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[Archived] Keith Andrews

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I don't know much about him..But I say if Ince thinks He is good enough We should trust him..After all we are not the manager and we all talk a good signing..me included..

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I know people are going to say you have to give the player a chance, but taking into account his record, comments by MK Dons fans and the rumoured £1 million plus fee, I don’t think he is worth it.

Not fussed myself if the player came, Ince will surely rate him if he was to sign him. However, seen as we are on a tight budget, the price tag does look worrying for a division 2/3 player!

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Well its good to see that some people practice restraint.

I solemnly hope that he is a like signing to Robbie Savage. Can cheer up the dressing room and give 100% for the team on the pitch.

I am hoping that he is Paul Inceses Robbie Savage. Thinking like this keeps me sane.

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Price mentioned too high.

Too old.

Good enough? Haven't seen him play but I'm obviously not very optimistic on his behalf.

He was captain and instrumental for MK Dons last season though (apparantly), and if he's an attacking midfielder with a solid holding midfielder beside him, then he might do okay. It does surprise me that Ince doesn't have a proper look at what we currently have, or does he honestly believe that Andrews is THAT good...?

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The difference being Robbie Savage has Premiership experience, a bit of a headless chicken but he's done a good job. This guy on the other hand wasn't good enough for Wolves, so I'm seriously thinking Ince has rose-tinted spectacles on.

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Well its good to see that some people practice restraint.

I solemnly hope that he is a like signing to Robbie Savage. Can cheer up the dressing room and give 100% for the team on the pitch.

I am hoping that he is Paul Inceses Robbie Savage. Thinking like this keeps me sane.

Robbie savage was a premier league stalwart & regular international when he came to Blackburn & also played for Manchester United!! Hardly a gamble!

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What would your thoughts be if Ince brought in Andrews and he was made our captain?

I don't think that will happen BUT if it did we obviously have to back his choice. Ince knows the players better than we do./ We only see them 90 minutes a week. We don't know what goes on in training and for all we know he could be a great leader and the right man to lead our club. Nothing has happened yet, but whatever Ince does WE MUST BACK HIM!!!

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What would your thoughts be if Ince brought in Andrews and he was made our captain?

I'd be gutted if ince did that. Think about it you Santa Cruz, Bentley or someone like that and Paul Ince brought in his fat mate from MK Dons, you'd wanna leave streight away. If that started to happen then Inces player mates would start picking themselves.

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I don't think that will happen BUT if it did we obviously have to back his choice. Ince knows the players better than we do./ We only see them 90 minutes a week. We don't know what goes on in training and for all we know he could be a great leader and the right man to lead our club. Nothing has happened yet, but whatever Ince does WE MUST BACK HIM!!!

It wouldn't surprise me if he did, I’m sure a fair few captains have followed their previous managers and ended up captaining the new side.

It would be a huge mistake though and I can’t see the players liking it if it happened.

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I'd be gutted if ince did that. Think about it you Santa Cruz, Bentley or someone like that and Paul Ince brought in his fat mate from MK Dons, you'd wanna leave streight away. If that started to happen then Inces player mates would start picking themselves.

Though if he turns out to be as good as Ince obviously believes he will, then he'll gel quickly with the rest of our squad ;)

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I know nothing about this Andrews either, but I will trust those that have and who obviously think he is capable of meeting our needs in midfield. How can anyone sensibly dismiss him out of hand when they have never seen him play? That is nothing more or less than blind prejudice.

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I'm usually in the don't judge him camp when it comes to these situations, but this is much too much.

The man is 27, has never remotely succeeded at Championship level, let alone the Premier League, and we are a top 10 side. I would sooner judge the various people who have seen him over the years and decided he's not good enough for our level or close, rather than his mate of a manager who saw him being good enough for League Two.

If we saw him play last season what good would that have done us?! We would have seen him play pretty well, against League Two opposition.

£1.5 million, Ince is having a laugh surely.

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I think you misunderstand me, I am not talking in comparison of prestige.

I can see what you mean but why not bring in .......eh, ....Robbie savage, to help with the dressing room!?! Im sure he is well respected in the MK Dons dressing room but do you think David Bentley would take his advice?

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