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[Archived] Favourite Games On Past Computers/consoles

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Pretty straight forward. List your favourite games on previous computers or consoles you've owned and a brief reason why. Only one game allowed per machine !!!!

Atari 2600 - Stargate - A great defender clone but played that little bit faster.

Commodore 16 - Trailblazer - A great game for a very limited machine. Might look poor now but to achieve relatively smooth 3d scrolling on the C16 was excellent.

Sega Master System - Golvellius - First RPG I ever got into. Made me realise that there was a bit more to games than a 15 minute blast.

ZX Spectrum - Wheelie - I only had a Speccy for a few months, swapped it for a walkman or something like that. Anyway of the limited games I had Wheelie was may fave. Wasted hours on it despite being very simplistic. Don't think I ever saw it for any other machines.

Gameboy (Original) - Tetris - Again didnt get many games for this handheld. However anyone who had one surely spent days on the original Tetris. I was still taking it away and playing it on lads holidays in the late 90's.

PC Engine - Space Harrier - I got a PC Engine from some dodgy console shop that was upstairs somewhere around a back alley from Squires in Preston (anyone remember!). Biggest problem was getting hold of games, but the arcade conversions you could get were superb compared to what was around at the time. Favourtie was Space Harrier. Again looks fairly basic in the video now but as a home console version back in 1989, wow!

Commodore Amiga - Elite - . The first machine that didnt cost a fortune for games so there are so many to choose from. However I've gone for Elite cos I just spent days and days on the damn thing. So simjple yet so adictive. I'm going nicely again on the emulated ST version at the moment!!

Sega Saturn - Sega Rally - Superb conversion of the coin op.I've still got the Saturn and every now and again I plug it in and race my ghost car on the Desert track. Was I really that good !!!!

Playstation - Resident Evil - The original RE is now slow and ponderous with horrendous loading times between each screen. However at the time I genuinely thought it was the first interactive movie (despite the awful voice acting).

Sega Dreamcast - Virtua Tennis - I had a load of games for the Dreamcast thanks to the good old boot disk! However the main problem with the machine was that the games just weren't very good. Virtua Tennis was a decent tennis game though so I'll nominate that.

PS2 - Resident Evil 4 - Obviously I like the series. The last installment was excellent on the PS2. Once you finish it you get unlimited ammo and unlimited rocket launcher, which means you can never resist the temptation to finish it again and make the yokels pay.

Anyone else. It's a great way to reminisce and waste an hour!

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Acorn -Boulder Dash. My first time really on a computer game, and I was pretty much hooked.

ZX Spectrum 128k - Ghostbusters. It had everything. Actually it didn't, but one of my all time favourite memories is completing this game with my Brother in Law. ZOOL!

Amiga 500 - Oh so many games did I have, and a lot were pretty crap. I would have to pick Monkey Island, though. Compelling, decent story, lengthy and actually quite humorous! Guybrush Threepwood v Jack Sparrow would be a good fight...

PC - Civilization III. I have spent more time playing this game than any other. I have IV which is fine and dandy, but CivIII will always be remembered by me as the best waste of my time ever.

PSone - Destruction Derby. This was just so much fun.

PS2 - SSX. It got me into snowboarding and gave me 'Song For Dot' by Space Raiders.

PS3 - So far, Oblivion. While not the best game on the console, this spelt out the possibilities for next gen to me. The first time I saw water acting reasonably accurately in a game, and a huge world to explore.

Special mention must go to Seymour Goes to Hollywood, a very good Dizzy clone from the makers of Dizzy (Codemasters) who are STILL going!

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I worked on a book about this sort of thing a few years ago, and listed all my favourite games in a big feature at the back. Not that I'm recommending buying it - it's a tiny bit crap really.

Some that haven't been mentioned:

Back To Skool (ZX Spectrum)

The 80s version of Bully. There's a free PC remake of this, which is well worth checking out.

Vib Ribbon (PS1)

Totally awesome rhythm game from the bloke who made Parappa the Rapper, with the best soundtrack ever.

Datastorm (Amiga)

The best Defender clone ever. Better than the real thing, I'd say. It's free to download if you have an Amiga emulator.

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Here are some of mine:-

Atari 2600 - Spiderman. Simple game, you just had to get to the top of the

building - thats all. I spent hours on it though.

ZX Spectrum - 1st Division Manager. Buy Steve Bull and Ian Rush and your

onto a winner

Commodore 64 - championship manager - nothing to be said here - it was ace

PC - As above

Master System - Sonic - obviously but also loved Alex the Kid

(aaarrraahhhh - just remembered the tune to it)

Mega Drive - again, the sonic games but also Streets of Rage

Saturn - Daytona and Panzer Dragoon

Mega CD - Loved Tomcat Alley

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Guest Kamy100

Ahhh this brings back some memories:

Acorn Electron - Frogger

ZX Spectrum - Chuckie Egg, Skool Daze, Emlin Hughes Soccer, Match Of The Day

Commodore 64 - Kick Start

Amiga - Championship Manager

PC - Championship Manager

Super Nintendo - Superstar Soccer and Mario

Nintendo 64 - Mario 64 and Mario Kart

Megadrive - Sonic

Playstation - International Superstar Soccer, Sonic and Original Brian Lara Cricket

Playstation 2 - Pro Evo 4, MGS, GTA but to name a few

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Amstrad - Pacland

Gameboy (original) - Tetris was probably played the most.

