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[Archived] Do You Approve Of The New Manager?


Paul Ince.  

580 members have voted

  1. 1. Your views on the Paul Ince appointment?

    • Devastated
    • Completely underwhelmed
    • Not sure, but initial feeling is disappointment
    • Prepared to wait and see
    • Might be good
    • Should work out OK
    • Very optimistic
    • Top man

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Typical Rovers fans - you just cannot help moaning can you? In a way, I can imagine that some of you are half hoping that PI struggles so that you can trawl through your pre-season quotes and post them here saying 'see, I told you so, PI is crap. I predicted this in July/August'

Do you support the team or what?

Were you pleased when we got beat by Wolves because it gave you a chance to have another swipe at the new management? Probably.

It makes me sick.

One Love - BRFC

I totally agree with you, Pedro. Yes, pre-season could be better and we could've signed some more players but one things for sure - Paul Ince knows more about football than everyone on this messageboard put together so lets give the guy a chance and see where we are after half a dozen games or so. If Hughes was still the manager, do you think people would be moaning about losing to Wolves/Blackpool in pre-season when they are a week fitter than what we are? No.. It's precisely the reason PL teams play them when they are so close to the season to sharpen them up.

As for Ince in the transfer market, he needs commending for not pi**ing what little money we have up the wall. Getting players in on trial makes total sense. Imagine if we did that with Grabbi etc, they would've been sent back home quicker than they got here. also, look at the likes of Fulham, West Brom, Boro etc who've all spent a hefty amount already on players that I've certainly never heard of. Can't imagine all them setting the league alight!

Rant over - just give the guy a fair chance!

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Agree, with this MB and the quote from Dinglebaiter entirely

Anyway, from my perspective it all sounds a bit ah diddums from the players in that they are being made to work and don't appear to want to work with Ince and his team with the new methods. The feeling I get is that Ince is as he was as a player at the moment - hyper, and is a little nervous but want's to get things going of how he wants to do it - he maybe rushing it a little, however, I think once the season starts he will begin to settle down into the job.

In all ways of life there are always going to be doubt and anxiety with change, resentment and initial rejection but you have to give things a chance to work. On the Rovers point, its seems like some players have had a cushy period and its those that are making the noises - sounds like they need to grow up and knuckle down to me and start thinking about what they are paid to do.

Can we all start giving Ince and his team a little slack and stop condoning every little thing - the club have just lost two of its most consistent players , nearly the whole management and training team and we expect everything to be the same!!

It will take time to adjust , and I doubt we will see any increased return on the performance of the last 2/3 seasons, at least not this season anyway.

Worries , I think everybody has these which is natural as its the unknown, but lets give time a chance and if you do have any doubts about something - at least be constructive in your criticism.

Could this be part of the problem, if there is one? From my perspective it seems that Hughes and Co were losing interest towards the latter part of last season and indeed the players certainly had not been performing to their capabilities. Just maybe, this is being addressed and the players are being forced out of their comfort zone and some are a bit niggly about it.

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Could this be part of the problem, if there is one? From my perspective it seems that Hughes and Co were losing interest towards the latter part of last season and indeed the players certainly had not been performing to their capabilities. Just maybe, this is being addressed and the players are being forced out of their comfort zone and some are a bit niggly about it.

That would be the positive way to look at it, and has just as much evidence as the negative view.

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The article from the Mail is just words from a journalist and there is no substance to them. If it is true and 'one or two' of the players are or have rebelled, what about the others? The anti-Ince brigade has jumped on this as everybody knew they would. I find some of the comments and arguments comical. Ince being thick and uneducated, a 4th division manager etc etc... Whatever. The board see something in Ince as they did with Hughes, they didn't get that one wrong did they? They also saw something in Souness and they didn't get that wrong either. And before anybody jumps on that, he got us out of the first division and won a cup and getting us promoted was his first remit.

I'll be honest and say the pre-season games don't fill me with confidence but then they are pre-season games. The actual season doesn't start for 11 days and we can start to judge things then. The article does highlight the fact that there is a group of people out there that have knives out for Ince. Whether you like it or not, it is the case. To write such an article and not put any salient facts, just implications rumours and speculation, just about sums the Mail up.

