, have a beer or two somewhere near [10-15 mins walk] to the Pacific China, where we are booked in at 7:30.

So, maybe one of these suggestions before the meal, with another one afterwards? It's on a Saturday night, so I assume all these pubs will be open 'til midnight?

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TCO - how was it?

Off limits I hope until they accept their responsibilities and cultivate basic moral value, it's Hallal and for some reason they think that will serve as an attraction! :angry2:


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  • 3 weeks later...

Off limits I hope until they accept their responsibilities and cultivate basic moral value, it's Hallal and for some reason they think that will serve as an attraction! :angry2:


I love how people who wouldn't usually give two shiny sh!ts about animal rights suddenly care passionately about it once it involves a particular set of people they're prejudiced against.

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I love how people who wouldn't usually give two shiny sh!ts about animal rights suddenly care passionately about it once it involves a particular set of people they're prejudiced against.

Ditto. You are only posting now cos you have some silly agenda against me at the moment. :rolleyes:

However before you show yourself up further with your rudeness you should have done a little more research and read back further.

Equally primitive. But then Judaism and Islam are from virtually the same stable aren't they?

Could you explain how you came by that notion? The current diversion is about a religion (not a race) which specifies ritual slaughter involving needless and pointless suffering and forbids modern humane slaughter methods. It is about hallal and kosher slaughter methods not bushmeat! Please give that some thought before commenting so flippantly in future.

So who am I prejudiced against? I couldn't be more even handed. Not many people on this planet hold equal views about Judaism and Islam do they?

Do you know TonyGales Mic by defending mass barbaric ritualistic slaughter and for being so pointlessly insulting ...... I think you deserve one of these. :wstu:

Edited by thenodrog
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Watch the clips further down on the right.

They don't even stun the poor buggers, dirty b@st@rds. :angry2:

It's not 'dirty' as, it's undeniably one of the following .......

barbaric adjective /bɑːˈbær.ɪk//bɑːr-/ adj

extremely cruel and unpleasant

cruel adjective /ˈkruː.əl/, /krʊəl/ adj (crueller, cruellest or crueler, cruelest)

• extremely unkind and unpleasant and causing pain to people or animals intentionally

inhumane adjective /ˌɪn.hjʊˈmeɪn/ adj

cruel and not finding the suffering of people or animals important.

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Well based on the overall views expounded on here over a number of years, Muslims, immigrants, Pakistanis, poorer sections of the lower class white British, eatern European workers, criminals......I could go on. I realise you're discussion is with TGM but please don't insult our intelligence when it's blindingly obvious you've simply changed your tack and use subjects like these to mask your prejudices. It's thinly veiled only serving to show you perhaps realise these prejudices are unacceptable in modern society and therefore have to be presented in somewhat less direct language, which usually fools no one.

So you obviously condone the unecessarily cruel killing methods under discussion in adopted scousers clip? I'm suprised at you and anybody else that finds it acceptable in the name of ANY religion.

Here why not take another look over your mid morning cuppa.

Should set you up for the day nicely.

btw You are obviously pompous enough to think modern society (i.e. the majority) shares your views too.

A multiple + for what he said ^

Thank you Don. It really is an indefensible and needlessly cruel practice.

Tip of the iceberg it seems... I wondered how long this would take in the profit driven boardrooms of mainstream caterers and suppliers.


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  • Backroom

TCO - how was it?

sorry for the lack of response it was actually nice, We all had pasta which for £3.95 on the night was really nice. Good garli breads as well.

There's better Italians around but for the price we'll be going again. I think it's Monday and Tuesday nights any pizza or pasta £3.95

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I went to Blackburn Buffet City over Easter. It was all you can eat for £5.60 per head (before 16:30). Excellent value and the food was good. The seating arrangements are a bit like a canteen but it saves paying the overheads for fancy fixtures and fittings. Far better value than a take away and the ale is priced well.

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So you obviously condone the unecessarily cruel killing methods under discussion in adopted scousers clip? I'm suprised at you and anybody else that finds it acceptable in the name of ANY religion.

Here why not take another look over your mid morning cuppa.

Should set you up for the day nicely.

btw You are obviously pompous enough to think modern society (i.e. the majority) shares your views too.

Thank you Don. It really is an indefensible and needlessly cruel practice.

Tip of the iceberg it seems... I wondered how long this would take in the profit driven boardrooms of mainstream caterers and suppliers.


At no point have I said I condone any form of cruelty to animals. What I did was to answer the question you posed in relation to yourself "So who am I prejudiced against?" Please read what is written rather than what you would like to believe was written. If you can point to a single post in which I have commented on animal cruelty or any form of religious / ritual slaughter I'll be astonished.

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I m up for the game Saturday and was thinking of going to the Eagle at Barrow Saturday post game for a bite to eat

Anyone been? How is it?


A bit dark and a bit expensive according to my Mum.

I'm taking her word for it though as I've not been.

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  • Backroom

Mangiamo's is next on the list of Italians to try, heard some mixed things about it but will give it a pop

Another shout out for the Black Horse at Pimlico, best chips around.

On the subject of chips I had a Clayton street yesterday lunch, still good but nowhere near as good as they used to be

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