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[Archived] Everton Preview

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Rover6, If you were watching the Axe that closely, you would also recall that it was his winning tackle and pass that found Reid right before he was fouled, setting up the winning goal....the Axe has had bad spells and good ones as well (end of the 2006-2007 season when Sav was injured)....on today's performance, there may have been a reason Annan or Sable weren't signed for the holding role...the test is whether he can be consistent

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I couldn't believe that more yellow cards weren't dished out. I know that we're anything but saints when it coems to foul play but I thought Everton could have had about seven yellows today.

Anyways, first half was an extremely professional performance from the lads. I am very happy that Ince had the balls to go somewhere like Goodison Park and look to control the game. We had two up top and our back line was squeezing Everton right into their own half. The manager had obviously done his homework and also had Arteta tightly marked and taken out of the game for long periods.

Second half we let Everton come back into it and were a bit slack at times. They could have scored a few times when we switched off at the back. However, we didn't capitulate after Everton's second and showed a really good attitude. What a header from Nelsen at the end BTW - deserved a goal.

Overall then, a really pleasing performance and hopefully a sign of things to come. My ratings:

Robinson - 5 - I can sympathize with Robbo for the first goal because he was preoccupied with a cross that we all thought was coming and not the brilliant and shot that screamed into the net. He probably could have had a better starting position, but I can forgive him for a moment of individual brilliance. However, I thought he could have done better with the second goal and there was a point towards then end of the match where he came for a cross, missed it by a mile and nearly cost us the game. He NEEDS to cut these mistakes out when coming for crosses. If that means coming out for less, then so be it.

Ooijer - 7 - A good performance from Ooijer, totally solid. Good at the back and offered something going forward as well. Still prefer Emerton there, mind.

Warnock - 7 - Again, a good performance with some good crunching tackles that you would expect from the lad.

Nelsen - 7 - Solid, one or two excellent tackles. His crackign header at the end is what got us the win.

Samba - 7 - Solid again.

Reid - 7 - A good start from Reid with a few good crosses, but I didn't feel he really offered us enough going forward from then on.

Pedersen - 7 -

Dunn - 9 - A really good performance from Dunn. He is clearly brimming with confidence making runs whenever possible, dictating play and gettign physical when necessary. Great all round midfielder on the basis of today. Oh, and a quality goal.

Mokoena - 7 - Did his job well but looked absolutely clueless when given time on the ball. But then, we've all come to expect that by now!

Roberts - 8 - Great harrying of the defenders today, really didn't give them a moments rest. They seemed to crumble under the pressure he was exerting. Deserved a goal for that mazy little run into the Everton box. Who thought he was capable of that?!

Santa Cruz - 8 - Yet another good performance from Roque. He took his goal very well, everythign stuck to him and he brought others into play whenever possible. If he managed to stay fit then I can see a similar return from his again this season.

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just watched the whole match on sky

a great match glad we won for

our manager he had taken some stick some good on you

our goalkepper, was slightly at fault for first goal, and it will put his mind at e ase that it did not cost us, his kicking was very very good

our team as a whole, they played very well for each other, and a good start is vital

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I'm still buzzing. What a way to start a season and no-one would have wrote Andre Ooijer getting the winner. What annoys me is that I was listening to TalkSport on the way to Goodison and Colly and the rest were touting us for Relegation/bottom half finish. Howver, after the game finished the same people had us challenging for Europe!! Bizarre.

great Atmosphere today loved every minute, can't even speak now. Would I be right in saying our passing was beautiful and not once under Sparky did we see that kind of play all throughout last season? Another highlight of the game. Tugay turning Arteta and showing him who the real "daddy" is :lol: Legendary!

So then after that performance..INCE OUT???

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Now, I accept that Moko has had a better than usual game and well done for him making that improvement. However, imo, that short episode leading to Yakubu's goal makes it patently clear that Moko is a liability. I genuinely do not want to become some sort of prejudice anti-Axe, so please tell me if you agree or disagree with this.

I thought Aaron was superb today. Both he and Reid proved a revelation in midfield. Aaron sitting in front of the back four made some excellent tackles and his passing was very good. Ince clearly has faith in him and perhaps this is giving Aaron the confidence to perform. This was more like the Moko who played so well when Savage was out injured. Perhaps this is the Moko that Ince is seeing on the training ground and hence the decision to play him in the first team. He is one of the players that Ince has praised in pre-season and this is obviously helping the player's confidence.