SNES (borrowed from a mate) - Mario Kart

N64 - Mario Kart 64 (was fun in multiplayer)

Playstation - Gran Turismo 2

Amiga - SWOS

PC - Hmm, lately I'd probably say Call Of Duty series or Pro Evo (up to the latest one). Although when I was younger it'd be between Championship Manager and EA's NHL and NBA series.

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Commodore Vic 20 - Most Scott Adams adventues. Probably Voodoo Castle being the favourite

Spectrum 48K - Match Day

Spectrum 128+2 - Target Renegade

Commodore 64 - Ghosts and Goblins

Amiga 500 - All incarnations of Sensi Soccer

Megadrive - Micro Machines v2

PC - Command and Conquer

PS2 - Smackdown Know Your Role

XBOX - Ninja Gaiden

XBOX 360 - Bioshock

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Atari 800 - Moon Patrol, Me And my little friends spent hours playing that.

Spectrum 48k - Pit Fall, I played thinking i was Indiana Jones...and trying to judge when to jump on a crocadiles mouth was a pain in the ass.

Commodore 64 - Double Dragon, Good on your own or with a mate.

Commodore Amiga - Sooo many, Sensi, Another World, Shadow of the Beast, Flashback, Brutal sports football, Fury of the Furries, Goal, Kick Off 2, Cannon Fodder,Last Samuri, Sensible Golf, Unsensible Soccer, Lost Vickings, Moonstone.

NES - Legend of Zelda, Super Mario Brothers 3..Just ace.

SNES - Super Mario World, Super Tennis, Super Mario Kart, Super Ghouls "n" Ghosts, F-Zero, Shadow Run, Legend of Zelda a Link to the Past, Secret of Mana, Final Fantasy 3.

N64 - Conkers Bad Fur Day, Jet Force Gemini, Star Wars Rouge Squadren, WCW/NWO Revenge(best wrestling game ever) Legend of Zelda Ocarina of time, Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask, Super Mario 64.

Gamecube - Tales of Symphonia, Super Mario Sunshine, Legend of Zelda Wind Waker, Resident Evil Remake, Resident Evil 0, Resident evil 4.

PS1 - Resident Evil 1, Resident Evil 2, Resident Evil 3, International superstar Soccer, Jumping Jack, Dino-Crisis, Final Fantasy 7, Final Fantasy 8.

PS2 - Pro Evolution Soccer(in it's many guises).

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my favorite wastes of time......

PC - Mastor of Orion, the original - easy but dead fun for whatever reason. Also, was in college when teh original Quake came out. still by favorite ever on-line multiplayer FPS. Using the college intranet to play with like 30 peopel at a time... major reason I didn;t do as well as I could have for 2 years of colelge.

N64 - that jet-ski racing game, forget the name. Roomate in college had it, I went 4 months without losing, and was challenged by people at least 3-4 times a day, until that roomate had a strop that he couldn't beat me and refused to let me play with his N64 ever again. Literally held in under lock and key in his room.

PSOne - Snowboarders 3, or final fantasy tactics.

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You obviously missed my rule of only one game per machine but good list anyway Nelsta. ;)

I missed it too to be fair to Nelsta. I think by the end of the first sentence I was already thinking of a list of games that I liked.

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I missed it too to be fair to Nelsta. I think by the end of the first sentence I was already thinking of a list of games that I liked.

I was only kidding. I tied myself down to just one cos I could have been there all day on some of them.

Anyway I'm off to waste 20 minutes downloading and playing Spiderman on the Atari 2600 emulator. I had better be good Cocker!!!!!!

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Anyway I'm off to waste 20 minutes downloading and playing Spiderman on the Atari 2600 emulator. I had better be good Cocker!!!!!!

Yes, but this is the problem isnt it. Many old games are spoilt when you go back to play them again and then realise they are not as good as you remember. I used to spend hours on Jet Set Willy (no puns for those that don't know what its about) but the other day I played it again and couldn't believe how rubbish it is.

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Yes, but this is the problem isnt it. Many old games are spoilt when you go back to play them again and then realise they are not as good as you remember. I used to spend hours on Jet Set Willy (no puns for those that don't know what its about) but the other day I played it again and couldn't believe how rubbish it is.

I tried Spiderman. Although my initial reaction was 'dear god', once you work out how to web sling I was away up the walls. Took me a few go's to realise that when you fall off a building you can use your web to stop you falling all the way. Eventually did reach the top where something vaguely resembling the green goblin is wating.

Not bad for a 2600 game. I actually managed to play it for about 10 minutes !!

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The Amiga has to be my best games machine, so many classics.

Did anyone play Football Manager 2? That was ace, you had to start in the conference and work your way up. I remember having a fax machine with the latest news, etc. Getting the odd news report that burglers had broke into the office and nicked money and on the one occasion getting a fax that one of my players had died!

AND! On The Ball, world cup edition. It tried to get you into the game a bit more by showing clips of ingame chances which got repetitive but good for a while.

Speedball 2 was quite good once I found out how to get bonus' etc.

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Megadrive - Loved the EA hockey series

PSOne - Has to be the Final Fantasy series. I've also dug out the Broken Sword games and been playing them recently. They're still pretty decent too.

Gameboy - Tetris. I did enjoy the Simpsons game too.

N64 - Goldeneye

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Goldeneye is the best multiplayer shooter on any platform that I have seen or played just for sheer enjoyment, fun and general devious @#/?nous with the proxi mines.

For the PC - Battlefield 2 for me

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