If it's true then we have a problem in the club and it's one that, I am sure, can and will be addressed. The best judges of the current situation are those in charge at the club. They can talk directly to players and to the management. So the comments that basically say sack Ince now because he's crap are just ridiculous. The season hasn't started yet! How on earth can you properly judge anything that is going on?

It's time to wait and see rather than jumping on the 'Sack Ince' bandwagon.

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It could also be that some of our more "senior" players are feeling uneasy under the new team as their places are not as certain and Ince is looking at blooding some of the younger lads? I get the impression that Ince is no respecter of reputations and maybe the notion of having to prove themselves is beneath some of the team.

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Could this be part of the problem, if there is one? From my perspective it seems that Hughes and Co were losing interest towards the latter part of last season and indeed the players certainly had not been performing to their capabilities. Just maybe, this is being addressed and the players are being forced out of their comfort zone and some are a bit niggly about it.

Yep, a few lazy swines moaning because they have to do a few press ups..They can sling their hook if they dont like it!

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Rumours and Gossip is what sells papers, dig out a little dirt and readers will clamour for the latest snippet just like rubber neckers driving past a motorway accident.

If its true that some player wants to throw his dummy out of the pram because he doesn’t agree with the managers training method he needs to wake up and smell the flowers. Anyone who thought that there would not be changes in training methods on the arrival; of a new manager, need to have their heads examined. Some these players need to get out of their comfort zone and realize that just turning up on a Saturday afternoon isn’t what it all about.

I’ll freely admit that I’m not a fan of Paul Ince, neither was I a fan of Souness when he arrived either, however I will as I did Souness give Ince a chance to prove himself.

If it means some of our prima-donna players get upset then so be it. To be honest after watching some of last season’s performances a number of players needed a stick of dynamite sticking up theirs arsenals. The final game against Birmingham being a prime example. Heck I even suggested back in January that players had bottled it and were cheating the fans but I got shot down on here.

Recent transfers are a clear indication that players couldn’t care a flying fig about the clubs or supporters, or even playing the game. All they are bothered about is how much they can squeeze out of the clubs and supporters.

The only people that care about the clubs and the game itself are the supporters

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Could this be part of the problem, if there is one? From my perspective it seems that Hughes and Co were losing interest towards the latter part of last season and indeed the players certainly had not been performing to their capabilities. Just maybe, this is being addressed and the players are being forced out of their comfort zone and some are a bit niggly about it.

Think you might be right RM.

There is obviously something going on, let's not (those of us think Ince should be backed) kid ourselves that there isn't a problem.

Nevertheless, it might be that both camps (anti Ince/pro Ince) are right.

Firstly, I can hardly think of any management team that could approach Hughes's in terms of its meticulous preparation and methodical approach. Preparation is vital, but we were hardly the most aesthetic and spontaneous team around under Hughes (c.f Harry Redknap at Portsmouth).

Just see the contrast between Hughes's more Spartan approach at Man City and his predecessor, who I would hardly describe as a poor club manager.

Whoever we appointed was therefore unlikely to be as fastidious as Hughes. In compensation however, the football might be less dour and more entertaining (at the risk of course of being less successful of course).

Secondly - towards the end of his reign, certain players were guaranteed a birth, and no matter how badly they performed, the same players always seemed to be selected. Fair enough you could argue, as Hughes knew which players would do a particular job for him. Their diligence and fealty was returned in kind with the manager's faith. (the exception to the rule of course being McCarthy, who paid the price for failing to reciprocate Hughes's loyalty).

At the fag end of last season however, it looked like many of them had run out of ideas and out of steam.

With respect to both points of view, I'm inclined to think Roversmum might have hit the nail on the head, and many of the previous incumbents have been shaken out of the comfort zone.

Still not the time to panic.

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Yep, a few lazy swines moaning because they have to do a few press ups..They can sling their hook if they dont like it!

