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[Archived] Hang Em High

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Commendable but masssively overdue comments from Blackburns MP. After 30 years of walking on egg shell diplomacy I think Jack should know better than narrow this odious problem down to Pakistani 'heritage' men. A much better term would have been members of the IndoPak Islamic community. He's left himself wide open to attack with the first deflectory boot inevitably coming in from Keith Vaz.

Good point Vaz makes though 'why has he not come out with this earlier'? Could it be something to do with Jack Straw's impending retirement and him not intending to stand for Parliament again? <_<

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In Arizona we would arguably be justified in shooting the burglar. In the UK you can't [allegedly] even put wire mesh in front of your window. :blink:



I've no idea how long you've been out of the UK, but never beleive "The Daily Mail." It exists to frighten people that their "little England" world of washing the car followed by a round of golf on a Sunday is being torn apart by blacks, immigrants, gypsies, muslims, Blackburn Rovers' fans, communists, paedophiles, criminals, Romanians, speed cameras, vegetarians, curry, mobile phone masts that cause cancer, and other assorted degenerates and terrorists.

Just to take a paragraph from the link you provided

Last month mother-of-three Samantha Cullum had her entire shed pinched in the village of Brasted, near Sevenoaks in Kent, when thieves

simply lifted it onto a truck in the dead of night.

Yeah, like the average garden shed is accessible to a truck with a lift-grabber; & a garden shed & contents is economically viable to a thief.

"Some more fertiliser, another spade, another half-filled bag of cement, and some creosote. I'll tell you what Nobby, we'll be on champagne & oysters tonight, tell your missus to get dressed up and we'll paint the town red, because we've got a half-full tin of red paint too!"

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I've no idea how long you've been out of the UK, but never beleive "The Daily Mail." It exists to frighten people that their "little England" world of washing the car followed by a round of golf on a Sunday is being torn apart by blacks, immigrants, gypsies, muslims, Blackburn Rovers' fans, communists, paedophiles, criminals, Romanians, speed cameras, vegetarians, curry, mobile phone masts that cause cancer, and other assorted degenerates and terrorists.

A good summary Colin. I couldn't have put it much better myself.

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I've no idea how long you've been out of the UK, but never beleive "The Daily Mail." It exists to frighten people that their "little England" world of washing the car followed by a round of golf on a Sunday is being torn apart by blacks, immigrants, gypsies, muslims, Blackburn Rovers' fans, communists, paedophiles, criminals, Romanians, speed cameras, vegetarians, curry, mobile phone masts that cause cancer, and other assorted degenerates and terrorists.

Unfortunately for you colin, the Mail is far more representative of this country's views than the Grauniad ever will be.

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How are these people ever let out to re-offend in the first place? Far too often it seems, when you hear of one of these incidents, it's a re-offender.

"Hatch, 38, was told he must serve the rest of his life behind bars after being convicted of killing a seven-year-old boy while on parole for a previous child sex attack."

Maybe the people who signed the parole forms should be tried as accessories Bryan?

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Whether it's them or someone else, but the system is failing these victims. I only have my own anecdotal evidence of reading these cases in the media but the rate of re-offending is a serious concern.

Personally I'd rip off their ###### with a pair of bolt cutters and leave them to bleed to death. I'm feeling very uncharitable today.

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Unfortunately for you colin, the Mail is far more representative of this country's views than the Grauniad ever will be.

Indeed it may be Matty, but The Mail has a long-standing policy of giving its readers something to hate every day.

Making up stories about garden sheds being stolen may infuriate a lot of people, but it doesn't mean that it's correct.

Sooty & Sweep & Roland Rat have just stolen my hi-fi. Immigrant vermin.

BTW It's "Guardian."

Cheers & a wink and a smile.


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Unfortunately for you colin, the Mail is far more representative of this country's views than the Grauniad ever will be.

The two are not really comparative though are they? Right-wing tabloid v's left-wing broadsheet. Their opposites are closer to being the mirror and telegraph respectively imo.

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I just can't understand why someone would want to, or could, steal a garden shed. It must be getting bad, think I will padlock my house to my bike tonight.

I can understand why they left that gnome though.

Bryans summary of what should happen to such people that do things to children is rather tame as far as I am concerned, give me half an hour and a spoon. They would never do it again, guaranteed, or your tax money back. All I would ask for is the dry cleaners bill to be paid.

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To be fair you'd be a bit screwed if a fire broke out and blocked the door. Probably down to health and safety rather than 'helping burglars' as that article lazily insinuates.

I have a room with windows very much like that, it is called a safe room.

Burglars are free to flee there and await the police when they see me fast aproaching with my Remington. Helpful signs and floor lighting mark the way.

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Unfortunately for you colin, the Mail is far more representative of this country's views than the Grauniad ever will be.

