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[Archived] Other Pl Happenings 2009/10

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I do agree in there being a certain comedy in it being on Liverpool's website, but I did think it would have been funnier if they hadn't put it on everyone else's website as well...no need to sigh, sloth, was well aware of the point you were trying to make.

You okay, ADB? I'm told Milk of Magnesia can be beneficial in certain situations ;)

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Good article by Brian Reade in today's Daily Mirror. Despite his Anfield bias, he makes a good point that Martin O'Neill has spent a pretty penny with little to show for it and yet manages to evade scrutiny due in part to his buddies in the media.

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Good article by Brian Reade in today's Daily Mirror. Despite his Anfield bias, he makes a good point that Martin O'Neill has spent a pretty penny with little to show for it and yet manages to evade scrutiny due in part to his buddies in the media.

MoN is frequently mentioned in the same breath as RFW / Wenger / Maureen in pub talk. In truth his reputation is punching way above it's weight. Did well at Wycombe and Leicester (Ince did similar in the lower leagues), did well at Celtic (difficult to fail) on the back of that has spent $ OK to elevate AV to where Mark Hughes took us with nowt. Gobs off convincingly (to some) on telly. And thats it.

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The reason O'Neill gets away with crap results is that he's bought every english player available. Warnock, Young, Milner, Sidwell, Heskey, L Young, Shorey, Reo-Coker, Downing, Delph, Davies, Collins

If he'd filled his team with foreign players you can bet he'd get more stick from the press, but because he plays english players week in week out the press let him off

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The amount of hammerings being handed out by the have's against the have nots is becoming alarming. Thanks to the combined forces of the Prem league and the CL league we now have two divisions in one. Not healthy.

Are you at all surprised by that Gordon? Its only going to get worse, and its like you said not healthy.

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Did anyone see the Chelski Man U game? Couple of points:-

1. The first time I have seen Drogba take a propper kick and go down for a real reason BUT is then booked for diving.

2. As Kalou was coming on there was a guy sat behind the dugout brushing his teeth like it was the new cool thing to do - whats all that about?

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I noticed Fletcher being an utter, utter cock about every decision that went against Utd. He wasn't alone in this though as several Utd players were acting like children who had been told to go to the corner. These muppets get paid tens of thousands of pounds to play a game and they still can't do it with any dignity.

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Please tell me that somebody else saw that guy brushing his teeth (sunglasses on, proper gangster) in the crowd when Chelsea brought Kalou (I think it was him) on. Probably the most random thing I've ever seen at a football match.


Aside from that, it was also brilliant to see United and their scummy cockney fans sent home (on the Tube probably) with their tails between their legs.

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Please tell me that somebody else saw that guy brushing his teeth (sunglasses on, proper gangster) in the crowd when Chelsea brought Kalou (I think it was him) on. Probably the most random thing I've ever seen at a football match.

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did anyone see that muppet brushing his teeth behind the utd bench yesterday?


2.why would you take a toothbrush to a game?

unless theres some new fashion thingy?


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Looks as though Dean Ashton is hanging up his boots this week.

Massive loss and a great shame, reckon he could have been the perfect foil for Rooney......

A shame, was on fire for a while. What has happened to Savio? The Italian/German who cost a bundle.

I also saw the bloke brushing his teeth at Chelsea; apparently he was on the radio explaining it. Sometihng about his ex being at the game and having no time beforehand. From where he was sat I reckon he was a mate/hanger on of one of the players.

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Please tell me that somebody else saw that guy brushing his teeth (sunglasses on, proper gangster) in the crowd when Chelsea brought Kalou (I think it was him) on. Probably the most random thing I've ever seen at a football match.

I did, a couple of comments up from you :rolleyes:

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So another live Sky TV game between two of the "Big 4" ends with yet more focus on referees, managers and players throwing their toys out and showing themselves up to be completely unprofessional spoilt little kids.

Worse yet, Sky will be eating this up for the next week, it's all we'll bloody hear about. They'll be comparing the amount of free kicks the "Big 4" get given against them each game before too long. Then it'll reach it's pinnacle with a "special appearance" from Jeff Bloody Winter.

Football is a game - sometimes you win, and sometimes you lose. Whatever happened to doing both with a bit of class? It's the same crap everytime these lot play each other, and it's incredibly tedious.

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