Attempting to humiliate a senior player and England squad regular in front of the rest of the team for folding his arms is NOT good man management and was never going to work was it? I expect somebody a bit more volatile like Warnock or Roberts might just have chinned the perpetrator.

C'mon Manc Bentley (nor anybody else for that matter) is never gonna take that sort of park football sh1t is he? Any disciplinary debate should only be done in private in the main. Forcing confrontation in front of colleagues from a position of weakness is either the work of rank amateurs....... OR THOSE WITH NO FORMAL COACHING QUALIFICATIONS! imo the noose is tightening on this issue.

We can call Ince all we like (and I have made my feelings plain enough) but he only came for the interview didn't he? <_<

Secondly - towards the end of his reign, certain players were guaranteed a birth,

Derbs and samba being the only ones that spring to mind. :rolleyes:

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Recent transfers are a clear indication that players couldn’t care a flying fig about the clubs or supporters, or even playing the game. All they are bothered about is how much they can squeeze out of the clubs and supporters.

The only people that care about the clubs and the game itself are the supporters

quote of the decade al!!!!

going back to ince man did i get some stick on hols off taffs,scousers and city fans over mr smackhead coming here.I also talked to a mk fan over andrews and he reckoned if we signed him for anything over 100k we would have been screwed over.Im usually the most optimistic over the blues but ive got a bad feeling.

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Attempting to humiliate a senior player and England squad regular in front of the rest of the team for folding his arms is NOT good man management and was never going to work was it? I expect somebody a bit more volatile like Warnock or Roberts might just have chinned the perpetrator.

C'mon Manc Bentley (nor anybody else for that matter) is never gonna take that sort of park football sh1t is he? Any disciplinary debate should only be done in private in the main. Forcing confrontation in front of colleagues from a position of weakness is either the work of rank amateurs....... OR THOSE WITH NO FORMAL COACHING QUALIFICATIONS! imo the noose is tightening on this issue.

We can call Ince all we like (and I have made my feelings plain enough) but he only came for the interview didn't he? <_<

Derbs and samba being the only ones that spring to mind. :rolleyes:

OK, for starters we've no idea as to what exactly happened and besides, you don't disrespect your employers and not expect a reaction. Bentley's reaction was from a little boy who knew he was leaving and from what the article says, behaved like a spoilt child. Good on Rovers for not putting up that behaviour!

As for the so-called Mole. I've 3 possible theories:

McCarthy - obvious choice

Bentley - he could've said it as another parting shot

Nobody - some journo trying to stir it up.

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We can call Ince all we like (and I have made my feelings plain enough) but he only came for the interview didn't he? <_<

I think this statement hits the nail firmly on the head...

All I see here is the clamouring for Ince's head, but as TND states above he was appointed by JW and the Rover's board, if blame has to be placed somewhere ultimately this blame should be placed at the feet of the person or persons that employed the manager in the first place.

What if JW and the board are losing their "edge" in running a Premier League football team up there in the higher echelons, frightening thought but very plausible as the takeover charade shows in some instances, as for Ince the jury is still out for me on him, but I do have serious reservations about his backroom staff and their capabilities at this level.

Worrying times indeed, but I am holding out for three months till I make a final judgement on the manager.

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The manager of the club is a plank who seems to be incapable of treating players with respect. Indeed, Ince seems to have already lost the dressing room due to his unprofessional approach to management.

I am gravely concerned about the future of the football club. Shame on John Williams for employing such an unprofessional plum. <_<

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The rumbles of disent are slightly worrying. We cannot afoord to go into the season unprepared and ready, a bad start is all it will take for us to be seriously struggling. Stability is the reason for our relative success and to have to chop and change now would be devestating. Lets all just hope Ince is just working the players hard and that they will get over it and bond as a unit. Basically I'm hoping our preason is a bit like that mover remember the titans!

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Attempting to humiliate a senior player and England squad regular in front of the rest of the team for folding his arms is NOT good man management and was never going to work was it? I expect somebody a bit more volatile like Warnock or Roberts might just have chinned the perpetrator.

Do you know that this is what actually happened?

