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[Archived] Give Us Our Toilets Back!

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Agree about the racist part.

So what were the qualifications for getting in? I dont sit in the Blackburn end, but I'd have liked to have tried to go in on Saturday, just to see if I'd have been allowed. I'd have been very quiet and polite about it- because I could understand them not wanting drunk loud-mouths going in there- but if I'd been refused I'd have made sure the club know that discrimination is a two-way thing.

So if someone female wants to challenge this I suggest they do exactly that. If they are sober, quiet and allowed in, then there is no cause for concern. If they are not, it's clearly a room reserved for one religion and as such that is clearly discrimination.

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Agree about the racist part.

So what were the qualifications for getting in? I dont sit in the Blackburn end, but I'd have liked to have tried to go in on Saturday, just to see if I'd have been allowed. I'd have been very quiet and polite about it- because I could understand them not wanting drunk loud-mouths going in there- but if I'd been refused I'd have made sure the club know that discrimination is a two-way thing.

So if someone female wants to challenge this I suggest they do exactly that. If they are sober, quiet and allowed in, then there is no cause for concern. If they are not, it's clearly a room reserved for one religion and as such that is clearly discrimination.

Quite a few people I know who aren't muslims went in to have a look around. They had no problem getting in. I'm not sure if any women tried.

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Quite a few people I know who aren't muslims went in to have a look around. They had no problem getting in. I'm not sure if any women tried.

That's fine then. I can understand them not wanting a baying, drunk mob in there. I still think it's situated in the wrong place. Even in the JW it would have been better. (would have given some of the real oldies somewhere nice to sit at half-time.)

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Maybe Tugay should use the room - might cause a some of the racists to reconsider their thickness - wait, these idiots don't have the capacity to reconsider anything.

ANd doesn't everyone think it a shame that Bentley has left and thus forgone the chance to utilise this facility. It'd be perfect for him to go in, sit down, and contemplate the greatness of the Great Deity, creator and beneficient lord, David Bentley.

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Plenty of phone-cams in the BBE. Do we have a link to a youtube video, so that those that weren't there can contribute from a better informed position?

And getting back to the first post "But what idiot decided to section of half of the gents on the bolton road side of the blackburn end!" ?

Be nice to have an answer to the question rather than a religious debate

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The siting of the prayer room might not be ideal, but it doesn't excuse some of the pretty ignorant stuff going on here and at the game yesterday. (From where I was sat in the Riverside, I couldn't hear any racist chants)

To accuse people of being over-sensitive or whatever is a commonplace accusation of Muslims in these types of situations, but one incident after the game is instructive. As I walked up Livesey Branch road after the game I heard a few skin-headed lads trying it on with some middle-aged Hull fans, but it was the sight of an Asian shopkeeper in traditional dress sent them over the edge. A load of racist abuse came this poor man's way from two of the lads, as the third popped inside to buy something. Rater foolishly I had a few words with them, "This is my area," "Are you from Feniscowles?" was their response and that was more-or-less that. Big mouths, small brains.

Let's hope the prayer room issue doesn't give the nasties more to complain about.


You make some good points, BUT these kind of debates DO tend towards the polemic at times, so it's always worth trying to keep things in context. I personally dislike liberalisation for the sake of it; often the folk who 'preach' (no pun intended) one agenda do so at the expense of what they are seeking to promote. There will always be idiots on both sides of a debate, both as bad as each other IMO

IF we are to promote inclusion, surely closing this thread sends the wrong message?

Bringing it back to yesterday, let's bring the thread back on-topic. Don't look at the end-result, but the source of the problems. It's not that there is a multi-faith room in the first place; it's just not exactly sensitive or sensible as it stands.

I think it's a safe bet if the toilet was elsewhere, or better implemented, there would be NONE of the 'bad stuff' yesterday.

Good posts from Debs & Jan, interesting points to consider (apart from not getting 'FIFO').

Was it open for mixed usage, i.e. were females allowed in at the same time as blokes? Did all users have to take their shoes off?

Anyone else think it would be a good idea for the club to take on board whatever happened yesterday, and show some clarity with leadership by addressing the situation, however that may be? I'd suggest moving/closing the room may be a logical solution ultimately, but for now I think a more detailed explanation as to it's usage would help - or things risk getting worse.

Personally, I admit to not being well-versed in my own religion, much less anyone elses, so I'd be keen to learn exactly how (if it all) this room could be used as a positive in opening up to better include more people to a common cause - Rovers, via religion - not the other way round. I'm interested to see exactly how this can be implemented by respecting everyone & offending nobody; I doubt it can.

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1) It will have been situated in the gents area to make it a male facility without contravening sex discrimination regulations.

2) Probably Rovers will have received a lot of feedback from the "community leaders" that lack of a prayer facility is a reason that they were not encouraging attendance at Ewood. With that room in place another excuse is removed.

