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[Archived] Other Pl Happenings 2009/10

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Well said, Gord. Lampard is clearly an exceptional PL player, but "world class" is a term banded about without any real thought.


Just read that Diego Maradona wants Aston Villa job, if he gets it I'm becoming a Villa fan.

Maradona managing in the premiership, now that would be fantastic :tu:

If it happens it will mean one less team for us to leapfrog in our pursuit of title glories!!!

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Just read that Diego Maradona wants Aston Villa job, if he gets it I'm becoming a Villa fan.

Maradona managing in the premiership, now that would be fantastic :tu:

I'll meet you in the Cap N Gown.

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Cattermole - the modern day Batty who just cant control himself & gets about 12-15 bookings a season! :rolleyes:

No comparison between the players.

Batty was absolutly superb for us and in my opinion the best defensive midfield player I have seen for Rovers.

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No comparison between the players.

Batty was absolutly superb for us and in my opinion the best defensive midfield player I have seen for Rovers.

Agreed, I wish we had a player of his quality in our midfield right now.

The Le Saux fight is up there in most embarrassing moments in Rovers history though. Shameful stuff.

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Back to the Joe Cole sending off, I seem to recall him being very peevish in the past in his onfield behaviour when things were not going his way. In fact I had him as a likely candidate to walk today if Arsenal got their passing game going and were closing him down quickly when he got into posession. For all the flak the Arsenal players get about being fairies, they are in fact one of the stronger sides in the Prem when it comes to winning one on ones.

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I dont see the attraction of the cocaine snorting cheating little scrote !

I have had the opportunity to see him live playing for Napoli v Roma when he was a genius, nowadays he is a no mark with a chequered history.

Neither do me or the other Villa fans...

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I disagree. At club level he is one of the very best, it doesn't matter how many "do the dirty work", to consistently score 20 goals a season from midfield is absolutely brilliant. Essien is world class but Lampard was doing it for a long time before the emergence of Mikel.

He can play, he just can't do it for England (John Barnes similarities?). He has a terrific strike on him and knows where the goal is. However when he plays for Chelsea he gets so much time to pick out his passes as their system is set up for him. Look at his goal yesterday, he was in acres of space as the other Chelsea players cause havoc for him. The finish was very good, but if he was in an England kit he'd never have had that much time.

As a side, Joe Cole's tackle deserved a red, he could well have broke the lad's leg.

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He can play, he just can't do it for England (John Barnes similarities?). He has a terrific strike on him and knows where the goal is. However when he plays for Chelsea he gets so much time to pick out his passes as their system is set up for him. Look at his goal yesterday, he was in acres of space as the other Chelsea players cause havoc for him. The finish was very good, but if he was in an England kit he'd never have had that much time.

As a side, Joe Cole's tackle deserved a red, he could well have broke the lad's leg.

I disagree with this again.

Yes his other midfielders afford him more time on the ball, however Premier League football is known for its fast pace and for players barely having any time on the ball. It's one of the reasons attributed as to why our players aren't that good on the ball. International football is played at a considerably slower pace.

Also most of the teams England play are worse than a lot of Premier League teams.

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Agreed. It's easy to just say that "he only does it because of the players next to him", but he's been doing it for years. Mikel is far from world class, Essien has missed long periods and sometimes he's been stuck alongside players like Deco and Ballack, who have quality but don't play in the same way to Essien and Mikel. He's a world class player who would make any side.

Here we go a-flurking-gain, Makelele, Essien and Mikel have all done a job for him. Ballack and Deco may not have been defensive units but they covered his weaknesses.

He would struggle to make any side that didn't have the players to cover him. England is a perfect example.

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Every footballer has weaknesses. If his team mates cover those and don't allow for them to be exposed then surely that's astute management and good tactics. If anything his team-mates allow him to do what he does best late runs and finding space in and around the box to have a strike. I just don't get people's issue with Lampard, scores 20 goals a season for over 5-6 years and yet still isn't rated. He's not world class but he's about as close as you can get.

Lampard has never really played his normal role for England and England most certainly don't have the number of threats that Chelsea do. At Chelsea they are all top class, everyone of them. For England he's one of the first players you go about nullifying.

Lampard is a top player and just like Gerrard has been put in a square hole constantly for England. Both those players would make the vast majority of teams in the world at present, the only one I doubt they would make would be Barca. Barca are set-up to get the best out of Messi to allow him space to do his underlaps and drift around, does that make him a lesser player???

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Using that barometer, Messi is not world class because he has never really done it for Argentina, same with Ronaldo.

Roger Milla was top scorer in 1990. A true world class footballer(?)

Has milla done it at club level???

Messi as I have said before is a fantastic player, but for me he hasn't excelled at international level and so doesn't get that accolade. For me they are the best, of the best, of the best, pele's, maradonna's not people who only excel on one stage.

If you want a world class player for me today, then its Xavi.

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You can't pick and choose when to play the "he plays alongside players who help him" card. Lampard is consistently the discussion for the best central midfielder in the premier league each season. His performances for England aren't even that bad, he's just one of the few players who is always singled out whenever England don't win. He actually had a reasonable World Cup.

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