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[Archived] Anthony Annan

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Well according to nicko and SSN Annan is joining the club on trial. Skysports.com seems to think a deal is already close and that they are just double checking his ability. Thought I'd move this away from the nicko thread as a deal now seems imminent.

Could well be the missing link in the midfield we have been looking for, I have to admit I don't know a great deal about him, what are your guys views?


Anthony Annan

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Hes meant to be highly rated, quoted as the next Essien (how many times do we hear of players touted as the next somebody only to flop into nothingness though). Never the less hes a regular at international level and was apparently being watched by Juventus. Quite pleased were signing two highly rated young players in the chilean guy (Not even going to attept to spell his name) and Annan.

We just need a good Bentley replacement and right back cover for bert I think the squad is alright.

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Any clips on youtube?

You'd think so wouldn't you? Can't find any at the moment though.

I have come across several links though that Chelsea were heavily interested in him, he was reccommended by Essien, could just have been paper talk but there were a lot of different articles about it. Dortmund were another club brought up. Could just have been that since Grant left he fell of the radar. Even if its a case of not being quite good enough for Chelsea, could still do a very good job for us.

A slight worry though is I found a few articles about Hughes wanting him at City after scouting him during his time with Blackburn. If he performs well in the closed door friendly today we should just sign him in case anyone else comes sniffing. From the price tags being thrown around in the articles it could be a pretty low transfer fee, seen 1-3 million thrown around.

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The way that Rovers manage to regularly confuse third parties about the nature of player trials, I would not be surprised if this one didn't go through.

But then, Ince is rather desperate, so maybe it'll happen. A bit like after we got thrashed 4 or 5 something against Boro and Hughes snapped up trialist A.Mokoena pronto.

Anthony Annan was a target of Hughes but the deal failed due to work permit restrictions.

And he's not a holding midfield - although, nor was Obi Mikel until he turned up on these shores.

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Annan is nowhere near Essien's physique, and I really can't see the comparison - except from both being Ghanian midfielders.

Annan played for his club Stabæk (currently top of the league) yesterday, and was reported to have injured his elbow. Annan confirmed after the match that he was due to train with Rovers for four days this week, and was hoping that was still the case. This also confirmed by Lars Bohinen, the managing director of Stabæk.

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he is a defensive mid. at his club he sits just in front of the centre defence.

he is good, but can be a hot-head and gets his share of yellows. his and a few others share actually :lol:

the deal is not done (98% certain on that) because Stabæk (they loan him) and Start (who owns him) agreed to extend the loan deal untill august 30th. last week. he can be bought though. price i would guess at least 3m.

he doest not play today because he featured for his team late last night, and injured his arm. that takes 2 months to heal, but he can play with it, so no biggie, but its painful. he came in today and will stay untill friday.

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its is true that we are having a final check on him, but NO BID have been made (according to Start).

they do NOT want to sell, but for financial reasons they have to, if the money is right. If a deal is agreed Start will have to share the money with Sport Entertainment and Media group (SEM). i guess that means we have to cough up more.

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Annan, is like a young Tugay going forward, and a young patrick viera sitting back in that defensive role. The guy is a very good player, and was the best player imo at the nations cup.

Annan was previously with the club, hughes liked what he saw and wanted to sign him. Unfortunately work permit issues prevented the deal from taking place.

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Annan, is like a young Tugay going forward, and a young patrick viera sitting back in that defensive role. The guy is a very good player, and was the best player imo at the nations cup.

thats a tad over the top :)

he is good but there is no need to buy the champagne just yet. chelsea backed out, and they went through a lot of trouble to get Mikel....

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Its not over the top hawks.ive seen plenty of him,and he is a very good player.all im saying that, he has the ability to play as an attacking and defensive midfielder.him and essien would switch those roles to great effect. I would be happy with annan.pity we dont want to make a 6mil bid for Appiah.i know that was the figure rumoured for him.