3) For young kids of Asian parentage, they can now promise to say their prayers at the right time when they go to Roversand the parents will believe them. Of course they will be too busy watching the footy but the fact the facility is there could well be the difference between them goingand not going.

Marketing is a cynical business. Just look at the "Christian" TV Channels!

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As far as I am aware Hindus, Sikhs and Muslims praying on a floor would need it to be clean, thus you cannot have people walking in with shoes on.

Out of interest did many people use the facility?

Christians kneel too so is this floor for praying off or eating off?

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Guest Kamy100

I'd also like to know if anyone actually used the room yesterday, I guess the answer will be not many if any and that is the way it will remain. Totally inappropriate place to put this room and it is just going to lead to more problems/trouble for the rest of the season.

If/when the national media get hold of this story they will spin it to show that Rovers fans are racist etc.

As I said earlier the club need to be asked 2 questions Why they put it in the Blackburn End and more importantly why were fans not consulted to find out if there was a demand for this.

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Feel free to come up with your own ideas how Islam "disrespects" other religions. Like they say, don't believe everything you read ;)

How about those backward barstewards the Taliban shelling to obliteration those ancient Buddhist statues a short while back? Explain that please Roar.


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How about those backward barstewards the Taliban shelling to obliteration those ancient Buddhist statues a short while back? Explain that please Roar.


I could respond with a million things... but put simply the thread is about where the multi faith room is NOT about whose religion is the best one!

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A quiet room, prayer room, chapel, multi-faith room - whatever you want to call it - would be best sited somewhere reasonably quiet I would have thought, and directly off the concourse next to the male toilets does not look as if it comes into that category. As the concourses are generally quite busy at half time it could be quite intimidating trying to get there at half time for, example, fans who wanted to go there to remember and pray for a fellow Rover who had passed away which is one reason I would use it.

When I stated earlier in the thread that it would be good to see all faiths - Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs, Jews etc praying together I was wondering if that could actually happen. There is the question of male/female integration - I don't know how far it goes so don't feel qualified to comment on it but I would be interested to know. Also, what does the room actually contain - hopefully there are some chairs in there, I am not as mobile as I was and the floor is rather difficult for me to access for seating/kneeling purposes so I'm afraid the Lord has to accept my prayers from a chair - I'm not saying this in a disrespectful way.

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How about those backward barstewards the Taliban shelling to obliteration those ancient Buddhist statues a short while back? Explain that please Roar.


Another one of your comical posts eh Theno.

How about those innocent victims that are being killed in Iraq and Afghanistan, that has nothing to do with it does it? There's plenty more but like the mods have said we have to keep it on topic.

I think pretty much most people agree that the Multi-Faith Room is a good idea but the room should have been located elsewhere.

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Please keep the discussion to the multi faith room, not religion in general as we know where that'll head.

Why am I not in the slightest bit suprised to find Drog and Roar taking it off topic

**Awaits usual anti mod post from drog**

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Muslims, Hindus and Skihs require the flooring to be completely clean, so yes something you can eat off! (I am not sure about christianity).

If it's intention is to be multi faith then it has to be multi faith. Shoes / females / bare heads / covered heads or whatever must all be accepted.

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This was taken about 5 mins before the 2nd half started, there were about 5 stewards and probably 4 police required.

Looks like Leslie Neilsen is waiting at the front of the 'queue' to go in. Probably was more entertaining for some folk there than what went on the pitch afterwards.

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Please keep the discussion to the multi faith room, not religion in general as we know where that'll head.

Why am I not in the slightest bit suprised to find Drog and Roar taking it off topic

**Awaits usual anti mod post from drog**

I think you need to read the whole thread Ricky (and just to validate your c'mon ....its what Mods are supposed to do isn't it? :P ), I just have and Roar took it off topic on page 1. Please note that I have only just contributed.

btw What about Philips hilarious 'Are they skinheads' comment? How on topic was that? I can only assume from that that he has not been in blighty since the 70's. :rolleyes::lol:

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I think you need to read the whole thread Ricky (and just to validate your c'mon ....its what Mods are supposed to do isn't it? :P ), I just have and Roar took it off topic on page 1. Please note that I have only just contributed.


For the record it was thennow who took it off topic on post 9, which Roar responded to.

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Please keep the discussion to the multi faith room, not religion in general as we know where that'll head.

Why am I not in the slightest bit suprised to find Drog and Roar taking it off topic

**Awaits usual anti mod post from drog**

Just correcting his mistakes Ricky. He seems to think he knows more about Islam than me, which isn't the case. Secondly, blaming Islam for certain events, I'm not going to sit here and do nothing about it am I? (Before you say "where have I blamed Islam?", just have a look at your posts in previous topics)

The room is being used during the week, when other members of staff that work their on a daily basis need to use it. So it isn't aimed for only Matchdays. Most work areas have a Multi-Faith Room, and Ewood is also a work area for many people.

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