Personally, I thought our only weak link today was the goalkeeper. After an indifferent pre-season I thought his performance today was disappointing. His reflexes aren't as sharp as I would expect and his positional play was poor. I noticed at Wolves that he wasn't great working out his angles and the same fault was there today. Hopefully, Bobby Mimms can sort him out in the next few weeks and the England call-up should help boost his confidence.

I thought the team performance today was excellent. We had width and creativity in midfield while the defence looked fairly sound for the most part. Roberts and Santa Cruz always looked a threat.

As one who has been critical of Ince I must hold my hands up and say that today he got a super performance out of the players.

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Trust the process. Everyone starts again with a new manager and confidence if everything . The Axe played some solid football when hughes gave him a run. He has picked the team for the game .

And so we rest easy after a successful day at the office. An invigorated team,an away win for our first game a manager with passion. It is worth reading page 8 and contrast it to to the after match posts.

The one thing you can be sure of is that you cant be sure of anything.

Well done Axe, Andre, Roberts you made your mark today. That can only be good for squad motivation and competition.

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Entertaining football, 3 goals and a brilliant start from Incy,

where are the anti Ince brigade now?

Theno's probably just getting back from his afternoon's golf, unless of course he's still stuck at the 19th. :rolleyes:

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I want Mokoena to prove me completely wrong but I see a clip of Yakubu's goal and I just think, for all his bluster, he's a liability.

Please lambast me ONCE YOU HAVE CAREFULLY WATCHED A CLIP OF THE GOAL if I am not being totally objective and reasonable.

You have it in for Mokoena, so how can you be objective and reasonable?

Try getting out of your amchair once in a while, then your views may just have a bit more credibility.

He played a very key role in our team, and victory, today.

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someone said before the game started we are carrying 3 players who arent good enough for the premierleague-reid, roberts and mokoena-sounds like all 3 had good games..

i do think david dunn will have a really good season-he looks trim, and when running at defenders he is always a danger-im backing him to get over 5 goals this season..

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A very good result today. We looked very sharp in the first half. Pushing Everton back and dominating most of the play. Everton got more of the ball in the second half, but did not produce many chances.

Ooijer had a great game, good to see him getting his first ever goal for Rovers.

One thing makes me worried after seeing this game. Robinson made two large mistakes. One leading to Everton first goal. In Friedel we had a winner that got us many points on bad days. If things continue as today, I think Robinson might just loose us points. That might cost us a place in Europe.

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Really wondering if Ince has a degree is psychology.. the dude seems to always get the best from his players who could have predicted Gamst, Axe, Ooj at rb and Dunny having such a good game... And look at the past he has done the same at every stopping off point

i know Roversmum etc had a go at me because I said chill and not get over excited because everton where well short on players but they are right we played a diff game today.. and we should be proud of that...

Well played.. I do so hope we get another RM and get a star def/box to box midfielder though.. the axe did not always concentrate on tasks even if he did kick arse most of the game.

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I think what you are highlighting is unfair; the real blame for that goal was Warnock's who got completely out-muscled by the Yak if you want to pinpoint anyone.

I thought the second goal was mainly Ooijer's fault for losing their left winger.

As someone who has not been a big fan of Ooijer, I have to say he was excellent apart from that.

As were the rest of the team.

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Still absolutely made up about the result and the performance.

Robinson - Started well with a good early save from a shot from outside the box and tipped a dangerous cross over the bar. Arteta's goal was postage stamp though from that angle, everyone was expecting a cross but England's number 1 will feel disappointed to be beaten at his near post. The 2nd goal there was nothing much he could do about it, kind of reminded me of Cantona's goal at OT against us. His kicking was excellent throughout, top marks in that department.

Ooijer - Hero of the day! The Dutchman is not the long term answer at right back but I think Ince wanted his experience at the back today. Done some good work covering round the back of our centreback's neutralizing some Toffee attacks and linked well with Reid.

Samba - Thought he was very solid today. Won everything in the air, some good tackles and hardly put a foot wrong.

Nelsen - Absolutely brilliant! Fully recovered from the injury now and looks back to his best. So unlucky not to score with the header but it all ended well.

Warnock - Had the responsibility of Arteta and done it well. The only time Arteta could do anything was from set pieces and when he got free the otherside of the pitch. Caused problems going forward and must feel disappointed not being in the England squad after that performance.

Mokoena - I'll hold my hands up and say I was more than slightly disappointed he was named in the starting 11 but when credit is due, he deserves it. Not the best with the ball but he worked hard for the team and gave us some shape and a platform to build from. Some cracking tackles and done a good job!