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Its not over the top hawks.ive seen plenty of him,and he is a very good player.all im saying that, he has the ability to play as an attacking and defensive midfielder.him and essien would switch those roles to great effect. I would be happy with annan.pity we dont want to make a 6mil bid for Appiah.i know that was the figure rumoured for him.

That i can i agree on. i just dont want people to think he is a new tugay or essien or whatever. he simply is a brilliant talent. a defensive midfielder talent. very good. but gets way to many cards.

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Hawks,did you say he gets way to many cards? Hmmm, just the type of player we like then.lol i think he must have put on his cv, yellow and red cards is what im all about.and JW said, thats our man lol.

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African players seem to have a good record of settling in to the style of the Premiership, I'm very optimistic about this one.

Ince is slowly winning me over. I'd be more excited about the forthcoming season than any since the summer we signed Bellamy if we have Villanueva, Annan and a new right winger to look forward to.

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The way that Rovers manage to regularly confuse third parties about the nature of player trials, I would not be surprised if this one didn't go through.

Could you enforce your comments with facts please, or are you just commenting on a lack of clarity in reporting by said third parties?

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Annan, is like a young Tugay going forward, and a young patrick viera sitting back in that defensive role.

And what's he like when he's static & sideways, David Batty?

Shearer was a goalkeeper - things change.

That's actually an urban myth that lots of people actually believe. He NEVER played in goal, never was asked to go in goal, nor was ever considered as a goalkeeper when he trialled for Newcastle, which is what I'm guessing you're relating to.

I too used to wheel that one out to dig at the Newcy fans (not that one needs to search for reasons or facts, there's enough material there to make a daily soap opera) until I learnt otherwise in an embarassing way.

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Could you enforce your comments with facts please, or are you just commenting on a lack of clarity in reporting by said third parties?

Ahn Jung-Hwan, Valeri Domovchiyski, Wael Gomaa, Segundo Castillo - just a few names of players who, along with their agents, have misunderstood the nature of the trials they were invited to by Rovers. All these players, as far as I remember, thought that they were turning up to go through pre-transfer formalities only to be informed otherwise.

I guess, I didn't mean third parties but anyway...

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Ahn Jung-Hwan, Valeri Domovchiyski, Wael Gomaa, Segundo Castillo - just a few names of players who, along with their agents, have misunderstood the nature of the trials they were invited to by Rovers. All these players, as far as I remember, thought that they were turning up to go through pre-transfer formalities only to be informed otherwise.

I guess, I didn't mean third parties but anyway...

I can't comment on the 1st & 3rd, but it's a matter of public record Mr D was coming in on trial, and the Castillio thing seems to have been an ego thing IMO, given the emphasis put on that fact in certain quarters. That said, Rovers' official channels of news announcements aren't exactly pro-active in these matters I admit.

That said, I do think these days there are so many 'channels' of communication there's a dearth of solid, incontrovertible facts, and a distinct lack of clarity. There's always five sides to these stories, so I wouldn't be too critical of Rovers, moreso the 'reporting' from other parties.

I guess I just read your post as being critical of Rovers for something I either felt was unjustified, or that I needed educating on. IMO Rovers handle themselves impeccably off-field in the way they go about business, deal with agents etc. so I was surprised to hear otherwise, given they've used trials regularly for the last few seasons & they seemed to have worked out okay with the players we signed.

Maybe there's a sour grapes element to it from the agent's or player's side, or whoever reported the instances you refer to?

I guess if Castillio comes back he couldn't have been too upset by it, whatever the facts were.

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Hawks,did you say he gets way to many cards? Hmmm, just the type of player we like then.lol i think he must have put on his cv, yellow and red cards is what im all about.and JW said, thats our man lol.

well. its not a nightmare, but still. he have started 11 games so far this season. 2 yellows and one red. more than once have his coach told the press that they need to sort out his dicipline issues. so yeah, he is just our guy :lol:

i'll try track down some footage of him.

...and the famous Pelé played in goal a lot. he was the reserve keeper for his team and stepped in whenever their goalie got injured.

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