C'mon Manc Bentley (nor anybody else for that matter) is never gonna take that sort of park football sh1t is he? Any disciplinary debate should only be done in private in the main. Forcing confrontation in front of colleagues from a position of weakness is either the work of rank amateurs....... OR THOSE WITH NO FORMAL COACHING QUALIFICATIONS! imo the noose is tightening on this issue.

Have you been to training and seen this happen? Have you taken your coaching badges and do you know what is trained?

We can call Ince all we like (and I have made my feelings plain enough) but he only came for the interview didn't he? <_<

Were you there for the interview process and do you know how it was conducted?

All of this is speculation. The results when the league actually starts are what matters.

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Attempting to humiliate a senior player and England squad regular in front of the rest of the team for folding his arms is NOT good man management and was never going to work was it? I expect somebody a bit more volatile like Warnock or Roberts might just have chinned the perpetrator.

TND - there's humiliation and trying to get respect from big time charlies who think they don't need to train.

Roversmum responded to what I was getting at.

There are means and ways but from what I have heard all Ince has been trying to do is stamp is authority (which he has aright to do) as the manager and some players don't like it - yet he has won more than anyone of them that is playing.

As mentioned, I get the feeling he is nervy in what he his doing at the moment which may or may not be a good thing and is probably the reason why people are coming up with the 'hand held' scenario.

He is getting hit from every direction with every aspect at the moment - its alot to handle don't you think?

Nobody could have predicted what was going to happen - the classic ' in at the deep end' does everything to cover the situation - lets see if he can swim first before we decide he is drowning.

As I said before , it would appear the players need to play their part and remember exactly what it is they are there for.

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Have you been to training and seen this happen? Have you taken your coaching badges and do you know what is trained?

i have (not footy ..a different sport up to GB standerd) and if ince does " humiliate" those whom he is supposed to helping then its disgusting.

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Attempting to humiliate a senior player and England squad regular in front of the rest of the team for folding his arms is NOT good man management and was never going to work was it?

Interesting to see this coming out now. I heard something similar a while ago (along with one or two more disturbing stories). I believe it happened while we were in Germany.

We're very close to 4 years of good work being undone in the space of a couple of months. Many of us feared Ince would be a big "large" and it's turning out to be the case. Williams is being tested, lets see what he's got.

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Ince is a new manager, some of the lads will have been set in their ways a bit, maybe favourites under hughes and have been given a kick up the rear - not a problem with this.

However the problem arises in training on two counts, under Hughes we had Bowen in charge of training with Eddie Ned assisting, this meant that Bowen - who had been working in the premiership for several years and Eddie - who had been working at ARSENAL for several years where controlling the day to day preperation of players and did a fantastic job.

In contrast despite having the experienced Knox - who should know what he's doing from his days at Bolton, we have Mathias - a lower league 'up and at em' kinda guy running the show, not good.

Players are not prepared enough - PROBLEM 1.


Players are not stimulated enough - PROBLEM 2.

= UNREST IN THE CAMP and players not ready for the season - oh dear.

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I've got to say, when I take a step-back and look at the situation, I am genuinely concerned for the coming season. I've been very much in the "give him a chance/judge at Christmas" group, but by Christmas it could be too late! That Ray Mathias does not fill me with confidence, and I'm very interested for the Hull game, if we lose, get Big Sam on the blower right now!!! To people who say "ooooh once upon a time a manager would've been given three seasons to prove himself"....Wonga wasn't really a factor and there were plenty of short-term unsuccessful appointments pre-1992! Rant over.

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Interesting to see this coming out now. I heard something similar a while ago (along with one or two more disturbing stories). I believe it happened while we were in Germany.

Perhaps it happened in Germany as well. Maybe it's regular training "method", god help us if this is the kind of carry on down at Brockhall. Reminds me of the end of the Souness regime and is absolutely sickening considering this is the start of a new regime...

We built a really good reputation as a place for players to improve under Hughes and that will have been from player talk. There was never any rumours about the training being poor. That will all turn to ###### pretty quickly if this carries on...

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