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[Archived] Other Pl Happenings 2009/10

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Sven is the favourite for the Villa post as I type.


As for O'Neill, he's a good motivator, but an average manager. Villa were pretty one dimensional, and he'd not be so highly rated if he wasn't so charismatic.

If I was a Villa fan I'd much rather Sven than Bob Bradley.

Sven gets an unfair rep in this country IMO. He's a good manager who overall did a good job with England, though he didn't do great with Mexico.

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Ah I didn't think of that myself.

Surely that would kick the transfer market into life.

Crouch would work well in there system IMO, Riveros on the right with Bent on the left of crouch.

Jones is probably more mobile, whereas Crouch gets more goals. probably similar fees involved.

Crouch makes way for Spuds to move on Young, as you say that may kick start a bit of movement.

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Blow for our Fulham devotee

1 football Fulham Snap

Fulham defender Philippe Senderos has been ruled out for six months with a ruptured Achilles tendon, the Swiss Football Association have confirmed.

Hughes in for Samba ?

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If I was a Villa fan I'd much rather Sven than Bob Bradley.

Sven gets an unfair rep in this country IMO. He's a good manager who overall did a good job with England, though he didn't do great with Mexico.

It was never going to work w/ Mexico. As nationalistic as that mob are, I knew the players would NEVER take to him and the press.... well, let's put it this way: there's a reason he didn't last too long there!

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Blow for our Fulham devotee

1 football Fulham Snap

Fulham defender Philippe Senderos has been ruled out for six months with a ruptured Achilles tendon, the Swiss Football Association have confirmed.

Hughes in for Samba ?

Not bothered too much. Hughes and Hangeland are a solid pairing and Senderos would have been frustrated on the bench. We are close to signing that Algerian anyway, so no we won't be after Samba unless we sell Hangeland.

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Please not Sven.

Id rather take a punt on Bradley with the hope of Donovan than suffer Sven's 4-6-0 formation and hit and miss signings. We're hiring O'Neill without a personality it seems.

Sven's won a lot in his career and the first half of his England reign we were a very good side and entertaining to watch.

I honestly don't get all this animosity towards him.

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Sven's won a lot in his career and the first half of his England reign we were a very good side and entertaining to watch.

I honestly don't get all this animosity towards him.

Agreed with the first point - he does have a good record and is undoubtedly a good coach.

The animosity towards him however is obvious. Its the same as every perceived "failed" England manager gets. He didnt win a major tournament, so it stands to reason that he's a rubbish manager. Apparently.

Whilst that is unfair, what he's done since then has made it worse and he's only got himself to blame. Going to Notts County was a ridiculous move. He was unlucky at City and probably deserved to be treated better. However compare him to Steve McLaren, who quite rightly turned his back on this country when he left the England job. McLaren has proven himself a very very capable manager, Sven should have gone all out to do the same.

If I were him I'd steer clear of any job in this country, public perception would make any post very difficult for him, and the press wouldnt help. McLaren knew that, went elsewhere and hasn't looked back.

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Agreed with the first point - he does have a good record and is undoubtedly a good coach.

The animosity towards him however is obvious. Its the same as every perceived "failed" England manager gets. He didnt win a major tournament, so it stands to reason that he's a rubbish manager. Apparently.

Whilst that is unfair, what he's done since then has made it worse and he's only got himself to blame. Going to Notts County was a ridiculous move. He was unlucky at City and probably deserved to be treated better. However compare him to Steve McLaren, who quite rightly turned his back on this country when he left the England job. McLaren has proven himself a very very capable manager, Sven should have gone all out to do the same.

If I were him I'd steer clear of any job in this country, public perception would make any post very difficult for him, and the press wouldnt help. McLaren knew that, went elsewhere and hasn't looked back.

You can hardly compare Sven with McLaren though. McLaren's career was in tatters fairly early on in his career and he hardly had any achievements save for a UEFA cup final with Middlesbrough.

Sven on the other hand has won the UEFA cup with part timers, been a European Cup finalist with Benfica, and has won multiple domestic leagues and cups in Portugal and Italy. Not to mention the fact he was a good England manager.

I agree Notts County was a very poor move, but I don't blame him for taking extended breaks between jobs as a man who has his track record shouldn't need to prove himself as much as McLaren did.

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Sven had a much greater resume before the England job, absolutely true. Fact is, after you've managed England what you did before doesnt matter to anyone in this country. They both came out of that job with very similar (shattered) reputations. McLaren has rebuilt his brilliantly, Sven has hardly bothered at all.

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Sven had a much greater resume before the England job, absolutely true. Fact is, after you've managed England what you did before doesnt matter to anyone in this country. They both came out of that job with very similar (shattered) reputations. McLaren has rebuilt his brilliantly, Sven has hardly bothered at all.

True, but McLaren has much more reason to care about reputation in this country since he's from here and didn't have a reputation anywhere else.

Sven isn't from here and has a very good reputation in other countries, at least as a manager anyway.

It's not his fault that our general public use tabloid headlines as their main source of football knowledge.

Anyway we're agreed that he's a good manager, and that's something more people ought to realise.

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Looks like United have bagged Mesut Ozil...


Also, can I offer my best wishes to the families and friends of both Adam Stansfield and Markus Liebherr at this terrible time, I hope all of football can pay their respects this weekend.

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