I think it's unfortunate for all of us to be honest. That the second most popular paper in the country makes a very handsome living off fear and bile while quality newspapers - the Guardian, the Telegraph etc - languish is not something to celebrate.

The sadness is that Mail cries that the country is going to the dogs, which it patently isn't (crime down over the last 15 years, life expectancy up over the last 60, standard of living up consistently rising), and this attitude reflects, feeds and appeals to a needless and unproductive miserabalism which is the prison that large swathes of British people (and I am sure the same is in every culture) are masochistically trapped within. Just my opinion of course.

Of course there are many problems and shifts in the world we live in, some of which are vastly worrying no matter your political sympathies - climate, food supply, jobs, continued economic growth -, and these need to be highlighted and addressed. But it is crucial to retain perspective. The vast elephant in the room is that we live in the most luxurious, liberal and opportunity rich society* to have ever graced the earth, which is the product of a truely epic evolution of civilization over thousands of years and only those born after WWII have been able to experience. That this is so roundly ignored is understandable - there is no drama and little of interest (and therefore little profit for newspapers) in banging on about how brilliant everything is - but it is true and it is the context through which the issues we have should be viewed and handled. The situation is not desperate, Rome is not burning, we are not being persecuted, hysteria achieves nothing.

Steve - you might find this amusing. It's facetious and a (mild?) exaggeration, but captures the gist of the Mail's editorial policy well. Generator

*I don't mean British society specifically, although it is certainly true of our country - rather all the wealthy, technological and strong individual rights based democracies around the world.

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Well you know what Joey as a person of the 'squeezed middle' your utopian view of our society is so ridiculous I would believe it was from the keyboard of Polly Toynbee herself.

We have a country that is a trillion pound in debt, we have lost nearly all of our manufacturing base, we have 3 million unemployed yet still allow immigration without the infrastructure to support it, we have a banking sector that is not fit for purpose and is starving small and medium businesses from growth, we had the best private pension scheme in the world that is now in ruins, we are taxed to the pips squeak and will contunue to be so until the largesse of Labour and the banks are sorted, we have a benefit system that binds people into generation after generation of idleness- the very opposite of what Beveridge, Atlee and Bevan invisaged.

Now you may not read that in the Guardian but this is the reality the 'everyman' that pays his taxes and keeps his nose clean has to deal with daily.

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Well you know what Joey as a person of the 'squeezed middle' your utopian view of our society is so ridiculous I would believe it was from the keyboard of Polly Toynbee herself.

We have a country that is a trillion pound in debt, we have lost nearly all of our manufacturing base, we have 3 million unemployed yet still allow immigration without the infrastructure to support it, we have a banking sector that is not fit for purpose and is starving small and medium businesses from growth, we had the best private pension scheme in the world that is now in ruins, we are taxed to the pips squeak and will contunue to be so until the largesse of Labour and the banks are sorted, we have a benefit system that binds people into generation after generation of idleness- the very opposite of what Beveridge, Atlee and Bevan invisaged.

Now you may not read that in the Guardian but this is the reality the 'everyman' that pays his taxes and keeps his nose clean has to deal with daily.

I'm a person of the 'squeezed middle' too and the issues you highlight are problems I agree, although the terminology 'not fit for purpose' 'ruins' and 'taxed to the pip squeaks' are in my opinion neither insightful nor useful.

My point is not that these issues don't matter, they are crucial and need to be addressed. It's just the hysteria and lack of appreciation for the huge wealths that we do have I personally feel hampers the ability of of the political system to effectively deal with the issues.

If you can't see the positives alongside the negatives then it is impossible to have a balanced and effective analysis, and therefore a balanced and effective debate to propel through quality legislation.

Also - what in what I said was utopian? All of it is factual in my opinion. If you disagree is it possible to give a balanced well argued analysis of why you disagree? For my benefit as I am always looking to learn new points of view and debate them.

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Well you know what Joey as a person of the 'squeezed middle' your utopian view of our society is so ridiculous I would believe it was from the keyboard of Polly Toynbee herself.

We have a country that is a trillion pound in debt, we have lost nearly all of our manufacturing base, we have 3 million unemployed yet still allow immigration without the infrastructure to support it, we have a banking sector that is not fit for purpose and is starving small and medium businesses from growth, we had the best private pension scheme in the world that is now in ruins, we are taxed to the pips squeak and will contunue to be so until the largesse of Labour and the banks are sorted, we have a benefit system that binds people into generation after generation of idleness- the very opposite of what Beveridge, Atlee and Bevan invisaged.

Now you may not read that in the Guardian but this is the reality the 'everyman' that pays his taxes and keeps his nose clean has to deal with daily.

Worthy of Richard Littlejohn or your average taxi driver, which amounts to the same thing.

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