Reid - I thought he played well. Not a winger though got through some good work and was always involved. Nasty bash on the nose and to his credit gave it his all.

Dunn - Top drawer, exactly what we needed in the centre of the park and what a strike for the goal on his left foot....The Everton fan who was clearly unhappy at Howard was hilarious but he had no chance of saving it!

Pedersen - Happy days from this fella, proper name, proper hair and was superb. Helped out defensively and was a threat going froward. Still the best left sided midfielder in the prem imo.

Roberts - Only if this guy could finish! I'm not his biggest fan but I thought he caused so many problems for Everton, Yobo had his work cut out all game. Great run from the touch line, strength, pace and played very well today.

Santa Cruz - Missed a few headers in the first half but his control for his goal was world class. Linked up the play and Lescott was just outclassed and couldn't get near him.

Treacy - Great to see Ince give youth a chance, didn't do anything wrong and good experience for the lad.

McCarthy - No time to do much though the back heal he did was awful.

Tugay - I just love watching this fella play, only on for a few minutes but got the job done.

Training should be interesting next week, morale on a high and whats all the fuss! Bring on Hull!!!!

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that was GREAT! real hollywood drama. what a superb opener!

saw the game at the pub with a bunch of rovers fans, and knocked my head in the roof when ooijer scored :tu:

then we had a few beers at one of the guys' home, after a few hours of celebration we left - and when we walked out the door, in came one guy with a everton kit. :lol: it must have been ruined his day completely - coming home, and meet five rovers' in the door! :lol:

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time to haul robinson off the fella is jinxed. No way u get beaten from that angle...................shocking,shocking,shocking

that is so hard on the 10 outfield players, aaaaaaaaaagggggggghhhhhhhh u knew he was going to have a howler at some point, incredibly bad

At the game were we? no? well shut up then.. If you were you'd have seen the wall set up then pederson drag it a yard to the left. As soon as he did several of us all said 'near post' and thats what happened. Instead of coming on here like the loser you are try getting down to a game and seeing things for yourself

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A wafer-thin mint, no, come on it's only a tiny, little thin one, oh are you full?...It's only wafer thin, just one, alright? One wafer-thin mint, voila and bon apetit.


I hope you Ince detractors have got your spoons out and are printing off your reams of drivel cos having given us buckets of vomit for the past 2 months you really deserve to eat every last letter, every last dotted i and crossed t.

I'm completely emotionally drained, what a start to the season! 5 great goals and some of the best attacking football I've seen us play. There was one counter-attack around the 24 minute mark that just had me wetting myself. What's even more amazing is that we did not field a full-strength team - no Emo, Vogel, Mac, Carlos. I was surprised by Moko starting but I reckon away from home he is a good gamble (like Roberts) and Ince sees them day in day out, he certainly suited the style we played yesterday. Dunn was very impressive and looks like Gamst is back! What made it even sweeter was the lock-in we had at The British here in North Adelaide, the bar manager is an Everton fan...ha! ha! Can't wait for next weekend (haven't felt that for a long time).

PS Since no-one has said it yet - THANKYOU JOHN WILLIAMS

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Out here in Thailand at the moment, heard we won at the Full Moon Party but had to come online as I didnt fully believe it...

Just seen the goals and read the reports, as someone who has been very critical of Ince it looks like a great start and he's got the best out of the players. Things are definitely looking good on that front. Robinson is a worrying sign, if Brad turned in that performance it would have been a pretty big shock, sure he might have stopped shots but we definitely wouldnt have conceded the first and might have kept out the second too.

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I bet the players will be absolutely buzzing at the moment and when they go in on Tuesday (well half of them-the rest are away on internationals)_ and Ince is the sort of character to keep the momentum going.

Very interesting to see the wingers playing more in-field giving a much more compact shape to midfield and allowing the passing to flow more freely- the ball travelling perhaps 8 yards to the next man rather than the 10 yards+ it used to have to in the Hughes era.

Gave Warnock more freedom to get forwards down the outside which he did. His deliveries were both poor and sublime. We'll take the pinpoint ones- got two goals from them!

Robinson's distribution also played its part in Rovers' slick performance. The free kick was a collective failure; wall in the wrong place or in reality a man too few given it was Arteta taking the free kick. That said, Bobby Mimms is going to be a busy man with a heavy responsibility.

Still have this overwhelming sense of sweet relief.

Over the 90 minutes it is no more than Blackburn deserve. ESPN match highlights.

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